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i agree in a way becasue the women in the movie don't actually have breasts that big, so it makes little sense.

also the heels are retarded.

also i remember when power rangers was for kids.




>Gender neutral test

Just end everything

why do costumes need to be gender neutral? what the fuck?
is being dressed feminine / masculine / sexy illegal all of the sudden?

He's right though

Because this is the fucking first result when searching for "Power Rangers" on the news tab
Why? I dunno, but it is

Also fuck them for telling me to shutdown ad-block


>Gender neutral test
Could someone translate? I don't speak cuckenese

Look at that fucking face. He knows he's just fucking around.

The Pink Ranger has a skirt.
How is that gender neutral?

Who gives a fuck

Stop linking to your jew click bait shit show nigger

On Google I mean.

that's not a skirt user.

then why aren't women IRL dressing gender neutral? what's up with the make up, long hair and dresses?

And if they didn't they would have been like "wahhh they're trying to make it more manly! Why not show off the feminine side!"

You can't fucking win

>then why aren't women IRL dressing gender neutral?
But many of them do?

so you can just not pick one huh

so if your inbetween does that mean your neutral or do you have to identify as neutral to be neutral

>which one is the girl one mommy


He's right though. There is literally no reason for them to have tit armor. It doesn't help that the costumes look retarded in general.

I want Rita to touch my penis while kissing my anus





Does that icon mean he's a flaming faggoid?

The sad part is the SJWs really are only a small handful yet the fucking cultural terrorists through bullying, harassment, and name-calling have taken over everything to force their will onto the masses.

jews makes power rangers too though

you simply cannot win

You must have no strong feelings one way or the other.

I feel it needs some caption under it


being of a specific gender has become illegal.

He even looks like a total smug dirtbag piece of shit.

You're dealing with the same people pushing the transgender bullshit.

blog platforms and social media were a mistake


What does this mean?

They want the men to wear pink and yellow?


New to Forbes bullshit
What controversial articles he did before?

Except some women do have tits and don't want them crushed up against their chests because some flat-chested fatty-Anita got "triggered" by the presence of them.

And it makes more sense to have armor conform to a person's shape rather than your ideal social Marxist degenerate "one size fits all" transgender bullshit.

No because that "bait" was about "over-designed"
Now we are talking about "not gender-neutral"
This is different!

the cuck ones lol

He wants everyone in his topic so he can feel like he accomplished something today by having a topic with a lot of replies.


>boob armor
gee i fucking wonder why

>Except some women do have tits
Except neither of the actresses cast have tits

One post above you user
One post..


>fails gender neutral test
>one ranger is pink
>test is fail because boobs

>your ideal social Marxist degenerate "one size fits all" transgender bullshit
It looks stupid. The high heels also look stupid. Go fuck yourself.

>As you can see from the photo above of the original cast way back in 1993, the female Rangers had costumes that looked nearly identical to those worn by the male Rangers.



Don't forget what the average liberal woman looks like

>tits have to show through body armor
Made this just for you

He gets clicks, movie gets publicity.
Everyone wins.

oh fuck off you freak

Except it doesn't look stupid at all; you only think such because of your programming by leftists to believe gender distrinction is a negative.

You go fight in high heels and tell me how it works out for you.

Do you even physics?
A kick from heels will hurt like hell.

Why don't the men wear heels then?

I know you're trolling and all, but boobplate directs all chest blows directly to your heart.

Who says they're high heels? They could be just wrap-around cloth/vinyl/leather in an angled direction to give the visual distinction of a woman's shoe.

And judging by the stance of the women it definitely suggests they're NOT wearing heels and are standing nearly flat-footed except for the yellow one's right foot on a lower stair.

They do. Men's country boots can have as much as an inch and a half lift on the back.

The original suits were gender neutral because they were probably played by Asian men.

The heels, I'll give him that. Really dumb.
But boobs are boobs. Sure they're large and the characters are that size. But if they just made them a tad smaller/to their size, it would be fine.

does she ever show those?

>spoiler proof if you got it

If you don't look like a Nipponese stuntman you're not Gender neutral.

Unless there's an underlying structure to deal with force distribution.

Be honest. You'd be pissed off if the suits made the women look the same as the men.

>wanting to hide those sweater cannons

Fucking why?

That's not as deadly as a heel, idiot
Soldiers should wear titanium stilettos

>Gender Neutral suits



I'm not a fan desu.
Looks like some shitty Warframe rejects.

That pink Ranger is trying too hard on the female body language

The heels are a dumb idea and look stupid, but the boob armor makes sense.

The visors make them look surprised. Everyone but Jason looks like the original pink ranger.

nice thongs

even the old spandex suits were better, fuck

>Heels are a dumb idea

Not if they have motorcycles.


If it looks feminine, it's all cries of Objectification.

If it doesn't look feminine enough, Minimising female prescence.

You can't win.

Never mind the feminism bullshit, but what's the deal with those costumes? They look like the bastard children of 2014 RoboCop and Iron Man.

The heels on Pink are pretty dumb, though.

Welcome to 2016 and the FUTURE!

It's a jewish name. Whenever there is an sjw article or some article promoting degeneracy, it is almost invariably written by a kike.

That's because she doesn't want anyone thinking she has a cock

Why are they standing on apple boxes?

Yeah you stupid fucking fag, who cares? You still like the power rangers? It's for kids you fucking virgin.


Remember we went from the "slut-shaming" thing where you had no right to do or say anything about women wearing slut skirts and showing off tits, to now expected to feel bad because a fully-armored female looks female

And we know who's behind it


Humanity is fucking retarded beyond redemption at this point.
About time for the ayys to come and take over.

It's terrible retarded design.

What? Armour in the shape of boobs supposed to be sexy?

You're literally a cuck if you don't think it's sexy

>breast plates
>high heels

This shit has always been retarded and only horny fantasy nerds ever thought they were cool.

Also, they look like flimsy Iron Man ripoffs.

Born too late to explore the Earth
Born too early to explore the galaxy

Born just in time to experience humanity killing themselves with stupidy

The original costumes were sexy, with the little hint of a mini skirt.

Who wants to touch hard plastic domes? I like the heels tho.

Anyway you're a cuck.

Remember these people are for women dressing as sluts, BUT not being looked at at all, BUT want women and men to dress the same so women can't be women.

They're just running us in circles. Someone needs to start kcking people's asses until they clarify.

>why does the black ranger have bigger junk?
I'm not saying anything, but.. just saying.

Anyway, why aren't we allowed to have nice things anymore? The heels I understand, but c'mon, people can't have custom-made armor/clothing that suits their body the best?

I swear these faggots wouldn't last ten minutes with the super sentai shows

NOT about being sexy. It's about letting the audience know there are men and women on that team, and each is biologically different with their own forms.

And it does amount to real sexism by the Jew. Notice he doesn't say men need to dress like women to be gender-neutral, and instead the other way around.

Power Rangers are literally owned by Jews

Liberalism has destroyed all culture and society.

>nobody cares about Man of Steel and Batman's bulges, not sexist at all
>nobody cares about Agent Romanoff fighting in high heels
>nobody cares about man rangers having bulges

But having plate armor that fits a woman's chest is triggering? Holy shit, there's a reason t shirts come in different forms for males and females, there's a reason many female soldiers have to get special fitted uniforms and plate carriers. People are so delusional it's beyond me.