Tourist visiting malmö here. I want some pussy and some fun

Tourist visiting malmö here. I want some pussy and some fun

there are only sandniggers in malmö

Fuck a sandniggres.

Sounds like a solid plan

Go to rosengård and get raped by some apes

Say hello to Kimmo

come to rosenlund in gothenburg instead

Too far

Malmö is the worst place to visit in sweden

of all the places in sweden that you could have chosen to visit, how the fuck did you land on malmö?


Well if that is to far go to ystad by train

Go and see zlatan

Good luck finding any white women not raped by muslims yet

Why is Ystad better than malmö?

Less sandniggers

Swedes are fucking boring, why would i go to an all swedish town?

>swedes are boring
>goes to Sweden

Oh, boy, you got us this time!

I came to malmö, not to sweden

Yeh most of us are boring
And i donno why people chose to visit sweden

Någon som har röka i Västerås?

Malmö is a part of sweden u fuck

Not anymore mate

Technically you're right, Sweden died some time ago, welcome to Swedestan.

Explain why

Your own goddamn fault, you weak blonde faggots

Cuz its Malmöstan now

So its the cucks foult


Are you trying to prove that youre an immigrant?

Why should i prove my white heritage


White skin doesnt mean youre swedish

Yeh that is kinda true i could be from another country but im not

So now what? Did you win anything?

Nope absolutely nothing

Im out cant handle being to triggerd

