>"The Greek system seems a little sexist," he shared. "The sheer fact that the women and the men don't have equal rights and opportunities I think by definition makes it sexist, so that’s something we talked a lot about while we were making the movie."

>"There are probably some jokes in 'Superbad' that are bordering on blatantly homophobic at times," admitted Rogen. "They’re all in the voice of high school kids, who do speak like that, [but] I think we’d also be silly not to acknowledge that we also were, to some degree, glamorizing that type of language in a lot of ways."


Other urls found in this thread:

>There are probably some jokes in 'Superbad' that are bordering on blatantly homophobic at times,
Oh, dear. Wouldn't want to be homophobic and hurt people's feelings when they're dying of AIDS.

Go and stay go

Didn't take one thousand years, that's for damn sure

Didnt he get cucked on twitter?

Fuck off to reddit, cunt

How about no? We like it here. We like to annoy the fuck out of people like you. Didn't count on THAT one, did you? You fucking cuckold. Oh, is your precious hugbox being invaded by a few harsh realities? Have we "triggered" you, Trigglypuff? You fat fucking SJW snorlax. Go pop an oestrogen pill and cry about it some more.

He's not wrong but i don't think there's anything wrong with it either. Just because something *insert your random ism* doesn't make it automatically worse or even bad.

Remember kids, when a man wants to stick his penis in your ass, you're supposed to be comfortable with it. You aren't allowed to have any negative feelings towards that notion.


>this is what SQWs actually believe we believe

I just remembered why I hated this place


Literally what? Why do you cucks always resort to making up words and redefining already existing ones

>this is muh safe space leave me alone


>being that one and only person on Sup Forums who hates those from Sup Forums so much, he makes image after image to express his literally autistic obsession with them

Your life must be a hilarious carnival ride. I bet you hear the music as it's playing too, don't you? Holy fucking shit, I'd love to videotape your activities for one day and show them to the world.

>apologizing for jokes you wrote a decade ago

come on seth

you're better than that

Hello r e d d i t, how are you liking the site so far?

How much do you think it pains writers who turn into cucks that their most revered work is the 'problematic stuff' they made before they saw the light?

They probably think it's pretty problematic

Gotta earn those good goy points

>Calls literally everyone who disagrees with him a cuckold
>"Stop redefining words"

>Only one person on Sup Forums wants to remove the Sup Forumsyps trying to make this place another right-wing hugbox

Delusional desu

Feel free to dream but we're not going anywhere bernout.

I don't see a problem with that. I want to stick my dick in a lot of women that I won't fuck, I don't expect them to take it personally that I'm attracted to them. If a dude wants to fuck me, cool, not going to let him but not going to flip out about it either.

>SJWism is literally destorying all popular media
>get called a right wing extremist when you try and fight back

>it's a Redditor uses a le epic comic to try and prove a point episode


>Fighting back
>Against equality and better representation for women and racial/sexual minorities

Yeah that's right wing extremism my man

>the jew who did this regretting being homophobic

אף אחד לא משלם מכירות של הילארי. זה שקר רפובליקני במימון ו ניסיון פתטי ב מורחת הקמפיין שלה.

You know it has nothing to do with equality.

>This is what reddit believes

Not in your mind, I'm sure.


no wonder all of his shit bombs now

reminder that the moment someone says "Sup Forums" they are admitting they have no counter argument and have lost.

Someone actually took the time to write this.

This isn't Sup Forums. It's edgy teens pretending to be Sup Forums to feel cool and edgy. Like seriously have you seen some of the picture people post of themselves on here? It's laughable


They're not even hiding it

Or they're saying that this belongs on Sup Forums.

We've never had anything to be ashamed of. We practice our right to free speech. Why do you practice your so-called "right" to silence it?

you got some some sand in your asshole princess?

It's ontopic, retard. Sup Forums was always racist. If fucking comedians don't want to make fun of minorities then who the fuck do they make fun of? Humor is about making fun and laughing at everyone, excluding minorities makes no sense.

>all these butthurt replies accusing butthurt

Why is it so easy to trigger pol just by pointing them out?

So before the entire progressive movement turning men into complete beta pussies, I would guess 95-98% of all men would have been physically disgusted by the thought of being around another guy who wants to fuck them in the ass. But now thats it down to say 50-60%, were the ones who are ignorant? We can't feel that way anymore? Because people are brainwashed to literally fuck themselves and they don't even realize it?

>it's a webcomic perfectly triggers Sup Forums and sends the whole thread into FULL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE mode post

>muh freeze peaches

You have a containment board for that, Sup Forumsyp

why is everyone so fucking sensitive now

no wonder the blacks are fucking all your wimmenz

They are literally making it obvious they're Sup Forums. Or the very least spouting Sup Forums memes.

