Eternal /got/ general

The King in the North arises edition

previously on /got/

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Jon

>Daenerys dreams of living in wedlock in a tall stone house with a red door

Will we see ToJ with a red door next week?

I'm coming into this spiq thread LEGALLY

Reminder if you prefer Jon to Robb you are a faggot and need to go back to /r/asoiaf.

And Who...
Are You...

>Jon is brooding in his chamber at castle black
>Melisandre enters, he ignores her
>After a while Melly makes an attempt to say something.
>Jon turns around
>"kept you waiting, huh"
>fade to black

Maester Martin

I cant cheat on my best friend you bitch let me see Sheldon already.

Dany is actually Rhaegar (and Egg) reincarnated, and has his memories of ToJ and the trident

nth for Maisie

>dreaming of tower
she is ___________horny

Show Robb is a stupid piece of shit and doesn't deserve any fans.

Nth for post these

>new thread when we have that (Cross-thread) one

fuck off with thread wars, fucking thread wars are pure cancer. don't spam with /got/ on Sup Forums. you'll get us banned

I only know one King and his name is Stark, not Snow.
The king in the North!

>yfw you realized Ramsay was just hugging Roose to see if he had chain mail on

For Highgarden!

nah, he was quite good apart from that Oona crap

According to recapped, no nudity from Emilia the season:

>On Sunday’s Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke may only show some very brief sideboob as she is forced to change her clothes. There might also be some random naked Dothrakis roaming the streets.

>Well, that was a huge letdown you say? Be sure to check back next week for some good news, as Ellie Kendrick's Meera bares her surprisingly nice boobs when spied upon.

guess she really does think shes top good now

damn, that's pretty smart and subtle


Fuck Sheldon come and fuck me already you bad boy ;) we can make alot of nooise while hes sleeping oh so bad Ive got shivers.

>tfw you will never be a dragonrider

do it so i can filter them all please

ramsay and his 20 goodmen vs all of westeros who wins?

That crap completely shit on his character and ruined his identity and motives.

meh, she's fat. We already saw her nude in her prime

Is there any consequence for being brought back? Does Jon go dark, does his memory get wiped?

get this ayy lmao out of here


write the most cringeworthy possible "Jon reveals he is alive scene, let's give D&D some ideas:

>Jon walks out of that room in slow motion
>a heavy metal version of "rains of castamere plays"

Found this old thing

>spam this stale 2 year old meme
>I'm from reddit and this is the first time I've seen them
fuck off

subtle frogfu bait


I read reddit too

choose wisely

Im sorry Ashley but I grow bored of you time to invent a new scenario to shitpost with because Im so fucking bored right now.

Ok how about this?

Uh I think Maisie Williams is hot.

Start from there fags.

Fuck off she is easily top 5 girls in GOT

>check back next week for some good news, as Ellie Kendrick's Meera bares her surprisingly nice boobs when spied upon

go on

Well some of us don't. I didn't know that for one.




well that wasn't actor's fault

>completely shit on his character and ruined his identity and motives.

welp it was crappy, especially since it was a clue factor in his dawnfall, but it wasn't EVERYTHING there is about Robb.


Jon is Robb's heir

this doesnt even work anymore

Maybe in the books. There is no will in the show.

ayyyyy lmfao

you can't be serious

>only reddit can come up with basic ideas

Thanks for telling us you figured it out redditor

It lacks the "Nailed it! -D&D"

Fuck off reddit loves Game of Plebs so you must be one of them

>it's a Kevan gets crossbowed episode



>Still believing Robb left house Stark to Jon

How can anyone like Daenerys?The character has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
A borderline retarded,emotionally driven,horse fucking whore that only brings death and destruction wherever she goes.She has no political guile and her storyline is boring.
She just got lucky with the dragon eggs otherwise she wouldnt have been able to achieve anything.
Characters like Tyrion,Varys,Stannis,Tywin etc have been in tough situations and turned them around using their wits and skills. All that dumb bitch can do is rely on her dragons.

>i'm evil santa that kills little boys

yeah fuck off

Kids are hot dude and if you dont believe that you are crazy man.

>Davos and Meli are walking away from the door, eyes cast down and thoughtful
>cut inside, where Jon is slowly getting up on his feet
>cut back to Davos and Mel, we see their faces as they hear footsteps behind them, the realization
>both seem scared to look behind them
>finally they look at Jon, speechless
>cut to Jon's face
>he looks down at his naked body, then back to the others
>"Sorry, I'm still a bit stiff"
>everyone has a sensible chuckle

do we have to fugf?

