First official image of the new 'Power Rangers' from the upcoming movie

is this the definition of "over-designed" ?

>those edgy plates
>those weird blue lines
>female rangers have high heels and boob armour
>barely any diamond shapes on the suits

just give them a simple and recognisable suit ffs

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Nanosuit armor from Crysis anyone?

Looks good. Alien supersoldiers look right.

Never heard of that movie

Awful OP compared to the last

>blue lines
>the blue lines represent the power flowing through them
>power rangers


I keep hearing a rumor that Saban is using literally whos so he can follow this up with a TV show starring these people and save money since sets will already be made.

It's vidya.

I swear to got if the Asian girl is the yellow ranger I fucking quit

They look like bugs rather than dinosaurs, the helmets are trash. The suits are tacticool a.f., I guess that's what we were gonna get one way or another

>i'll add more lines to it, that's a good trick

That seems,
a) Like shit people are speculating
b) Plausible

I agree

Shes a Latina racist

>yfw Rita Repulsa in this movie is actually a former power ranger who has gone rogue and her outfit is her former green ranger suit

the fire rises

The visual metaphor too obvious for kids?

Fucking dropped

Ew, that's so ugly.

the new Rangers without their suits

>skinny emo bitch
>dike-like latina

Meh i'll still probably fap

>2 whites
>2 asians
>1 black

i'm okay with that, actually

Wow, they're incredibly sexy. Except for the nigger.

It's a stupid fan theory.
MY stupid theory is just Rita using the green power to morph.

>niglet as red ranger

Why are the boob plates so big when both those girls are flat as fuck?

>people are excited about the movie to the point of making theories about the plot
>the best ones sound like bad fanfiction, even for sentais

Shit, they're so hot

the slutty racemixed asian on the right has to be the pink ranger

Looks pretty sick honestly

>Inb4 someone can't tell that they are wearing their ranger colors
>blue jacket
>pink shirt
>black/white outfit
>yellow plaid shirt
>red plaid shirt

i guess the Asian is gonna be the red ranger and in a shocking twist the white guy will actually be the black ranger

They look like nu-males and Instagram whores

None of these American Apparel models look tough at all.

The universal morphin grid increases busts?

>Elisabeth Banks is in this

fuck yeah

That girl looks part poo in loo is she part poo in loo?

Neither them bitches have costumes tits

> boob armour

There's literally nothing wrong with modern "boob armour". The goal is to conform to someone body not deflect sword blows you pleb.

>the half-black half-asian girl is hot as fuck

and people still think race-mixing is bad

Conform to these bodies you mean?
Neither of them have tits, so the boob armor is over-exaggerated

looks good to me
just a little too dark though

>Make film banking on nostalgia
>Change character designs so much that they look completely unfamiliar to normies

Stupid move

That's a colour swap shoop of pink
They look like updated versions.

>black ranger has the larger codpiece


the originals did not have it so neither should these on top of the subjectivity of how stupid or not it is

Have you seen her open her mouth?

>throwing away millions of years of clean genetics for dat black pussy
Yup it's bad

I think the lesson we will all take from this is that "cooler" costumes don't automatically lead to more compelling stories.

>millions of years

Boob armour would leave marks, not to mention the girls in question do not have large breasts at all.

>not implying that the white chick is a fan of dat BBC

I think we've got no basis for a claim about story.

Sorry my bad the earth is 6000 years old

>white chick

Which one is white?

Looks like Guyver.

point out the "white chick"

do you see the guys having separate armour bulges for their penis and balls? no?
right, because it's fucking stupid, just like boob armour

pic related is what female armour should look like

there are no white chicks in that image wat

Not him, but the pink ranger is half white, half Ugandan

Original pink had a skirt.
Original yellow had a cock.
Untrigger yourself.

You'd be pissed if they looked genderless too.

Good points. I just just pointing out that as long as it isn't fucking boob armour boob armour and it's more about conforming to the body like a suit, then there's nothing wrong with that. Not with standing getting their cup sizes wrong and being poor modern interpretations.

