Old Episode: >>69142751

Old Episode: Getting characters JUST right edition.

Thread Theme (from 1:15): youtube.com/watch?v=VPE1wztBROo

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>no subject

How season 6 will end

>Sansa is declared as queen of the north
>LF has Rhaegar's will legitimizing Jon's Targaryen blood
>Jon refuses and chooses to fight as Jon Stark
>Jon and the vale army heads for Kingslanding
>Meanwhile at the wall, The White Walkers had completely taken over
>Thorne is dead
>Olly is dead
>the NW is dead
>The WW uses magic to crumble the wall down
>Dany is now allied with both Dorne and Greyjoys, she now has their full support
>Dany's fleet of Ironborn ships with Dothrakis in them sails for Kingslanding
>Cersei becomes insane and prepares the wildfire storage for what is about to happen
>Margery is locked in a cell by Cersei so the Tyrell army would comply
>Jaime looks at his sister with sadness in his eyes


2/10 thread


Post headcanons and lets see if any of it could actually make sense

>Jon Aryn with Robert Baratheon visits winterfell to take Ned with them to the vale
>Bobby sees Lyanna and is infatuated
>Bobby sees that Ned, Brandon and Benjen is sparring with wooden swords
>Jon aryn introduces Bobby to them
>Bobby asks to join them
>Brandon asks who he wants to spar with
>"Him" Bobby says while pointing his sword at Wylis
>Wylis is reluctant but is convinced by Lyanna
>Bobby keeps on glancing at Lyanna while sparring
>Wylis starts to overpower him
>Bobby stops holding back and hits Wylis for real and shows off to Lyanna thinking it would impress her
>Bobby hits Wylis too hard in the head
>the Starks overlook the injury since Bobby is Aryn's boy

Since then Lyanna had a negative view about Bobby B

Jon refuses and chooses to fight as Jon Stark


>Sansa is declared as queen of the north
Wasn't Jon legitimized by Robb and named heir in the show?

I think Jons army would head to Riverrun not Kings Landing

This was garbage last thread and it's garbage now

No. At least not shown yet.

Nope. ShowRobb is a dumb asshole all around.

Daily reminder that Arya is Valonquar

Arya will wear somebody else's face and stab Cersei and say "I AM NO BROTHER"

So people who listened to the audiobooks. How did you deal with the guy making silly voices for everyone?

Daily reminder that Loras is Valonqar and Rhaegar is Azor Ahai.

Vote for the Iron Islands Independence Party!

The Seven Kingdoms Union project is an absolute disaster, and we want our country back.

i'm voting for IIIP

Sunday will be good right guys? R-right?


Olly is actually Valonquar and shoots Cersei with a bow and nods before Cersei is killed by Jaime and Olly is hanged for being a killstealing faggot

>Rhaegar is Azor Ahai

Thanks Bobby B!

doesn't sound quite right does it?

Ironborn Independence Party? IBIP?

Are Balon will save Pyke!

From 0 to 10, how hyped are you to ToJ in the next episode?


I know D&D are going to screw it up.


What characters are you still rooting for in the show?

We can already see that it's shit from the trailer

this shit is going to get us banned again

>The War of the Five Kings, they call it. Well, the other four are dead.

This is an actual line of dialogue in the last episode

>posting another thread when this one just started

I hope the mods ban you for this gay this

Theon and his sister i guess i don't even know....I used to love this show but if I have to sit through one more dorn episode i might drop it

>the fire rises

but seriously, cut this shit out, no need for multiple generals

when did you stop enjoying it?

This isn't a /got/ general though

>dany not going full mad queen even though it's been foreshadowed constantly


That's fine, sounds like something based balon would say

>tfw DABID and GOLLUM think they were so clever with the Jon fakeout

Dolorous Edd

Around the time tyrion got stuck with dany and sand sneks became a thing

It was obviously a callback to Bran waking up by himself.

Plus Jon walking out when everyone thinking he's dead is going to be fucking hype.

Father.. is it over?

No king rules forever my son


>tfw Davos is being brain damaged down for Jon

>they never showed Jon's limbo vision
if they don't have that next ep i wil shit myself

Losing the hound and stannis also really fucked the show

are YOU brain damaged?

Eh, a 2? I simply don't care about it, maybe that's a 0.

I want to know what they do with Jon.

Daily reminder they utterly ruined Daario as a character

I'm rooting for Tommen, that should speak volumes of the rest of the characters.

Why does he even exist at this point? Also is there anything worthwhile he does in the book?

He controls Dany.

>tfw ywn be Tommen
>ywn caress Margery who only desires to make you happy and produce an heir
>ywn want to treat Margery nice as she tries so hard for you
>ywn remove the Templars of your time gleefully
>ywn realize your mom is a terrible person and ruler and finally remove her, breaking her heart as her last child
>ywn have Margery comfort you from your mom's harsh reaction
>ywn be Tommen

Why live?

That's Hightower, Dayne is inside the tower

Nope. It's Dayne.

Prove it faggot

All trailers/clips we've seen show only Dayne and Whent at the Tower of Joy.

So where the fuck is Gerold Hightower? Have D&D decided that Dayne just named his second sword "Gerold Hightower" and gave it its own spot in the Kingsguard?

shits gonna be awsum.
I already know not a single scene will be good, so the more disappointing easily awesome scenes are(like Jons ressurection and shit), the more I'll laugh.

Set your expectations low and you'll be surprised.

Or in the case of D&D shitters, set your expectations low and you'll never be surprised.

>Daenerys dreams of living in wedlock in a tall stone house with a red door

Will the ToJ have a red door?

It's not that bad. You don't even really notice it.

Dany is actually Rhaegar reincarnated, and has his memories of ToJ and the trident

i thought the red door was from her childhood home in braavos?

There are no lemon trees in braavos

Euron felt a bit off desu

Like his lines were ripped directly from the book but because the context was entirely different they just sounded weird

You know how in old sitcoms a relative of one of the main characters would just show up one day and the rest of the characters would act like they've been there whole time?


Then you haven't been paying attention to the books' greatest subplot. GRRM already confirmed there was something there.

You need to die to be reincarnated

Iron Islands have parasites.

Dany died in the fire

all theories and sperging aside, she did live in a home with a red door in her youth

this is indisputable

Something similar to that I would bet

The actor in that helmet is Luke Roberts who plays Dayne. Now prove your initial baseless, retarded assumption, moron.

two sword
only two kingsguard present

1. She didn't die in the fire
2. You don't get another soul when you die and come back. Reincarnation means you die and your soul gets reincarnated in another body.
3. You stated Dany is Rhaegar reincarnated, but that doesn't work, because neither died so far.

If he was legitimized he'd be Jon Targaryen, if its revealed Rheagar was his father, and if it is they'll also likely reveal Rheagar married Lyanna first making legitimization unnecessary.
Which would also give him a better claim then Kelly C

I'm sure eventually yo will come to a point. Is this going to be like a multi-post thing?

Why does he carry two swords?

Does he tend to lose them often?

There's only two Kingsguard because D&D are fucking hacks, there's two swords because D&D are fucking hacks