Did women ruin this show?

>the entire plot is now fucked, womyn killed everyone including the prince despite the fact this doesn't make any sense completely shitting on any resemblance of character the Sand Snakes might have but hey girl power also Oberyn's whore is now a character

>King's Landing
>ignore fucking everything happening politically, let's focus on Cersei who's now a good mother and a sane person muh Margery adventures with le religious cult there's literally nothing going in the capital of westeros

>muh Sansa, muh Brienne of Tarth killing every man she encounters

>Dany being womyn in every scene who's under constant threat of death and RAPE and being even more retarded than the books, now the girl who translates for her is also present in every scene

>Malisendre in sympathetic light and she's sad

>Mara Reed is important for some reason, in fact, Bran NEEDS her. Bran is having visions of independent women from the past.

>Iron Islands
>Asha/Yara is going to defy an old guy in every scene now

>Arya still being a boring, rehashed storyline that's not moving. More stupid shit with jaquin hgar and his funny way of talking. Will she kill more men this season? Gee I wonder

What else? Did I forget anyone else? Oh yeah Queen of Thorns being the only Tyrell who matters. Probably going to introduce even more women in the following episodes and kill more rapists pigs men.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dany is annoying. She should have been cast differently.

>Did women ruin this show?

No, the writing just went on a steep decline in general.

She should've been thinner this season at least. She was captured and probably hadn't eaten much for quite some time. She should've looked haggard.

Same with Theon who looked ripped after weeks of torture. Fucking retards running this show.

nigger, just with how they presented bloodraven this season they've let people know how little shit they give about putting in an effort to make the show

Time passed between season 5 and season 6 was only a couple days max. Not enough to drop 10 lbs due to undernourishment.

She was away from Meereen for a while, she shouldn't be looking like a well-fed cow.


Clearly you dont like the show, so dont waste so much energy writing complaints about it.

lmao @ titty and cheekbone enhancing on that 5000% overly PS'ed pic.

I'm still watching this garbage even though I believe that every single storyline is awful now. The sunken cost fallacy has really got me this time.

I'm glad someone else noticed that this year Cersei is behaving like some kind of absurd antihero

I think it will even culminate in her rescuing the Tyrells

Women didn't ruin GoT, it was normies.

>some nerd makes something new and exciting
>nerds gravitate towards it and enjoy themselves
>normies notice that the nerds aren't completely miserable
>this infuriates the normies
>normies invade en masse to make nerd thing into a normie thing
>with its guts ripped out, nerd thing is no longer fun

And the cycle continues endlessly.

Latest example: Sup Forums

The only character that I dislike is Dany. Cersei and Arya are God tier.

>normies invade en masse to make nerd thing into a normie thing
>with its guts ripped out, nerd thing is no longer fun

More like leftists.

They're the fucking fun-killers who need to have everything revolve aorund their feelings.

>cersei is god tier

How. I'm honestly curious how anyone can like that cunt.

Nah, they're just trying to make the audience feel sympathetic for her before she dies

The sand bitches killed the show for me.

They were literally dropped in out of nowhere last season, and now they're in the middle of the central focus of the show where these bony scrawny ugly bitches are wrecking everyone.

Oh it's you again.
Here is my same reply from the first time.

I'm more disappointed in casting the boring Sansa actor with her dumb face in the x men movie.

Not him but she's not a bad character even if she's not likable at all. At least most of the time. This season she's been pretty fucking shit. In the books she's fucking GOAT.

It's become fan fiction.

>Targaryen avoids rape even though people would attack her while Khal Drogo was alive
>The fucking dwarf can talk to the dragons and be best friends with them.
>Dragons are super smart btw and have a high I.Q.
>Jaime and Cersei being rebranded as Romeo and Juliet

>Salsa Starch and JLaw

Fucking kill me now m8

>lol i bet your friedonz a lot loser :p

Kill yourself

D&D can't write for shit except in one area: writing women



Cersei is going to win the Throneb Owl, you'll see

Fan fiction would involve lots of rape, though.

Think "50 Shades of Grey"

no man normies are the problem

I haven't seen this show since season 4, is it still worth watching?


You forgot the scene of Obara being absolutely horrified when the idea that someone might murder Trystane is brought up.

Oh, another thread about how Sup Forums hates women, and game of thrones, and women in game of thrones.

This topic's already been discussed
Let's post salsa instead

I had a filthy sex dream about Arya.


Who hasn't?

>implying you aren't some shit clickbaiter trying to drum up a "muh patriarchy" story

You have the easiest fucking job in the entire world. especially since this lot take the bait every single time.

I wouldnt even be surprised if they have Yara wining the kingsmoot at this point.

What men are actually left?

I can't think of any.

Jamie has been castrated figuratively
Theon literally
Jorah is a friend zoned fag
Little finger a permavirgin
Jon snow had sex once

There are literally no male leads left

I think Roose was the last of them, there's litterally no authority figure or male leaders in the show left.

Davos is comfy but he will be forever an adviser and never have any power. Every other man is a joke. It's Game of Women now.

get a load of this guy

This show wasn't good from episode 1. It's a dumb show. Sorry you are getting worked up.

Oh wow no way, a Sup Forums complains about women thread?!?1 How novel!

>disgusting titties
>also hot
2 outta 6.
Yeah, they pretty much did

Shut the fuck up nerd.

Yes. Dorne killed my love for the show