Fat woman

>Fat woman
>Promiscuous, alcoholic, rude

why do they have to always go with this stereotype? She'd be amazing as the qt3.14 non-degenerate woman.

>Woman is fat
>Its her only characteristic

>how to be single

>teach women that traditional role is oppression
>teach them that bringing anything besides massive sense of entitlement is oppression
>wonder why family is disintegrating and nations are following

>how to be single
>be fat

Wait... Is that an actual real woman?
I always thought Rebel was that charcter from little britain... This is a shock to me, i unironicly thought this until i imdm this movie

She was acting all the movie like a filthy subslut, all her lines.

You could've just said "Australian woman", it's just as fitting.

So this is literally train wreck 2?

>fat woman
>crass, obnoxious, bumbling, flatulent, completely lacking in social graces

It's annoying. She has to get a new schtick.
Also it's easy to be a lady slut.

To be fair, the character has a good reason for her actions.

>tfw the qt one ends with a nigger


dat melissa mccarthy

Maybe I would have thought the same if she didn't appear with that guy together in Bridesmaids

Funnily enough, she actually shared a house with Matt Lucas.

I wish I was fat enough to be a 'comedian'.

More "I Rebel" Wilson am i rite?

I just love how Sup Forums univocally hates fatties. No matter which board, everybody knows they are shit tier people that deserve to be btfo.

Not gonna lie, I would a Rebel Wilson

i love how these last few generations have glorified the shit out of drinking. so much that even these new feminist comedians and female actors are trying to be funny by making movies about nothing but getting wasted and being whores.

back in the day films portrayed drinking off handedly and non nonchalant like it was not a big fucking deal. Drinking is all right but stop with the "OMG IM SO WASTED" bullshit. especially these dumb ass women who are just trying to imitate these faggy partyboy movies.

>last few generations

So youre talking like 50-100 years ago.

more like 30 to 40 years ago with an emphasis on 90's to now.

This is accurate to real life fat women in 2016. They're all loud and crass and overtly sexual because it's the only way they can get the attention they feel they're entitled to.

You gotta understand, people these days are so incredibly bored with their lives that every chance to even temporarily fill that void is greatly appreciated. Hell, if you don't drink or eat junk food, you need an excuse for that, imagine that. That's how stupid people are. They can't imagine anyone not going insane without being able to ruin their health with "guilty pleasures" (or whatever the current euphemism is) every day.

It's the same with Trump for example: People mainly vote for him because they are bored. They don't know whether he is a gifted politician or not, they have no clue. They just think that voting for him will change something, just something, whether it's good or not doesn't matter. Even if he sucks, at least they will have something to complain about.

I swear, bored, middle aged people with little education, interests or even talents are what will ruin western society eventually. America is drenched with those advanced losers.

straight to the celeb lookalike thread

the movie sucks ass with or without her. literally a movie about a woman whining over stupid shit.

>get fat
>be awful to people
>wonder why you're still single

She's the female equivalent to this board.

>tfw fat now

REEE and it's going to take like 7 months to lose it

I know some slightly chubby women and they're so cute and kind. They're not obnoxious like some obese women

I'm not fat, and in person I'm pleasant.
Faggots like you just bring out the worst in me.

>'murrican cinema

Because women wouldn't watch shit that doesn't represent them?

>>wonder why family is disintegrating and nations are following
Who do you imagine is "wondering why" this is happening? It sure as fuck isn't anyone in power.


her tits are as big as my face

>interests or even talents

important point here. even if you work as a janitor or whatever(not saying thats something to be ashamed of) u need to have interests and talents other than drinking and smoking.

>how to be single
be fat

They're small for a woman her size.