Character doesn't stutter while he speaks

>character doesn't stutter while he speaks
>he knows exactly what to say
>he doesn't cry himself to sleep after a long day of talking with people

Other urls found in this thread:

oh shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

please don't bring this meme to Sup Forums

Oh shit you can't stop it

o shit waddup?

take this normie meme back to ladbible where it belongs

oh shit waddup


whooo dere go dat boi

oh shit see ya

I don't understand this meme, why do you have to say oh shit waddup when you see the frog?


Because HERE COME DAT BOI!!!!!

o shit waddup

O shit waddup!

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

Memes work in mysterious ways friend

Just roll with it

o shit waddup

so the frog is dat boi and when he comes we say oh shit waddup, alright I think I get it, post another frog so I can meme

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

more dat boi fám

dat boi obeys dem quads

oh shit waddup

This image made me very happy user.

according to knowyourmeme this is a tumblr meme

ayy lmao was also a tumblr meme and look at what happened.

o shit waddup

o shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

o shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

more more more more

How many dat boi points can YOU earn?

Here Come Dat Boi, Oh Shit Waddup

Oh shit waddup

This is stupid

o shit waddup

you wanna become a trannie, boi?

o shit waddup

high score here

o shit waddup

oh shit waddup

This too is stupid



Now I know why the sudden flood of capeshit and company wars

o shit waddup


o shit waddup
reppin 2009 oify krew


o shit waddup