This any good?

This any good?

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It's not bad but Apocalypse Now is a better Vietnam movie

straight up legit kino

Nah, it's shit.

It's pretty artsy and can drag, but it's got some beautiful imagery and some pretty cool action scenes.

Don't go into it expecting Saving Private Ryan. It's about a dreamy poet pacifist's experiences and meditations during a WW2 battle on a pacific island. It's all about how war is hell and the world is beautiful so why are we blowing it all up, etc etc.

Worth a watch I'd say, but it's long and slow. So bring your patience.

>Thin Red Line
>Vietnam movie

It's one of those movies that everyone and their mother was in. The only good parts were seeing who was in it and when those six dudes took that hill from the Japs. Other than that it was high school angsty poetry tier.

Yep, its up there with the best war movies. And its Zimmers best score to date.

Its better than SPR

Greatest Vietnam war movie ever made.

>It's all about how war is hell and the world is beautiful so why are we blowing it all up
t. pleb who couldn't understand

Everything after them charging the Ottoman line was pretty boring.

i love the way it looks and moves and feels and the sincerity of it, but the voiceovers are so cheesy that it hurts and i keep having the rationalise them to myself like 'it's ok, it's a good thing because he's being so direct and simple and sincere, there's no artifice, it's just a naive 'spiritual' guy trying to communicate in as straightforward a way as he can' but honestly it's still cheesy fucking shit

> Who are these people?
> Why are we fighting them?

Poor character development, because it switches between a million different characters we don't get that attached to other than CPT Starros.

Other than that excellent film with imagery and and overall great message.

It's great seeing how the hour or so long battle sequence leads into an hour of the characters all being damaged by what they did and saw and reflecting on it. The chemistry between Penn and Caviezel is perfect.

The captain guy's were good
The hippy douche's were god awful

Best war movie. Your call OP.

easily Malicks worst imo.

very heavily edited and it shows.

Days of Heaven was pretty bad


actual kino. its the anti-saving private ryan