Was this the first animekino?

Was this the first animekino?

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It sounds dumb to say but the final stretch in the last race always gets me pumped as fuck. Don't know why

Nope. The Lion King came 14 years earlier, which I doubt is the first.

It's the only animekino

What the fuck, this actually looks pretty decent

Great music and strong editing can do that.

yes and if it were re-released today in 3D everyone would praise it.

thats the kino running thru your veins

Nigga Speed Racer is absolute kino


The last race is pure fucking energy.

get that weak SHIT off my track

Damn... I think I put off this movie for to long

oh my god, was that a ninja?

it's all the announcers screaming in different languages

More like a nonja.

Embarrasing what passes for a ninja these days.

Based Wachowski bros.

I like it.

It tickles my inner autist.

>that one Asian guy that just like YAAAAAAAAHH
>that one Indian chick who just screams

>All he talks about - all he seems capable of thinking about - is automobile racing.


Nope, that'd be this


Gaijinshiro was GOAT

No joke, I love it. It's my guilty pleasure, along with The Spirit

I like how the entire movie stays true to the source aterial, but doesn't pander, and treats the audience like they're smart people.


exactly how an adaptation should be desu

That was awful. The body horror practical effects were almost good, but the editing ruins everything.

>That Racer X reveal
That second Racer X reveal

Lol people saw that movie?

I did user, i did and I liked it

This movie was great, surprisingly so.

>the spirit
I fell asleep in the the theater to that piece of shit. The only memorable thing in the movie is Sam Jackson screaming "AH GAHT EIGHT UHV EVERERYHAAAAAN!"



See it on acid, it's insane

Whoa check that privilege

The Guyver is pretty old.