Thoughts on this? Just saw it.
10 Cloverfield Lane
Sort of like the first Purge movie.
You take a great concept and to keep operating costs low, you make it into a generic "trapped in a house" thriller.
The Purge was terrible compared to Cloverfield Lane though. How can you even compare them? One is utter shit
about an hour too long
It ended when she got out of the house, as far as I was concerned.
I liked it, they should have cut out the ending though. It didn't need any ayy lmao!
>one of the best giant monster flicks in years
>it's sequel is set in a basement because it would have been too expensive to make otherwise
I didn't like The Purge either. Doesn't justify this movie's existence.
So by your logic it would be a great movie if it wasn't a sequel to Cloverfied?
Fucking manchild. I liked Cloverfield a lot too, but this movie didn't need to be a monster movie to be good.
Did you see the first movie? They've been ayys the whole time
ayyyyylmao ruined the movie
They should've left him as some underground slave abductor.
>They should've left him as some underground slave abductor.
Then how would you explain the burnt woman?
Yes. What's the point of calling it a sequel to Cloverfield if it's only tangentially related to Cloverfield?
Good concept bad execution can you even read faggot?
completely removing that scene
finding the other girl scratch on the glass screen was enough
>Yes. What's the point of calling it a sequel to Cloverfield if it's only tangentially related to Cloverfield?
Now go play with your kaiju toys you fucking imbecile.
>completely removing that scene
Then you miss out on a ton of character development that comes from her accepting that outside is death.
The movie just doesn't work that way, stop being fucking stupid and keep your shitty ideas to yourself.
>jj habrams
>$15 000 000
My thoughts are that her thighs should be strangling me rfn
Maybe you're retarded
Finding the girl's earrings and the scratched panel was the development. Not some bitch screaming "LET ME IN" for 30 seconds. Go to bed, JJ.
Ayo I finna smash that like button but this site ain't got one where it at
>take a really great movie and make an unrelated sequel killing off the possibility of an actual sequel for money
So it goes.
>18 posts
>9 posters
JJ and his marketing team.
Fuck off with this trash.
MEW has been my waifu way before this movie but hoooly shit
>the first thing she makes after being kidnapped is a selfie
why are women so dumb?
If it wasn't for that ending, there wouldn't have been any reason for a sequel anyway
I'm not buying your DVD. Fuck off.
correct. watchable. 5/10.
correct way to pass 2 hours if you have nothing better to do with your life.
John Goodman's performance had better win some kind of award. He was fantastic.
No aliens and the movie is easily a 10/10.
Hell, they even introduce the skin-melting acid, and then we think back to the woman standing at the door, covered in burn marks! Maybe, I don't know, he had some kind of perimeter of sprinklers that sprayed the acid on anyone who came near? Like, yeah, even if the aliens were real and the invasion did happen, why expound on that? Why even establish it at the very end, and suddenly make the movie into The Avengers?
The movie could've literally ended with her standing outside off the bunker, with her homemade suit on, and just staring at the sky. Maybe a low rumble sound. Look at her face, and a distorted reflection on the coke-bottle mask... then black. The end. The movie was functionally over once she got outside, why have a 15 minute monster-fight?
I saw it last month. cant remember a single thing about it
See a neurologist.
>Just saw a movie
>Needs the opinion of others first before forming his own
I want to worship MEW
>best giant monster flicks
Great movie overall, 9/10
how is MEW's foot game?
Post more mew thighs.
You mean 20 mins?
World class
there's something for every footfag in this film, lots of tops, plenty of sole shots
somebody was literally paid to hold a camera behind her firm ass and soles
there's literally nothing wrong with the alien ending you retarded fucking niggers
This part was very arousing, the movie went downhill from there
>talking about movies on Sup Forums
>the whole movie is leading up to how there really could have been an attack, possibly even aliens
>plebs sperg out when there actually are aliens
it's like people have gotten used to seeing shitty "it was all just a game / prank" twists that they can't handle some things actually being real in the movie
>dem juicy mew thighs
Good up until the end
Should have ended with her just seeing ships in the sky
What you dont see is often far scarier than what you do see. (terrible CGI "aliens" that look like they couldnt scare a 10 year old)
Agreed. This or her actually getting killed by an alien or the airship
>waiting for the pirate
Do you fucks ever leave the house?
the problem was the aliens were shit
I wish my face face was between those legs.
I would torture her everyday by giving her the lickaroo
what would you prefer? giant Lovecraftian Cthulhu horrors? me too
This always happens. I actually saw it in cinema for fuck sake while these cucks only see it when a torrent comes out.
The idea that scares me most is seeing a cloudy or dark sky, completely covered by an alien craft
Lovecraftian esque horrors would look good if they could use old special effects or even better animatronics
If the theater wanted me to spend my money there, they wouldn't be so hostile to their respected patrons.
