/got/ general

Kinslayers Edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Maisie

Last time

>mfw GoT ends with Dany being far too fat to get on a boat to westeros so she jumps on her dragonn and breaks its neck

Is that the same guy who was in the room when Rasmey killed his dad?

Nth for the armour in this show took a nosedive in recent seasons

>Euron is Balon's younger brother
>Cast an actor 40 years younger

Why is this allowed?

Are you literally retarded?

No, that was Smalljon

u blind nigga


No that was karstark fuckin shits

SO Ransey's gonna show up at the Wall, led by Jon, the loyal part of the Nights Watch, a fuckton of Wildlings, and a giant.

He'll still win won't he?

>a man can't have children into his sixties

I haven't read the books, but biologically a it's possible, buddy.

Oh, yeah

active thread

inb4 no /got/

this is a bastard thread as well

Was Viserys the best character ever?

If yes why?

If no, why are you a liar?


What the fuck

why are videogames so retarded?

Are you new to film making?

How are people not following from the previous /got/ thread supposed to know that that one is the new /got/ thread faggot?

you fucked up the title thus your thread is the bastard threat you stupid fucking retard

why can't you just concede and let this thread be the proper one are you actually this fucking autistic?

this shit got the /got/ general banned last time

Tyrgaryen confirmed

>those flames
azor ahai too?

the threads are equally active but you fucked yours up

Are you retarded? That's actually incredibly realistic. Half-sword technique is badass and historically accurate and nobody in Hollywood seems to know how a longsword was used.

I think you mean awesome

Halfswording and holding a sword by its blade are 100% historically accurate. These are things that happened in real life.

except it gets overused into oblivion, every video is that fag doing that.

I wasn't talking about the half-swording you fucking retards



The nigga appeared out of nowhere like I was supposed to know who the fuck he was. In a scene right after another redhead.

Your thread
>no subject
>created at 295

This thread
>proper subject
>created after the bump limit

thats not halfswording, its the mordhau, halfswording is holding the blade for more accuracy then jamming the point inot openings in the armor


am i supposed to care about any of these characters? it seems like they all get what is coming to them except maybe dany who is just generally unlike-able mainly because her actress is shit

Because people on the Internet are excited that FINALLY somebody understands how a longsword was used. The second hand was almost always on the blade for extra leverage and holding it by the blade and swinging with the heavier side allows for a stronger hit.
Most games and movies show the sword being held with two hands on the grip and swung around like a normal sword when in reality a longsword was used more like a polearm

I qualified by also saying 'holding a sword by its blade.' Didn't know the historical terminology.



so rickon is pretty much dead right

here this is halfswording

any new spoilers?

Could they have made his armor shittier?

So fucking uninspired.

wtf are you on about? Most of the characters who died didn't deserve it

not from filming got lol


And this also means House Stark is extinct since Bran isn't having children any time soon.


That game is not realistic in the slightest you pathetic manchild

Ahhh I see, so like when you use a garden hose and if you hold it near the neck it's more accurate for blasting wasp fucking shits

is he supposed to be some legendary warrior in the books?

i will kill myself if its some sandnig place

Arya and Sansa can still have kids.

Delete this before janitor starts looking at /got/ closely

what? why?

rolling for justice

they wont be starks


sure they did, they have enemies in the story and said enemies win

it's like fiction destiny or something - therefore i don't feel anything for them

I've never played the game you fucking shit that cutscene is just a /his/ wet dream



Threadly reminder that Daenerys has no claim.

Yeah he used a magic sword to BTFO a bunch of rebels, criminals and dissenters, was some kind of master duelist/warrior and also one of the finest knights in the realm, super nice dude protected the weak that sort of thing.

Also famous for the magic sword being a huge fuck-off 2hander. Which is why people are butthurt about him (if HIM is Arthur Dayne) dual wielding which is neither book accurate nor medievil warfare accurate.

somewhere not too hot please

how many episodes are the wild and wacky adventures of bran and hodor trekking around north of the wall going to last


rolling for the lulz

should I read the books?

i ahve a lot of freetime right now and not much to do

me on the right

are the horsefuckers any better?

why the fuck did they call the show Game of Thrones? it makes no sense after first season

If Arthur Dayne does not look like he could go toe to toe with Aragorn I will be pissed off

this rolling shit gets the general banned lads


Full Kit/Jon resurrection article is up. Page locks for non-EW subscribers. Could some user post everything?

Yes they would.......

definitely your choice

Because the entire story is about how the game of thrones fuck everything up

Aragorn has a nice big sword





>"I shall Olly, run."
>Jon waits
>"Ghost, kill."


if sansa or arya marry another lord, they take that lords name, after marrying ramsey sansa took the name bolton

No, they would belong to their father's house.

Daily Reminder that Essos having no forest is a load of horseshit.

Father.. is it over?

No king rules forever my son


don't. they won't be finished and there is a lot of better prose

daily reminder that they've replaced rickon but used the same actor for the fake rickon gift

good oc

>The penalty of mutiny is death
>john beheads olly

you missed the part where the younger brother was almost 70 and the older one is like 40


What a terrible fucking thread.

Guess the autist who made the first bastard thread couldn't handle his garbage dying so he had to shit this one up.

do you recommend reading every book or
pls give examples

So I was watching this video;


And they say murder at Pyke. In the books I always assumed it was an assassination but in the show Balon is the first to make a move and you could soundly argue Euron was defending him self. He even seemed shocked that he had just killed his brother.

Did Euron do nothing wrong?


>Could the pretty princeling have swallowed the bait? Turned west instead of east, abandoning his hopes of wedding Queen Daenerys? Abandoning the dragons ...would Griff allow that?

What was Tyrion playing at here?
I forgot.

this one is more fun

Euron a good boy