>muh free speech.

This internet site has a right to enforce rules that prohibit certain topics on certain boards. This is off topic. You sound like you're in high school.

I know you it makes you feel cool tht you think the whole world is against you "it's us agsint them, man!", but in reality people want to discuss things that are relevant to the board they're on and get annoyed when it's taken off topic.

Oh, no. No, no, no. There's nothing at all in the rules about "containment". We can chop and change as we please? We can go where we PLEASE. Besides, the so-called "rules"? They were written by some faggot weeaboo wanker who didn't once lift, who now works for Google.


Now, how does that make you feel?

And yet you people fly into a foaming at the mouth rage any time a minority jokes about white men, Christians, or misandry...

What the fuck does this have to do with making fun of minorities? Christ, you stormfags have to project your memes onto everything.

>What the fuck does this have to do with making fun of minorities?

And when there's jokes about white men, you get all upset and do start bringing out racial crime statistic charts. Don't pretend you're anything special.

You dumb faggot, this board hasn't been "relevant" since the days of The Dark Knight, when capeshit, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones morons invaded it. All it is, is memes, "Bane?" and other moronic tripe.

We're just getting our say in and having fun like the rest of you. Until you persuade Mook to do a complete overhaul of Sup Forums and sort shit out permanently, we're going to be right. Fucking. Here.

How does that make you feel? Don't spare a single word in expressing it.

He graduated from being a NEET to having a real job?

I wasn't aware that I was on /humor/. This is Sup Forums.

You're allowed to feel grossed out by the thought of getting fucked in the ass by another man, but attacking and labeling an entire community as freaks because you don't like that they do it to each other isn't ok anymore.

I never said anything about pol, retard.

I can't remember a single homophobic joke in Superbad

Yeah, he sold out. It happens often.

Daily reminder that Seth Rogen is actually and literally a cuck.

So what? Some faggot gets offended when we make a joke about benis and anus?

Big fucking deal. Wear your big boy pants and grow the fuck up. That's equality.

Does this mean that Raimi will someday apologize for this scene?

Why do you keep posting this, Mike?

>they are admitting they have no counter argument and have lost.
You could say the same thing about someone when they mention reddit...

>its a "you're either an alt-right Sup Forumstard or you're from reddit" episode

Proud desu. Based moot

Doesn't change the fact that you should go back to where you came from

you're a cuck lmao

I can't remember a single joke in Superbad


Right, so all gays are predatory rapists?

Looking back, the Spider-man movies were pretty racist and homophobic.



No. I won't. I. Will. Not. I'm going to be both here AND there.

Now, how the FUCK does this make you feel?

>but attacking and labeling an entire community as freaks because you don't like that they do it to each other isn't ok anymore.

2nd Amendment

Nah, they're dying of AIDS, pedophile rapists. Get it right, cuck.

Ebin meme kiddo, but I'm Jewish. We're the ones cucking you, remember?

>Big fucking deal. Wear your big boy pants and grow the fuck up. That's equality.

I've seen Sup Forums pissbabies throw kicking screaming tantrums over this kind of thing plenty of times. Don't act like you're above getting triggered, because it's objectively lies

I swear all Sup Forums invasion shitposting is literally just "no u" from both sides.

>Now, how the FUCK does this make you feel?
Embarrassed that someone attaches a picture with an ironic filename to his every single post.


do you remember when Sup Forums used to be decent?

>says the guy who has probably been triggered by white man jokes

There's no bait on the hook even

im sure you have this problem with both genders with all the ass you pull senpai.

What's funny is how quickly she gets tired. I knew Americans were fat but jesus christ, she looks comedy character fat.

I can't tell if this is trolling or sincerity anymore.

Be embarrassed all you like. I'm not. Wanna know why? Because here at Sup Forums, unlike your Tumblr safespace, nobody knows who you are and nobody fucking cares. The world isn't going to read your carefully-constructed post and judge you as an individual, because here, friendo? You don't exist. And neither do I. In fact, this could be somebody entirely DIFFERENT replying to you.

Now, how does this make you feel?

>A wild Trigglypuff appears

No. But now it's worse.

the PC train keeps on rolling.

>I have strong feelings about the sexual preferences of other people

>all the Sup Forums buttmad itt

How is the Greek system sexist? Just because its segregated?

>In fact, this could be somebody entirely DIFFERENT replying to you.
It's not though. Call me an optimist, but I like to think that there is only one person on this board who is pathetic enough to post meme actor reactions with his every "verbose" legion tier post.
It still makes me feel embarrassed for you that you're trying to force this Sup Forums and Sup Forums teenage mindset on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forumsweenies pretend that Sup Forums isn't a reddit board

dumb amphibian poster

I can and I WILL force it. Deal with it.