/b what do you do after sex?

/b what do you do after sex?

I've only had sex with one girl, my girlfriend at the time, and after we fucked we'd shower afterwards and go do day stuff like shopping and whatnot. Is that regular? Do you go to sleep after? I need to know!

I pay

Fucking Kek


pull up pants, wash hands, close porn folder

I delete my browser history

How I know you're a virgin: 99% of the time hookers demand payment up front

Clean her up, let the air out, and put her back in her box.

This faggot, not letting a joke be a joke

shower and just have a normal day


this ;_;

who is that girl?

Shower and fuck again in the shower is the usual way of things with me and the gf.

>unsubtly bragging about your experience using prostitutes


I know I'm gonna get annihilated for this but fuck it :

I'm kind of an asshole in sex, I do whatever I want, put my dick wherever I want, cum wherever I want. No regards to her pleasure.

That's why after sex I actually do the things she wants to do, be it cuddling or pillow talk or whatever. And I at least try to enjoy it myself too.

Be fair, fair is good.

Smoke a cigarette

RIP thread

Bury the corpse.

Pee, then smoke.

First clean up the mess and then usually naked cuddling, lying in eachother's arms and sometimes go again.

I never pull on clothes after it immediatly, naked cuddling best cuddling. Especially if you decide to go again

i dont know why but i crave ice cream after.

Tell her to make you a sandwich on her way out the door.

I always have a craving for bread and milk afterwards.


This man knows what's up.

Clean her or take a shower, then we eat and ran away before his parents come home

Not my ex