So what is the best Arnold movie?

So what is the best Arnold movie?

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Terminator 1

But the best Arnold performance is Conan

Anything from the 80s they all kinda mesh together for me

Last Action Hero, not even kidding, brother.

Predator is the best
Terminator 1, Running Man and Total Recall are in the top 5

That's an impossible question.

>Terminator 1
>Conan the Barbarian

anyone claiming otherwise is an interloper

>No Commando
>No True Lies

Conan the Barbarian is both his best movie and best movie featuring Arnold

if you think otherwise you're a huge pleb and should go back to watching capeshit

Commando obviously.

>phased plasma rifle in the 15 watt range

Implying Arnold doesn't have infinitely better lines in T2, therefore T2 is the better ARNOLD movie.


Jingle All the Way

thats not commando

recent best. it was so fucking good


dont you have homework

No doubt about it. Watched it for the first time in HD this week and it was phenomenal.




Conan no contest. I'm pretty sure the director just made a fake time machine and convinced Arnold it was all real.

It's gotta be between Commando and Conan The Barbarian. Conan The Conquerer comes in second.

T2 is the definitive Arnold movie.

pic related is the patrician choice


Michael Biehn > Edward Furlong

I mean T2 is the best movie with Arnold in it and Conan is the best Arnold movie. The best movie about Arnold is pumping iron.




you asked what was the best Arnold movie, so what the best film to feature Arnold was.

>if you think otherwise you're a huge pleb and should go back to watching capeshit
>Conan is literally sourced from a comic

> Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote comics.

Wait a second there ma man,

wait a FUCKIIIIIIING second:

is Conan the original capekino?! Cuz we might be onto something here, breaking some new ground here

Conan is also GOAT

the pleb is strong with these two

Robert Howard

Commando was funny as hack

Fuck I'm retarded I get the two confused.

That use to make me go WTF every time 10 years ago. Now it's really funny and comfy at the same time.

Correct but irrelevant. Biehn carried Terminator 1, but this is an Arnie circle jerk thread.

Conan, True Lies and Predators is the Arnold trifecta.

I'm assuming wrong picture or is that subtext?

it's allright anonino

>Not Conan, Predator and T1

The true Arnold trifecta

Do you have a problem with Audrey?


Fun fact, a draft of the Predators script had Dutch in it at the end.

Can't make that shit up.

>posting wymin in Arnodl thread

What are you, STRAIGHT?!



I like you user. That's why I'm gonna kill you last.


Has Arnold ever snatched up every motherfuckers birthday?

I can't answer because I haven't seen any of his post-Governator stuff...

but he sure as fuck snatched that maid's punani.

Trick question because first Terminator is the only one that isn't a flick.

>Conan and Pumping Iron

Based Arnie not being a shallow cunt and giving this lady the time of her life.

>Robert Howard wrote comic books.

End of Days is pure kino. Get some taste.

Well I guess Conan is a capeflick.

>Conan is literally sourced from a comic


Who else owns the 3 books of Conans original stories collected together?

First post best post

I'm assuming just you because you're a closet gay and enjoy homoerotic movies.

Well that's not the picture I meant to post



I'm leaning toward this. The man did so much amazing work for not only the action genre, but just blockbusters in general that it's nearly impossible to say if there's a single movie that could fully encapsulate this phenomenon.

>The man did so much amazing work

said noone of Arnold Schwarzeneger ever

just appreciate what he did as his work. We're not talking about someone that ever was in the same sentence as oscar.

Fucking this. I loved Last Action Hero.

You killed mozart.

Moe who?


>said anyone that wasn't a slack-jawed faggot
The same people that don't rate Arnie are the same people who didn't rate Nic Cage and now overrate Nic Cage as a meme.

To be or not to be?

Not to be.

Total Recall

This thread makes me want to go back and watch some forgotten arnold movies again.

>No Total Recall
>No Running Man

Still the best

T2, you fucking savages

Predator is the best Arnold movie. Conan is the best movie with Arnold in it.

I really enjoyed pic related when I was a kid. Still kinda holds up

T1 > T2

wtf is that

What a fun movie to this day. Also has this Cuban qt.

thanks for being first



but subzero is less than zero


I do. I even wear the Howard fedora while reading them.

Okay but seriously Total Recall is the best.

Do you really?

are there no photos of her from years ago, when he actually hit it?

Conan and Predator are not only amazing action movies with incredibly well realized worlds, strong writing, and interesting characters, but they also contain depth that is the genre never even barely touches (except Rambo 1).

Terminator 1 and Total recall come next in terms of quality, I'd say. They are well made films with a lot of intelligence behind them but lack something that makes Conan and Predator perfect.

Last Action Hero comes next due to its meta elements, good script, and bitchin' Arnold performance.

Commando is obviously his best pure action film, due mainly to the strong writing. So many other lesser Arnold films such as Running Man and Raw Deal forget to include a truly good story, memorable characters, and intelligent writing.

His other stuff is hit and miss, though honestly I haven't seen as much of it as I should have by now.

I HAD the complete chronicals ;_;

GOD love the way Howard rights lovecraftion horror and swift violence. No long drawn out fight scenes, no slow dramatic deaths. Somebody just makes a mistake and they're dead. And then there is Conan himself

The first scene in the Frost-Giant's Daughter.
>Not in Vanaheim, but in Valhalla will you tell your brothers that you met Conan of Cimmeria.

>What a fun movie to this day. Also has this Cuban qt.

I think this movie is what gave him the Latina fetish

Running Man is up there for me

"I get sick. Airsick, carsick. I'm going to throw up all over you."

"Go ahead, won't show on this shirt."

Makes me kek everytime

Terminator 1, Conan 1, and Predator, but the most quintessential Arnold movie is Commando

Total Recall >>>> Predator > The Terminator > Commando > T2 > Conan > everything else

,Conan sucks though. Complete writing for babies.

Running Man is better written than Commando, Commando is hilarious but is thread bare on story