ITT: Pleb filters

ITT: Pleb filters


you fucked her

>Nothing Happens: The Movie

Complete trash.


It's a pleb filter alright, just not in the way you think.

fat bitch on the right


>that guy who still thinks plot is more important than presentation

The whole time I was watching this movie I was like, "So this is what Scientology looks like from the inside."

Also bretty gud visuals.


brilliant soundtrack. definitely check it out OP

Does pleb filter mean plebs stop and turn back because it's too much for them, or does it mean they stop because they like it and keeps them from getting to patrician stuff?

The former

The Witch

So what did mean?

Wrong thread m8. You were looking for the pleb affirmation thread.

He's a pleb who mistaked himself for a Patrician. He then implied OP's kino was for actually for plebs.



>how to tell they are a pleb:
>characters had no motivation

Pleb detected.

Revenge of the Sith is a fantastic achievement. Its labyrinthine opening shot— of Anakin and Obi-Wan giving chase to Dooku through the space vehicles on the planet of Coruscant—is a mighty and audacious gauntlet-throw, the digital equivalent of the opening shot of Orson Welles’s “Touch of Evil." It wheels and gyrates and zips and pivots with a vertiginous wonder that declares, from the beginning, that Lucas had big visual ideas and was about to realize them with a heroically inventive virtuosity. And the rest of the movie follows through on that self-dare.

If I had seen ROTS in a theatre upon its release, in 2005, I think that, at the moment when Sheev, sizzling in the blue lightning that Mace Windu reflects back at him, cries out to Anakin, “Power! Unlimited Power!,” I would have leaped out of my seat yelling with excitement. The entire movie is filled with an absolute splendor of the pulp sublime, and that moment is its very apogee. Lucas reaches historic heights in the filming of action: the martial artistry of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s double duel versus Dooku, the gaping maw of outer space and of the airshaft into which the heroic duo drops, Obi-Wan’s light-sabre fight with the four-armed Grievous, and, above all, the apocalyptic inferno of the confrontation of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watched these sequences over and was repeatedly and unflaggingly amazed by Lucas’s precise, dynamic, wildly imaginative direction.

The scripted politics of the conflicts have a grand imagination to match. What Lucas brings to the script of the movie is a Shakespearean backroom dialectic of power-maneuvering. The dialogue is just heightened and sententious enough, just sufficiently rhetorical, to convey the grave moment of ideas in conflict and the grand mortal results of that dialectical clash—the making of a villain and the unmaking of a republic.

So it's like movies that are interesting enough for plebs to attempt, but are too patrician for plebs to enjoy watching?

I see, thank you.

I don't claim that people "pretend" to like movies. While some people will to boost their rep, I have enough respect to assume you genuinely enjoy the movie. And I believe there are people that enjoy this movie. But I think those who praise it as some masterpiece are deluded. I'm no stranger to plotless films, I'm fine with style over substance, but this movies had some problems. Many are willing to overlook them, but I'm not. For example, the stupidity of the end, or, in my opinion, the development of the doctor character taking a dumb turn. This is supposed to be some atmospheric film, but despite good visuals and sound, scenes like the sentionaut or the drug trip are too short. Overall I found it a tedious watch, and while it could have been worth it for the ambience alone, the ending left extremely little payoff.

So basically, it's fine if you like this, but it's definitely not pleb filter as there are valid reasons to dislike it

this desu

This, and it's not the end that lacks payoff. It has moments where it seems to build towards something, not necessarily in plot, but in intensity or feel. But nothing ever comes of it. There are a few scenes that I enjoy rewatching, but in the sense of the whole film, it's not worth sitting through imo

Beyond The Black Rainbow is a rare thing: a legitimate 1/10

PC can do something good in the future though

Those that can, do. Those that can't, pasta.

This. It has things going for it, and people like to pick those out, but as a complete film it never really works. Without a doubt I'd watch anything else by the director though. At least it attempted something and was original, which is respectable no matter the level of execution

all these plebs

If you- or anyone- are impressed with something like BTBR, all that can be said is: watch more films

>gorgeously shot
>slow but never seems overly long
It has all these things plebs seem to hate - little dialogue, slow pacing, high violence but little action - but it's a fantastic film.
The only valid complaint I can see with it is dissatisfaction with the ending, but if you look into the Norse mythology it's based on, or even just see it as One Eye knowing he's headed back to hell and trying to drag people back with him, it works

The fact that this heap of shit continuously gets praised as "patrician" here tells me everything I need to know about the type of moron that posts on this board.

I'm going back to /r/films

>user lists legitamate reasons he dislikes it
>you come back with no argument for what makes it good, or at least why you like it
>he's the pleb
Sure, the guy complaining "nothing happens" doesn't know what he's talking about. But true patricianess comes from forming a valid opinion and being able to defend it, not just from feeling a certain way about certain movies

No one said it was patrician, just a pleb filter.

Maybe the ultimate one.

Reminds me of the engineer from Prometheus

On the topic, Prometheus is literally Citizen Kane compared to this film

Literally the greatest thing ever put onto film. You might as well kill yourself after watching based carnosaur because its all downhill from there.

Pleb Filter the list

I thought about posting Inherent Vice and Spring Breakers, they're perfect example. However while I love some others on there, like Tree of Life, I don't think disliking them means you're a pleb.




Blackhat was fucking terrible