Look at her chest again.

>wanting realism in a fictional work of fantasy with giant monsters, robots and floating heads in glass tubes

The only one you got right was the black ranger

Why do they look like Bionicles?

Only valid points are the heels and maybe the boob armor.

If we are talking about suits that are supposed to give you free movement and agility and don't rely on thickness of material for protection much than form fitting would be perfectly acceptable and appropriate.

>is what female armor should look like

In real life, for practicality. You seem to not understand movies don't have to be realistic and intelligent.

>half Ugandan


I respect pure black people, but racemixed ones a just slaves. They have no rights

yup, it's the same as the male stormtrooper uniforms

That didn't take long

black ranger is asian. they confused everything, it was so simple. why ruin it? I'm a slav and it was easy to remember who's who because the groid was black, asian was yello and the nerd was blue. red ranger was the coolest and pink ranger was his slut.

Look again, cause it reeeeeealy isn't.

they look exactly like a reboot

Not exactly bad, expected more martial artists.

I'm convinced studios do shit like this on purpose because they know how easy it is to get SJW's riled up

It's basically free advertising/publicity.

Is that supposed to be a chola?
I have a shameful chola fetish where she doms me and calls me names like gringo or whitey

He mend the actress's chest you retard. Gwendoline Christie literally has a 36A cup size.

>>those edgy plates
>>those weird blue lines
>>female rangers have high heels and boob armour
>>barely any diamond shapes on the suits

I hate the internet. Doesn't matter how good something is, there is always this autistic nitpicking from some fucker who couldn't do any better.

but admit mine is a better idea

My blue ranger betrays the others and follows Repulsa, he becomes the White Ranger and brings terror in the world

Why do they always shit on high heels? Women love em.

>mfw there is no morphing scene like in the shows
>they just glow and the armor appears


just give me the corny morphing scenes for godsakes. I want to see what they could come up with a movie budget

Fucking bingo.

And with feminism type stuff, they don't have to worry about actual repercussions. Just bitching and whining, without actual criticism or backlash.

Daily reminder this movie killed this fully funded kickstarter show that was funded in 2013 and still hasn't released anything and the creator is playing games today stringing people along.

Check MMPR on kikebook for hilarious butthurt.

Zyuranger basically had no morphing animation.

It's sneaky jew marketing. See, they can sell the BBC to the teens without triggering backlash because they can handwave it away by saying "but he's asian underneath the armor". But truthfully, the color symbolism is too embedded for the impressionable mind to think otherwise.

>muh bright colors and cheap fabric
meanwhile 20 years ago...

the movie ones were over designed and then they took those and made them edgy
these ain't cool. the plain cloth ninja costumes from the first movie would be better, we need a new wave of ninja stuff


Also Warnerbros bro said they do morph and it's pretty close to the show(long form of calling out their dinos and morphing)

>implying they didn't receive shit for it 20 years ago
Sup Forums is for people older than 18, kiddo

And when the real smaller boobed and no heels design that was always planned happens, the SJWs think they won.

>No skirt on the Pink Ranger

is that Everybody hates chris?

I'm so ok with this those designs. I loved them back then and I wish they'd gone with something like that for the reboot.

It's the perfect way to show respect to the original suits yet imply ACTUAL armor. These from the reboot all look the fucking same.

Is anyone else surprised by how neat their helmets look?

The rest of the suit is just whatever for me but this thing is dank as hell.

Whenever they will took it off, I will just want to pick it up and use it as a paper weight.

This is seriously how I wish Batman's mask was designed.

The only ranger I want to make a comeback is Trini. She gave me my asian fetish

yeah but what it had was enough for me, I want the full retro shit

The giant morphing device thing with them at the center holding their devices and yelling their dinossaur names

That was the only thing I really liked about the show when I was a kid.

You've not seen anything but cg mock ups.