War of 1996

New featurette for the upcoming Independence Day 2 movie. Anyone else excited?


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Nice use of alien technology as well for our needs

the true weapon of mass destruction.

im glad everybody and their momma now has an apple device so we could defend ourselvs against a possible alien attack


>Anyone else excited?

Strong China prescience should please the Chinese film market.

The one good thing Independence Day had going for it was great special effects. Not even that be can be said of Independence 2. How disappointing...


why does the president sound like trump?

Make space great again

Those pilots are so laughable

>an unironic NWO starship troopers

Why the fuck would I want to see that?

More hyped for this than everything Starwars coming out in future.

Christ what did they do to him to force him to come back?

So smug

>how did they get a jew to come back for a shekel grab

only Yahweh knows

>you will never be so Sup Forumstarded that you can't enjoy Based Goldblum

Feel great

>calling a jew a jew means you're from Sup Forums


Rogue One looks okay but I couldn't care less about Ep 8.

I'll go see ID2 because I have a man-crush on Jeff Goldblum and his voice. He's one of the few Sup Forums approved Jews up there with Mel Brooks.

What the fuck is this some kind of informetial
I was tired at the minute mark.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

I fucking hate the China cocksucking Hollywood is on lately.

I'll probably watch it. It's the closest we'll likely ever have to an X-COM movie.

it's not only hollywood, most media/entertainment is doing this

yeah it does back to your containment board, it is actually insane seeing someone with lower intelligence than the majority of Sup Forums

you guys are more retarded than the 14 year olds on Sup Forums

Lol get used to it dawg

>plane noises in space
>this instead of a live action Macross/Robotech
>will smith thinks he's too good for this

People hate Independence Day now? Jesus Christ...

Nah, just redditors

This will be one glorious action flick. Can't wait for this film.

>implying independence day isn't pure kino

i would prefer a Mospeada film

Looks like a fun flick.
I hope it's not overly serious.

fuck off

You mean cinema

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

hey theres that meme again

This literally sounds like a tin foiler video about the NWO except it's not.

Real question

How did Jeff goldblum decipher the alien OS code based on the "countdown" static signal?

Prayer to Allah

>I hope it's not overly serious

yeah. from the trailers i'm really missing the over the top bombastic music from the first one


because area 51 created UNIX based off of the crashed ship's computer.


I like stuff like this far far better than normal trailers that spoil tons of shit.

is this some kind of shill thread?

movie is going to suck just like every other remake / reboot / sequel / capeshit

fuck off


>yfw it turns out it's not the same aliens that invaded in 1996.

oh shit

i really liked the original because of muh nostalgia

but since i saw the trailer in the theater it looks so shit. it just looks like really confusing disaster movie where you have no idea wtf is happening.


i really liked the retarded and over the top soundtrack in ID4

also i can't see them recreating the speech

Watching independence day was a special treat growing up. Idc if this sucks, I'll probably see it

is he in it

That might be the worst shot of the entire movie. That, or the shot of Will Smith parachuting down after he ejects from his jet. That looked like one of those fucking parachute army men toys you can get at the dollar store. I distinctly remember the theater I was in laughing at that part.

the only people who arent hyped as fuck for this are the underage redditors who were too young to see the original in theaters

I'm personally just curious to see what new stuff the aliens are going to do, to remain a threat after their tech has been reverse engineered, and humanity has had 20 years to prepare. The way the story seems to be going, it almost seems like they adapted the script for the Robotech movie they was supposedly being worked on a while back.

This movie is either going to be this year's Jurassic World, or this year's Terminator Genisys (though I think that's probably going to be Ghostbusters).