Last call guys. Who's side are you on?

last call guys. Who's side are you on?

cap's, obviously

Cap duh

Neither. Tony is a histrionic babby and Cap is literally retarded.

The freedom side.

Cap going in to the movie, Tony after the movie.
Prepare for feels, anons.
Tony gets completely broken emotionally in the movie.

Iron Man is right in principle, but the heroes in the MCU are more or less always right and the governments are always run by incompetents/supervillains, so Team Cap.

Why is this poster RDJ's face instead of Iron Man's?

i went neutral in the movie but Cap is in full autism mode, i hate him now

why doesnt hawkeye have a mask!?

7 mins in and they killed who knows how many people wtf, murderers

You're gonna love Black Panther then

Tony is a retarded little bitch in this movie.The story was ridiculous and your "feels" were probably the result of mob mentality having seen it in a packed theater full of vocal Marveldrones.

Spidermans side.

I go where he goes, and then we go spitroast Aunt Tomei afterwards.

Only a fool would not pick team High Ground

I'm done with this Mickey Mouse-tier soap opera drama. It doesn't help either that all the fight scenes are edited by a teenager with Tourette's and Parkinson's, it's as if they want to distract the audience from how shoddy everything looks by waving a flashlight on their face. I couldn't give a damn about any of these sterile excuses for characters. During the airport scene all the artificially-inflated conflict devolved into a child playing with one toy in each hand and bashing them together.

It's riddled with sophomoric and shallow pseudo-political ponderings that are thrown out the window when the quiptastic action starts. They completely disregard for the umpteenth time the collateral damage while they're having fun showcasing their flashy abilities.

The third act pretends to get serious when in reality it turns into a cheap heartstring manipulation revolving around "why didn't you tell me Cap waaa".

This part completely disregards the fact that Stark knows all too well that brainwashing and mental manipulation is a thing, let's not forget that he has witnessed it firsthand with Banner. There's no excuse for him to have such a sudden change of heart other than to extend the conflict for another 15 minutes of mindless violence, and leave the manchildren with the impression that they've just witnessed an intricate revenge tragedy.

All smoke and mirrors, the constant quipping is an effective tool to cloud a fanboy's mind and judgement.

Finally, what's left is an entire team of "world-class" heroes that got fooled by a man wearing a Bucky mask. Not to mention that the villain's stale trope was better executed 19 years ago when Scream 2 came out, ironically, a film satirizing this cliché.

If you don't think this is cartoonish and laughable you might be too young to post on this site.

Never again.


Freedum 4 the win

>Who is side are you on?
Kill yourself you fucking retarded waste of oxygen.

>being this booty blasted over a movie.

If it was exactly like in the comics this poster would be pure symbolism.

Cap is against the registration act and stands against the regulation of costumed vigilante. Tony doesn't.

I just got done watching it, ask me anything you want


Millions already saw it so why do you reek of unwarranted self importance?

Cap, obviously.

Contrary to how things are portrayed in the trailers, it is Tony who has been overtaken by emotion; not Steve.

fuck you

>a DCuck actually took the time to write this out

baka desu senpai

Why do you even care to take part in that kind of argument? if you just stayed out of it you'd have been fine, but you went and replied with "DCuck" post, now you look like a neckbeard Evanposter


>a butt blasted DCuck appears

>Batman V superman
>muh mommy: the movie

>Capt. America Civil War
>muh mommy: the movie part 2

what the literal fuck?

Fuck you dear sir.

Was getting caught part of his plan?

Omfg, you're doing the same thing as and now you look like an ass
Sick of seeing Sup Forums-tier capeshit threads in Sup Forums, so just wanted to address it

Is that even a question?

I hate the idea that it cant just be bad, it cant just be ok, but solely because of its popularity and great reviews, its the worst thing in all of fucking existence. Fuck off.

>DCucks still butt blasted

in other news, water is still wet.