The Hand of Fear edition. Goodbye, Sarah Jane.
Destroyed by "a case of energy squared", whatever the fuck that means:
The Hand of Fear edition. Goodbye, Sarah Jane.
Destroyed by "a case of energy squared", whatever the fuck that means:
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don't forget me
No user, don't you forget me.
I remember the special effects in this were really good at making the hand look like it was a disembodied hand moving on its own but really bad at making it look like it was made of stone.
An honest slut. Back on the Managra wagon in about 3 hours! Reminder that book club, thoraxtime and tiny plastic robots.
secondary control room is pretty comfy
List of planets 12 has been to:
Last planet at the end of the universe in Listen
Unnamed sand planet in the beginning of Time Heist
The Moon
Unnamed Planet at the beginning of Dark Water
Unnamed Planet at the end of Last Christmas
Is he the one with the less planet variety? It's just fucking ridiculous. And I added fucking ridiculous planets we see for 10 seconds in some episodes.
>Series 9 had a grand total of three different planets being Earth, Skaro and Gallifrey
>none of them are new
>none of them are even New-Who 'old'
Jesus fucking Christ Moffat.
>list of planets
>the moon
>Is he the one with the less planet variety?
Nine only ever goes to Earth in Series 1. The farthest he gets is the space station in The End of the World.
>excepting planets in nuwho
literally every doctor is earth based
It's like he was getting sick of creating new material and going with status quo and what the audience expected of him.
How does his planet variety compare with other Doctors? I know 3, 4, 8, and maybe 10 and had more variety in planets? What about with 9?
>I'm lazy, sorry
I know right?
Some autist would have said "You forgot the Moon" so I added it so as not to engage into an argument whether its a planet or not because I can't care less. Also to round up the count because it's pretty fucking pathetic.
Well he only had one series.
Nine is the worst, he never even left the Solar System
>Satellite 5
>Game Station
>End of the World space station
Hell, at least it isn't Skaro or Gallifrey and we got a couple of different things. And he went to America.
fuck me satellite 5 and End of World space station are the same whoops.
So is mostly right. But then again 9 has 13 episodes, Capaldi has more than double that
10 had a fuck ton of planets.
Yeah I just don't know what Moffat wanted to do here. Plus the Earth locations aren't interesting either. It's either England or a water base (in Scotland).
Oh it's pretty pathetic compared to 10 and 11. Only 9 had fewer planets (just one actually, Earth).
Yeah but he only was here one series.
He never got further than orbit.
>10 had a fuck ton of planets.
lol no he didn't
Do you guys seriously watch Doctor Who to see people walk around quarries and CG backgrounds or run through corridors the dialogue tells you are on another planet? Who cares how many stories are Earth-based?
>And he went to America.
You forgot Mendorax Dellora and Darillium. The first is a disguised Trap Street so I don't know if it counts.
>New Earth
>The planet around the black hole on Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
>Pete's world
>Planet of the Ood
>That planet where the fish people and his "Daughter" were
>Cargo ship in 42
>Planet at end of universe with Master
I'm likely forgetting many of them. But there is already more right there in like 4 seasons.
Exactly. If the story is good who gives a damn where it's set.
Area 51, Dalek.
I think the only time the filming crew left Britain with 10 was to film in Croatia for the Pompeii episode.
Don't forget Midnight.
Yes he did.
New Earth
Parallel Earth
The Impossible Planet
The Moon (counts for 12 so it should for 10 too)
The Library
Planet of the Dead
Kek user got BTFO
Despite it being cheesy, I really enjoyed Ahkatan for that reason in Eleven's tenure. Even though it was cheesy practical effects and awful CGI, it still gave the vibe of being on another planet. Didn't need Eleven to tell me explicitly.
The Sensorites had awful effects as did the Cybermen on Telos, but you still got the otherworldly vibe.
The Doctor is an alien that travels throughout time and space. Why shouldn't I expect a different planet once in a while where the main theme of the show is the universe?
The series achieved this lots in its extensive 50 year history. Why not do the same?
>he only was here one series.
10, 11 and 12 all had at least one alien planet in their first series though. RTD was pretty ReTarDed to not send 9 to at least one alien planet desu.
They filmed Pompeii in Italy, I'm sure of that because RTD's book mentions it. Also they went to Dubai for Planet of the Dead.
I think Vampires of Venice was in Croatia.
When a TV show has the ability to set a story literally anywhere in the Universe at anytime it gets pretty tiring when most episodes end up being set on Earth.
Oh and I forgot Earth, since it counts for 12 too. And these are "just" the planets where an entire episode is set not just some cameo like half of those in 12's list.
I think they had literally no budget. I mean the first alien planet we see is New Earth and all we see is literally a PNG with flying cars.
I agree with that.
But then, three of my favorite seasons (season 7, season 26 and series 1) are set entirely on Earth or thereabouts, so at times I don't know what to think.
