I am a worthless sack of shit and have decided to kill myself. No point in talking about this shit...

I am a worthless sack of shit and have decided to kill myself. No point in talking about this shit, let's get down to business.

I do not own a firearm, so my options are either throwing myself off of an easily accessible high building, the con to this is they may have put up suicide nets but it is highly unlikely.

My second option is to just drink a ton of vodka and down sleeping pills like I'm a 16 year old girl who got into mommy's cabinet, it is much more comforting sounding but probably wouldn't work.

What do you think I should do?

Other urls found in this thread:


How about not killing yourself?

Don't be a retard.

Mate tou dont have to die life is amazing and if you cant see that than and dont know who will

Girl or guy

Why there are soo many fucking normies?
Ffs I hate summer

Jihad, but against SJW's, extreme liberals, kikes, or sandniggers. Maybe ordinary degenerate niggers, but if you kill yourself with a homemade bomb in front of some subhumans, you'll do everyone a favour, and you can die knowing you did a good thing for the benefit of humanity and western society.

Suggestions: homemade bomb, high speed car crash (over 100mph or 180 km/h), falling on people from height, put rat poison in all the liquid in a restaurant or food stand, drink an excessive amount so you'll die quickly, then let everyone else (the more degenerate the better) die slowly and painfully.
But seriously. Don't kill yourself mate. I know from experience that it can be so unbelievably shit, and whatever lies ahead can seem so depressing, painful, and pathetic that you'd rather die right now.

But don't do it. You're probably more use to everyone else if you stay alive, find a good cause, and dedicate your life to it. If you decide to go on a killing spree, then that means a lot will die, and you'll probably die which you want anyway. Going on a murderous rampage against coal-burners, subhumans, or degenerates will make you feel alive, manly, and powerful. If you end up killing yourself, well done anyway. Otherwise, you will find motivation to live and remove more scum from society.

So fucking do this for me and for others user, if you're really actually going to do it, take out some filth with you.

Bathtub and toaster

>not posting firearm

Not so gr8 b8, m8
r8 .08/8
Made me quite ir8

Clears throat

user, I do not know you, however, you seem like an amazing, lissome sixteen-year old. Have you considered how so your death may impact your relatives? Have you fully thought through how they may feel? user, you're worth it. Don't let the dipshit fags tell you otherwise. You seem like an amazing teen ager; please think this through properly. The only thing I want to really say is


But thats the thing, I AM a retard

Don't have a bathtub, only a shower.

Clears throat

user, I do not know you, however, you seem like an amazing, lissome sixteen-year old. Have you considered how so your death may impact your relatives? Have you fully thought through how they may feel? user, you're worth it. Don't let the dipshit fags tell you otherwise. You seem like an amazing teen ager; please think this through properly. The only thing I want to really say is


> What do you think I should do?

Kill yourself. Oh, wait...

Post your tits

Record your death OP

Im not actually 16, I just feel like taking pills is something some dumb teenager would do. I am in my 20's. However if I read this post ironically I actually have a good laugh, so thanks.

Are you a girl

Kill trump

Well, you know. He is being a whiny bitch on Sup Forums. He can't be worth that much as a person, probably just another NEET

user I'm right here with you. I can't understand exactly how you feel, but I will try to help.



^ Ironic coming from your shitstain ass.

^ Ironic coming from your shit-stain ass.

If you were serious you would have done a quick google search but here you go

I think you're on the right track cause even I prefer vodka to whiskey.

nooses are only nice if they snap your neck in the process.

Don't do it mate, killing yourself isn't going to end the pain, it's just gonna pass the pain onto someone else. Do you want to imagine for the rest of your mothers life her waking up and thinking about you and have nothing but sadness in her stomach? Do you want everyone to remember you as that kid that was weak and killed himself? Mate you're only in your twenties if you don't kill yourself then think about it you've only lived about a third of your life. Shit gets better find a girl to commit yourself to. Find love, experience life brotha! There's so much to live for. I've been on that road and I've lost close friends to suicide and to see how it affects all the people that loved and cared about those young souls who took their life was just sad and it hurts my gut to think about my friends mom in eighth grade who still can't function in society because she misses her son so much. Life is worth living user.

Don't kill yourself man, that's gay as shit

If you going to do it heres the american way

>Paint yourself black
>walk up to a police officer


You wont do it you gutless faggot. You're just plying for attention.

Fuck off Brit fag. Let user an hero in piece.

be a fucking man and live life to the fullest. Put yourself in overdrive for 4 years and if you haven't gotten anywhere, then kys.

I think you should really think if what ever is causing you pain is worth your life. Killing yourself is not the answer its the cheap escape. You don't even now if what's on the other side is any better

I took that advice four years ago and here I am

wow man-whoring on Sup Forums for attention looking for people who'll tell you "don't do it user-e-moose! XD"
I say, for one, end it now. You sound like a little bitch anyway, the world will be better off without you. In "my 20s", as you call them, I had already earned $100-600k (depending to which exact age you refer to). I'm assuming you're also broke, otherwise you wouldn't come here to bitch, so end it now
I say

Yea too bad faggot. You're a chicken shit. Your mom would have liked the flowers.

STOP man-whoring. Livestream the whole thing or BTFO

You tell em user