Nah, ayylmaos made the movie good. Him being a psycho murderer is lame as fuck and destroyed his entire character and made the movie only 5/10.
The movie portrayed him as (You), yes (You) - an autistc manchild with serious sexual issues that likes to kill girls and dissolve them in accid if they don't agree with you being their basement daddy.
This is why you will never amount to anything in life than rewrite movies with your fanfiction-tier brainfarts.
>Maybe a low rumble sound. Look at her face, and a distorted reflection on the coke-bottle mask... then black. The end.
this 2bh
I just finished it 10 minutes ago. I almost stopped watching halfway through because it was so boring
But the ayy lmaos made everything much better at the end. That was fucking awesome.
The girl reminded me a bit of Ellen Ripley - AKA Sigourney Weaver. Her face, her mannerisms. Fuck she would've made this movie.
Anyhow. 8/10 would recommend it to friends
he's fucking excellent in everything he does.
obviously he's an amazing actor, i can't imagine any other people his size consistently getting such great roles
she should have become convinced he was lying again and escaped without the suit, saw the aliens, and tried to get back in
the stuff with the acid was unnecessary
it was cool, ayyy lmao was a pretty shit ending
She's a Mary Sue
8/10 ruined by 6/10 ending
She's the Amy Adams to Aubry Plaza's Jenna Fischer.
good movie up until she leaves
typical feminist bullshit
That's not a Mary Sue
You're a mary sue
Just watched it
What the fuck were those last 20 minutes?
She's a Mary Sue because she's playing into her hobby on the outside world?
Well fuck every female character may as well be one.
god, her hair is so fucking adorable in this.
>No rape scene
The Avengers.
but she fails the first try and the second try that guy die in the process.
No mary sues
It was very good. There is that all u want from me?
>MEW's butt and leg jiggle
10/10 movie of the century
>write a movie that plays on peoples presumptions & perceptions and have a side plot thriller/murder mystery.
>people are upset they were blind sided by le pretty girls paranoid delusion (i actually thought she was schizophrenic after the first act).
>her actions directly lead to the death of her beta orbiter.
>howard even calls her out the first minute shes starts playing that fast loose and aggressive mind games.
>beta orbiter follows along because he wants that white knight pussy.
>howard plugs him like an operator after he makes a false confession.
This movie had alot of undertones to it that hint at very dark things in the nature of men and women. the last 20 minutes is for the popcorn crowd to have their brain defizzle as mew throws a torch in the aliens mouth and is unstoppable.
objectively average.
only watched it because friends forced me to
>"lol we blew the entire budget on the last 15 minutes so we're gonna have to do quite a hefty rewrite here.. bring me Chazelle and let's make it a tight-as-tits basement thriller! what do you mean basement thrillers are bullshit? naaah! it's got cloverfield in the title, people are gonna love it! make sure to get a shot of Mary's feet in there, feet are hot right now."
>ctrl+f feet
>0 results
You disappoint, Sup Forums. She's literally barefoot for half the movie and the camera lovingly shows those beautiful feet so many times.
the best part was the end
not even kidding
>we got the south back we need help
>bitch has so much ptsd she goes to fight in Houston
pure kino
it was pretty shit
It was ramping up for the 3rd movie to be another "female lead" action sci-fi thriller.
this movie literally came out 3-5 years too late.
>ywn be MEW's slave
Literally why haven't I killed myself yet
I'm all for plot threads left hanging for the sake of ambiguity and so forth, but I felt like everything they'd built up throughout the movie entirely ceased to matter the second she got out of that house.
feel free to post caps
especially soles
Emmets bus ticket got me right in The feels...
This already came out? Never heard anything about it.
Nobody ever said this was a sequel, just that both films were related.
The only relationship on the movie itself is Slusho and the fact that Goodman's character worked for Tagruato, where he found out about a probable alien attack
How is slusho tied in
why is MEW so perfect bros?
>The movie could've literally ended with her standing outside off the bunker, with her homemade suit on, and just staring at the sky. Maybe a low rumble sound. Look at her face, and a distorted reflection on the coke-bottle mask... then black. The end. The movie was functionally over once she got outside, why have a 15 minute monster-fight?
Chris Stuckman, is that you?
rape scene with goldman and mew was a bit much
This is a well written and executed strong female character.
>the last 10 minutes ruin a perfectly executed character arc by turning the character into a fucking quipping super hero
Cut out the whole action scene, have her run from the ship and then make the decision to go back despite being afraid. Its so fucking stupid how easily she blows the ship up, and then we're meant to feel something when she decides to go back?
I still liked it but shit, that was awful.