Because muh story is good can justify ANYTHING even unoriginal setting. It's terrible. Series 5 had 11 go "All of time and space - everything that ever happened or ever will" and Series 9 ends up having three planets, including 2 where they weren't planning to go to or arrived by accident.
I hope Capaldi stays on with Chibnall. Moffat's really screwed him over so far.
I really want to visit Croatia since things have calmed down since the 90s. I've heard its just as beautiful as Italy and half the price and half as annoying people and tourists.
>Dubai for Planet of the Dead
Goddamn did they blow all their budget on that? It is so expensive there and they nickel and dime. There are much cheaper places to film in the desert.
>Because muh story is good can justify ANYTHING even unoriginal setting
I'm kidding m8
Series 5 had 1 planet senpai
>implying chibnall isn't going to get a budget cut and every episode is going to be set in Bill's apartment
True but at least it was a new one.
>Because muh story is good can justify ANYTHING even unoriginal setting
>Series 9 ends up having three planets, including 2 where they weren't planning to go to or arrived by accident.
Season 1 is even worse, they only went to three alien planets (Skaro, Marinus and the Sense Sphere) and ALL of them were accidental. What a bunch of phucking bullshit!
Reminder this is an actual scene from series 10:
A pot noodle is only 52% noodles. What a fraud amirite?
>comparing a 1963 show with literally 1000£ per episode to a 2015 show with +500.000£ per episode
Yeah right. Fuck off.
>where they weren't planning to go or arrived by accident
>arrived by accident
You're complaining about this in Doctor Who? This has been the case for fifty goddamn years.
I'll bet Four's little bit with the randomizer drove you nuts.
Capaldi will leave with Moffat, as will Bill.
Doesn't matter what they say, have my personal guarantee this will happen.
The BBC will want a younger Doctor. I'm sorry, but it's just FACT !!! Especially after piss poor ratings for the dire last series and Series 8.
I adore the classic series, but the days of older Doctors have gone - and I'm sorry to say it, I really am.
The show needs to be revitalized and REFRESHED. That means STOP BRINGING BACK CLASSIC MONSTERS FOR NO REASON.
The show needs to be FUN again - THATS why people ADORED the Tennant era - IT WAS FUN.
The series' since then have been dark, gloomy and they've taken themselves FAR too seriously.
>Andy, how did all this begin?
>Every time we start with a part like this you’re sort of starting again. Often with Doctor Who, we’re planning for such a major part – but it hasn’t even been written yet.
>Steven wrote some scenes to give us a good steer for the part of Bill, one of which ended up being only a slightly adjusted version of the clip we filmed for the announcement.
>Tennant era-- IT WAS FUN
I guess you missed all the episodes where he waxed poetic about being the Last Time Lord and the Oncoming Storm
Tennant had just as many serious stories as romps, like Capaldi. Most of One's tenure was serious, the cheesy effects made it seem less so. But every story took on a very serious vibe and excluding the ridiculous swordfight, weren't really romps
Oh that's not even why I'm complaining. They didn't decide to go to Skaro, they were taken there by force. 12 arrived on Gallifrey by accident. The point being: they were never seen on another planet going like "Show me some new planet" but by force of events. And we know 12 knows how to fly the TARDIS.
Thank fuck for that.
I know you're b8ing but it's somehow true and you guys know it
They haven't done this since Day of the Doctor (and you could argue that "it's the 50th anniversary" is a good reason to bring back classic monsters.)
>The show needs to be revitalized and REFRESHED
>Chris Chibnall
>not being hype for the Chibnall golden age
You're all going to look like fools when the quality of series 10 blows everyone away and catapults Doctor Who back to being a national treasure.
I wasn't aware this was Gallifrey Base.
You simply cannot compare the First and Tenth Doctors. THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE !!!
The First Doctor era was about science and education.
At least the Tenth and First Doctor's era could bring in the kids and a consistent audience. CAPALDI'S HAS NOT.
I'm sorry but the Capaldi era has so far been a fucking FLOP - and you purists are too infatuated to admit it - even when presented with the viewing figures.
>what are the Daleks
>series 10
Yes, we know Moffat is going to pull it off. It's Series 11 we're worried about.
calm down ian you're gonna give yourself a heart attack
Tennant's era used all of them. Smith's only used 2 not including the 50th.
Using the Daleks, Cybermen and Zygons post-DTD isn't "bringing back a classic monster" it's "continuing to use a monster that never really went away." As far as Missy and Davros are concerned, they'd been gone a few years I guess but the show found new and interesting things to do with them.
>Tennant's era used all of them.
Objectively false.
Hmm. Where was Missy in Tennant's era? We had the Master - but not Missy.
WRONG AGAIN. They were Cybusmen. From a parallel universe.
For a few scenes.
