Why aren't we talking about this movie? All we ever talk about are memes, GoT, and capeshit
Why aren't we talking about this movie? All we ever talk about are memes, GoT, and capeshit
We aren't allowed to talk about good movies.
I mean, there's not much to discuss. It was a fantastic movie (easily one of the best of 2016 so far) but we've had a few decent threads on it.
Also Finn best bro
>You're so desperate, man.
>Yeah, desperate for PUSSY!
>looks around to see if no one's watching
>pours cologne on his dick
>best bro
>not based Nez
Best movie of the year so far.
Yes. More Baby Boomer wank about how awesome being young in the 70's was and the only STD you had to worry about was herpes.
Confirmed for having not seen it
t. angry millennial faggot
Torrent not out yet
It can't be torrented yet.
10/10 premium Linklater, nothing happens and it was brilliant. I think it'll probably end up being my moty.
>nothing happens and it was brilliant.
True shit my nigga
Though I think Dazed and Confused had even less happen.
That black guy looks out of place. like they shopped his face in.
Black guys always look out of place
>From writer/director Richard Linklater comes the spiritual sequel to Dazed and Confused
Like we should recognize a no-name director and his work.
>a no-name director
>he doesn't know about Boyhood
This is /comovies/, user. You're only allowed to discuss capeshit or things that are like capeshit.(star wars, GOT).
I'd fucking love to talk about it if I could see it, it had maybe one single screening in my entire state. Far and away my most looked forward to film this year.