ITT sf and fantasy kino

ITT sf and fantasy kino.

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Altered States

would you?

Fucking great movie.



Dark City.

absolute KINO
>director of Excalibur takes loads of LSD

Krull is terrible, I don't know why people keep mentioning it in fantasy threads

The only fantasy kino around is Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, and Fellowship of the Ring

>Krull is terrible
nah, just the comic relief faggot. The rest is great.

pic related

Streets of Fire

Krull has the best aesthetic besides Dark Crystal.

Star Wars: A New Hope


That's what they call professionalism

I saw this movie before I actually knew the cartoon, this was the only Skeletor I was aware of. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I saw the cartoon and he was a flamboyant gay muscle skeleton.



Ralph Bakshi is fuckin fantastic m8
I'm pretty sure if I watched Wizards when I was younger, my shortstack fetish would've kicked off 8 years early

dude people dont even know about this movie

>sf and fantasy
>Streets of Fire

Bakshi is great when you're 13 and just discovered weed.

yeah i watched fire and ice on acid godo shit

His animations have a nice Aryan spirit to them.

looks cool. name?

It's pretty dystopian and inspired a lot of scifi anime.
But I picked it for atmosphere.

Excalibur, senpai.

The Man Who Fell to Earth

Very flawed (some might call it shitty) but still an interesting movie worth watching at least once.

>Krull is terrible
Congratulations, you have no imagination.

While not even close to high fantasy, it fits in the SF/fantasy realm, and I doubt many here have seen it. I never see it discussed here, anyway. Seen it 3-4 times and it's awesome.

How is the blu-ray for this?

>mfw Batman v Superman stole the ending to this movie

I actually have seen this, but it's one of 'those shows' that never really had a long run and 99.9% of people have never heard of. It's been several years now but I remember it being good

It's three 90 min. episodes in total. It is really good and holds up to rewatches well.

Nice gif, tumblr.