Black Mirror

Give me something that will not look like shit after watching Black Mirror.

Also: Black Mirror appreciation thread

The Twilight Zone

>Give me something that will not look like shit after watching Black Mirror.

you can't


I can't, but I'm sure there's lots of things that won't look like subliminal cuckoldry.

So the it's confirmed that the whole show is in the same universe right?

What's the episode order then?

no, that would be such a stupid constraint. it would serve no purpose other than please the kind of nerds that write in wookiepedia and suck the fun and mistery out of everything.

Band of Brothers

It's hardly that much of a constraint. Just a little "oh look that eye device from that other episode" or "oh hey that political cartoon from that one episode is in the background of this one"

Give DarkNet a try. It's not the same as Black Mirror but some of the episodes are really well done. They pack a bunch of anthologies into each 30 minute segment.

>the nigger gets cucked hard

so we can all agree the entire history of you was objectively the best episode, right?

Literally cuck the episode

Also racemixing

Shitty Brit cuck garbage


How the fuck is that bait?

Did you watch it you cuck?

Mah nigga! This is my shit

More like cuck the series. There are more episodes with cucking than without.

I dropped it so I wouldn't know

The whole show is cuckoldry except for White Bear

Am i the only one that wouldn't watch this show ever again? The only thing it had for me was the "techno-torture" stuff which made it feel like SAW instead of something thought provoking which is apparently something Brooker was going for.

The guys in the last episode got punished too hard desu

You were supposed to feel sorry for them. I don't think it was their intention for us to side with a crazy whore and those shitty british laws.

Hamm deserved it for what he did to that clone of Oona Chapman, and presumably to a lot of other clones. The other guy didnt deserve what he got though

White Bear, now that was too harsh

Nah fuck that white bear bitch deserved it