Anymore examples of life imitating art, Sup Forums?

Anymore examples of life imitating art, Sup Forums?

Jon is Trudeau

how can Justin Trueadu be so goddamn sexy?

>obsessed with equality and fairness



Conservatard babbies are going to get really butthurt over this. I predict at least a dozen uses of the word "cuck" in this thread.

>post yfw when trump gets BTFO

>tfw GOT brings Reddit tourists to Sup Forums

Calling Bullshit on the Trump/Dinklage one. Dinklage has bigger hands



>it's a lelbral bait episode

who's the third one?

Ted Cruz

it's a fucking shame he's out. He would have made a great president.

>It's another thinly veiled Sup Forums thread episode

i hope you're being ironic. any time i see someone talking crap about the don on this board i have to wonder if they are serious. and then i realize they very well might be. i'm usually good at gauging levels of irony but i suspect there aren't any here.
bro-- you're a fucking fool. you're the joke. a successful businessman running for president and captivating the nation is not a joke. a prominent individual that calls for strong borders, putting an end to the ridiculous illegitimate influx of ugly uneducated shitbags pouring into our country, for more competent international dealmaking, for measures that protect us from the deluded fools that blow themselves up on trains to enjoy supposed carnal pleasures (sins) in heaven, is not a fool. it's unbridled courage and unapologetic executive decision making. it's a joke that we would have a man and later, his son in office. it's a joke that we would have a man and later, his fake wife in office. it's a joke that people continue to support the globalist clinton political machine. those are the demons. those are the devil. you've got to step back and wonder why the media doesn't have it in for these criminals like they do trump. but you don't. you take it at face value. hating trump is cool among the know-nothing leftist legion. and you haven't thought into why that is at all. you're just buying into the narrative, wholesale. and it's honestly disgusting. pissant

I get that this is copypasta but it's also right and not particularly as deranged as it's supposed to be.

all this does is prove showfags' complete lack of understanding of Stannis Baratheon


>Wanted to impress his father, ended up getting emasculated and ruined.

Seems like a bit of a nut to me. And Trump is just a funnier candidate to follow.


What's funny is in the book Aeron actually says we need a Kingsmoot to make the Iron Islands Great Again

>it's an americans bring up politics on a japanese image board episode
>it's an americans are willing to vote a reality tv show star for president episode
>it's an americans are the laughingstock of the civilised word episode

>cersei and tyrion
>ever friendly

I know this was probably just made to mock the other one but god dammit that triggered me.