Hahahahaha he went out like a fucking bitch

hahahahaha he went out like a fucking bitch


What should he have done?

He was already heavily wounded before he killed those tewo men, he couldn't do shit.

Don't blame it on Stannis. Blame it on Melisandre. She fucked Stannis up with her false visions.
He was not the warrior of light.
Jon Snow/Targaryen/Stark is.
So basically it's her fault.
Stannis didn't have a choice after all.
It's a shame.




So is he going to die in the books now?

Probably but on a good, proper way most likely.

fuck off showfag. he is still the boss in the books


>kills two men while he can barely even walk
>died like a bitch

pick one

The whole point of Stannis' journey was to get Melisandre at the wall to resurrect Jon Snow...

Based Stannis died a True Legend.

Geeks like Robb Stark and Cat Stark and that other woman with her baby died like the jobbers they were.

Tywin died to a midget shooting a crossbow while he was shitting in a hole in the ground.

King Robert died to a pig.

The cuck Roose was killed by his moustache twirling bastard.

Balon fell off a bridge like an old man.

Joffrey choked on some water and turned purple.

Barristan was dominated in melee combat by a single sand nigger in a mask.

Stannis is clearly the most important character death in the history of the business.

He went out like a true boss.

He led the line and was the last man alive.

I pick died by a bitch

stannis died thanks to roose's "moustache twirling bastard."

Barristan killed like 3 trained assassins as a 60-something year old in cumbersome armor, what the fuck are you even saying

>trained assassins

nigger they were slaveowners with steak knives

It's a TV thread on a TV board you dumb cunt

Brother, there was only 1 sand nigger needing to stick his little butter knife in the greatest swordman of all time to take him out.

He got soloed by a butter knife from 1 (One) masketta man.

eh, it was a good death. he didn't bitch out in any way. he lost the battle. not everyone's a victor. then the knight took him out. the same one who bested the hound. tell me again how he went out like a bitch again?

She's not a knight. She reminds the audience every episode.

D&D only know how to tie up characters is to kill them off.

Name ONE character in the show that's arc has ended and it not be in their death.

The reality is that Stannis probably had to kill at least fifty/FITTY men just to make it to the woods and then had to kill at least the entire Bolton platoon chasing him including 2 extra soldiers looking for any remaining survivors in said woods.

He didn't even die to an offical Bolton combatant in that entire battle. If his men had half the basedness and combat skills of him, the Bolton army would've charged the other way back to Winterfell.

Well we won't know until the show has ended so it's rather a daft point to be honest squire.



It was like 5 or 6, also he probably killed some others n the way to that tunnel, as there was a lot of them coming.

Hot Pie

Rickon and the thicc eyebrowed wildling girl


What, they never showed him die. The fuck you guy on about?
Plus he is alive in dah books.

Promise me, nerd!

>trained assassins

Show me the body then.

>autist detected

he's dead you bloody oaf, move on!

Show me the dead body.