>Missy counts as bringing back a Classic monster
>but the Simm Master doesn't count as Missy
RTD's era was the first one after the wilderness, It makes sense to bring back the 'big hits' , like a band doing a reunion tour.
Moffat has ggone on and used all the same classic monsters/villains as well but at least he invented the angels and Silence, with mixed results granted
You realise you just posted that in a Hand of Fear thread?
its a 4th Doctor villain is bought back episode.
Reminder that Eldrad was literally a GENDERFLUID GENIUS.
AND 4 TIMES THE CURRENT BUDGET!! Sod it, 100 times the current budget!! Hugh Lawrie as Thirteen, and Emma Watson as companion! Let's be realistic here!
>Hugh Lawrie as the doctor
>Emma Watson as the companion
I think you've got that the wrong way round.
Fun fact: the EU brought back the main villain of every Fourth Doctor story up to Image of the Fendahl, with the only exception of The Face of Evil.
>Face of Evil
well they did bring back the 4th doctor
hang on, what about robot? ,did they bring back that facist group or the robot itself?
But I remember hearing about a PDA or something where they explain why Xoanon had 4's face.
>hang on, what about robot? ,did they bring back that facist group or the robot itself?
The robot.
Not that I know of, and TARDIS Wiki doesn't mention it. But I suppose in a way Xoanon came back. The Master pretends to be Xoanon to Leela in an audio story.
ok, thats deep Who
Does anyone have the iceberg chart of Doctor Who obscurity?
Both actually then, the nazi woman is in the BF Sarah Jane series.
Oh, true that.
nvm it was just the novelisation.
Is Broadchurch any good?
Dunno if this is the latest version or not
No, now
I like the beginning, when the Doctor and Sarah walk around a quarry ignoring the alarm going off like dumbasses, then the cliff blows up and buries Sarah in rubble. So they call and ambulance and she's taken to the hospital. It's more frightening than any of the hand stuff because everyone's reactions are so realistic compared to most of the show.
Ok /who/ tonight's challenge is to explain why series 9 was rated so highly with critics yet was met with lower viewing figures.
Hard mode: Capaldis age the timeslot and advertising can't be mentioned.
The plots were more self-referential. Technically, if you didn't know about Davros, Missy, and if you missed key dialogue in the beginning, you could be extremely confused by that episode. For casual viewers, it might seem like a bunch of random events.
2) Some viewers may have been put off by the serious turmoil of S8's episodes for the characters. Season 8 was not always comfort food--it was full of experiments, both in terms of character and plot. Some people might have been put off by that.
>The plots were more self-referential. Technically, if you didn't know about Davros, Missy, and if you missed key dialogue in the beginning, you could be extremely confused by that episode. For casual viewers, it might seem like a bunch of random events.
So people who haven't really watched the show before stopped watching because they didn't know what was going on and that impacted the viewing figures?
>2) Some viewers may have been put off by the serious turmoil of S8's episodes for the characters. Season 8 was not always comfort food--it was full of experiments, both in terms of character and plot. Some people might have been put off by that.
I can't prove this wrong, but I would argue that the focus on Clara and her love life outside the Doctor, more so than any previous series was a defining factor.
People are just taking the show for granted. The 50th has been and gone, NuWho has been on telly over ten years now and it doesn't seem like the "must watch" program it did back in 2005. The 2018 reboot with Chibnall and presumably a new, young Doctor will give it a shot in the arm, but as far as Series 9 goes, inevitably people get bored with the show because it's just always there. What, 11 years now? Pretty good run. Normies aren't going to make a point of catching every episode of an eleven-year-old show no matter how good the writing is.
Fucking plebs.
Reminder that Amy is the only pure girl companion
Remember last thread where someone kept aggressively posting screenshots of S9 and sarcastically saying how bad the colours were? But almost all of the pictures they posted were visually uninteresting and dominated by a single colour? That was weird.
who cares desu?
>So people who haven't really watched the show before stopped watching because they didn't know what was going on and that impacted the viewing figures?
Davros had only ever been in one episode of the new series, in 2008. You can hardly expect most audiences to be knowledgeable of him. You could have been watching the show for years and have no clue who he is.
gareth please
in the Bill intro video on You Tube I remember seeing a comment from some none-britbong whom was wondering if the UK was 30% Black.
That is the impression you might get from this show, Asians really are under-represented on DW. to sound like a SJW for a second.
>actual likely contributing factors can't be mentioned
That literally just sounds like "Please tell me what I want to hear". Goodness knows the promotion of S9 was terrible.
It is just a fact of life that an episode like Heaven Sent can be the best thing ever and still get mediocre viewing figures (and AI) because it doesn't have screamingly populist appeal.
>dominated by a single colour?
>sound of goalposts shuffling rapidly
>in DW
In general. Blacks make up like 13% of the U.S and yet you'd think that they were 50% with all the bitching about representation in the media.