>Ellie Kendrick's Meera bares her surprisingly nice boobs when spied upon.

LOL nobody needs to see that shit


>play as Maelys Blackfyre 'The Monstrous'
>wreck Westeros' shit and send Aerys to the wall
>aw yuss
>king of westeros
>get a noble wife
>peace for a year or so
>get an event about a summer islander going on a foreign tour to westeros
>welcome him and let him stay at my court
>become good friends
>all is good
>except one day it turns out my wife is having an affair
>confront her
>she's fucking fucking jumoru or whoever this summer nigger is called
>several months pregnant with his kid
>imprison my wife and make tywin conduct an investigation
>we both agree 'HEAD ON A PIKE REEEEEEEE'
>kill pregnant wife
>jubongo flees to the summer isles
>send spies to kidnap him
>bribe a bunch of ongo bongus to bring him to me
>put him in the black cells
>torture him for a week
>make him into my slave
>castrate him
>make him the court eunuch
>grant him a knighthood as a joke
>make him the court jester
>now he's just mine to toy with

blackfyres are the rightful kings

Dude what the fuck?

I do

Men cannot win against Brienne with her satellite gps attachment and the sand sneks

It really bothers me that some of the (former) connections between characters in the show is completely ignored.

Sansa showing no reaction to seeing Tyrion's fucking servant with Brienne. Not even asking "what happened?" (Did Littlefiger see Pod at the Inn? I don't remember)

Brienne not mentioning she (thinks she) killed The Hound to Sansa. No Sansa reflecting that he offered to take her North.

I'm pretty sure there are many more such connections that are ignored. I know there really is no time for loads of such dialogues, but it triggers me deeply.

Oh I thought the actor was great. I was talking about the character.

>Khal Drogo that cheap

The Khal+norape fee+Renly pls

Stop samefagging jesus christ commit suicide already.

Meh, she's cute

She's pretty much the only main female character not dead they hadn't got topless before this series.

Just be glad its not Yara

>The show shits all over the books more news at 11

only for curiosity

>muh trash pulp fiction bookz!!

oh wait, they don't want your shitty book either

robbs actor was literally one of the worst in the entire series. its embarrassing to watch the scene he is in with alfie and when he tries to fight that tree HOLY SHIT. borderline unwatchable

Shut up me Ill do what I want no matter what we agree on.

if you are into dudes, sure

Yara is pretty cute out of character in a twee sort of way
Then again I think Gwendolyn Christie is pretty cute too

f-fuck you ;_;

Reminder that if Tommen dies before producing offspring, Cersei is the rightful, legal heir to the Iron Throne.

Not through her marriage to Robert. Not by being Tommen's mother. Not by being a Targ. But through a very convoluted bloodline.

Can you make this connection without using Google?

>yfw when /got/ BTFO you the fuck out

Yara/Asha is also cute, shut your mouth

Kek stay mad traitor


we need sperg to edit that into stills like the dany one, so cringeworthy

Grand Strategy is for nerds

I can't believe that this one is much better than the women one. At least this one gave me a laugh:
>"His dick in the north"

why do you think so many /got/ers are sperging out at those posts? They know they got BTFO

you're a faggot bitch nigger

Fuck I wish I had more computers to speed up my posting myself dont you agree me its a good idea see?

>tfw imagining the comfy autistic discussion we'll have some time in an offseason year when The Winds of Winter is released and we can discuss our theories for the end of the series while and reddit imagine a lotr or harry potter style ending

So is the internet

Kevan, I think, according to Targ rules.

>retard that got BTFO think he wasn't

I mean, yes through Tywin's line, but with no eligible men remaining in that line it moves to Kevan's line

Im bored me time for be nighty nighty you piles of monkey faeces I hope you all die horrible deaths and your babies are all born with deformities.

you should learn to read

who /pottery/ here?

>Tywin died on father's day
>Jon Snow revived on Easter
>Episode 3 will be on Mother's day


westeros forums have thought up more theories on the show than you have brain cells

they are more autistic than anyone and Sup Forums isn't some special intellectual place of discussion



>implying /got/ isn't still banned off season
>implying ANY /got/ will be allowed to exist once the show ends
>they do it for free\