Anyone know what happened to his channel?
Anyone know what happened to his channel?
Mesa Boogie killed himself
It died of heart disease
Chanel got hacked by some guy - took it down. Lost all subs.
Funny, now he needs to get a real job.
What the fuck
He died, his wife took down his channel out of respect.
LOL is that Sargon?
It just got hacked... It'll be back up shortly.
>now he needs to get a real job.
He's just gonna do what every obese people do. Collect disability.
When did this happen?
It would make sense that his health finally caught up with him but I doubt his wife would take down his channel.
you mean go back on disability because he still can't get out his door
Fuckin finally hated this fat fucking Idiot
He isn't dead. He is a VidCon. Someone hacked his channel. It'll be back up soon I suspect.
Heartattack and died, wife took down the channel
Nigga you best stop dispectin me I come ova ther and suck yo dick. No Homo
Sorry, I don't speak jigaboo.
his wife divorce him because she realise he's fat
and has claimed all his propertay
fuck me in the ass with cream
Was dis Jigaboo? Nigga Im Asian. Minchow sinchow wasabe lemme suck dat dick.
He ate it
Either way, white people only
Nigga Asians is white.
probably died
his password was hamburgers123
My god this guys reaction is gold
it was HamNCheese4Me
Your video is shit, Zome
He'll say anything to avoid losing weight
Yeah but the fake easter pranks were funny tho
Jesus christ he is a fucking human embarrassment.
He's lost like 200 lbs in the past 3 years.
When you start from 1000, 200 really isn't that much.
And considering he's been saying he's gunna lose weight for like 6 years, I'm wholly unimpressed.
Dude, go read here.. this answers:
Boogie lives in my town. I saw him at Walmart once. I can confirm he is a gargantuan man.
4 year old post...
Dude losing 200 lbs is almost literally like losing one of the people you used to be.
Again, not when you're as fat as he is. He lost like 1/4th of his weight. I did that last year and it was extremely easy.
All hail Mr. /fit/
I'm not even a /fit/ fag, I just cut junk food out and ate sweet fruits. Lost went from 280 to 200
How long did it take for this diet transition to drop you down that low? Seriously looking for some help here.
It was slow. But I also ate a LOT of junk food. I was already working out regularly but my diet kept my weight that high. Once I cut out that crap, my weight fell constantly for about 10 months before settling between 200 and 210
did the same thing went from 350 down to 230
Wish I could do this but junk food isn't my problem. I am the liquor.
How long did that take you?
little under a year
What fruits did you eat the most of?
no fruit just ate in moderation and only when hungry
I'm fruitguy. I had a LOT of bananas, grapes, pears, and apples. Mostly bananas. Freezing them made them feel more like a treat too.
See I don't really like bananas that much, but I guess that can change if I make myself eat them regularly.
Frozen grapes are the shit.
Frozen banana is noice, can mash it and it's basically ice cream.
Damn Reddit fag
He hasn't lost anywhere near 200lbs
It probably won't be that hard to get his channel back you know, all it would take is a call to Google or whatever the fuck owns YouTube now