Why do people like this show so much (especially redditors?). I've watched a bit but never saw anything special

Why do people like this show so much (especially redditors?). I've watched a bit but never saw anything special.

It all seemed to be "lol xD so random"

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Because the concepts are interesting.

The episode where Rick dates a hive mind is so well written. As is pretty much every episode in season 2.

The only reason people here don't like it is because it's not disciplined. It doesn't ever stick with a consistent tone, it's full of meme-tier jokes and people reference it to oblivion. They're not wrong, it is shitty, but in all honesty, Rick and Morty is a really, really, really good show.

>It is shitty but it's a really really good show

>Sup Forums

This makes no sense

I have been wondering the same thing. It is probably some parody of retro shit.

>it all seemed to be "lol so random"

This somewhat surprises me because by the standards of Adult Swim Rick and Morty is kinda tame in terms of overall weirdness.

You wanna see something thats truly batshit crazy you need to go back further.

>It all seemed to be "lol xD so random"
Not really. Maybe you have ADHD or something and can't follow.

>(especially redditors?)
How would you even know unless you use reddit yourself?

Honestly, it's pretty good.

The first season moreso. But a substantial part of its appeal is that the bar for animated programming in the west is set so low. Amateurish but ambitious shows like R&M and Bojack get hailed as being 'ground-breaking' just because they're not another Seth Macfarlane formulaic sitcom. It has like a 9+ rating on IMBD because of this skewed perspective.

It has glaring flaws, but does a good job of making its audience feel like they're smart.

>It all seemed to be "lol xD so random"


Rick & Morty is one of the few Adult Swim cartoons in the past DECADE to follow an A to B to C plot-structure in its narrative and have actual jokes with set-ups and pay-offs without relying on just random shit happening.

Its not a bad show. Most of the poor reviews come from people who've never watched it.

>You wanna see something thats truly batshit crazy you need to go back further.
This tbqh

I like it because it's funny and has weird space stuff.

Like a new Futurama sorta


what the fuck

I actually kinda like it...

I'm not even defending this show but if you think it's lol xD so random then you're an idiot and you're waisting my time

Fuck I hate you

It's pretty good, just over hyped. Like Fargo or Game of thrones

as far as animated shows go i think this one pulls it off tastefully

Rick and Morty is a real good show for getting snug in your bed and watching before you sleep
I'd Rate this Snug/10

Because its funny. Its a half decent show going up against other shit out there.

4fags just can't like something if its popular, or if its liked by le reddit masses.

If you took Bojack
and changed the Horse to charlie sheen it would basically be two and a half men,
as soon as i noticed this i stopped watching.

in the trash it goes

you want to try that last sentence again

It's Xavier Renegade Angel

Think its all on youtube these days too.
Watch it all if you can hack the strangeness as It doesn't get much weirder than this.

>It all seemed to be "lol xD so random"
have you even watch the show? is completely the opposite of that

I like this on multiple levels.

It's an immature, black comedy about heady sci-fi concepts. This is why television is so far ahead of the film industry, specifically animation.

Poorly worded but it should be evident from the context that he meant the meme spouting is shitty, not the show.

>be friends with a shitty Nova 2 on CS:GO
>keep him on friends list because he's amusing
>changes his profile pic and name to TINY RIIIIIIIIICK
>immediately defriend him
But I still love Rick and Morty

He's saying that fans referencing it constantly is shitty.

Learn how to fucking read, troglodytes.

it might just be the amount of hype surrounding the show, but everything I've seen about it just seems to be random shit with an underlying theme (which is actually interesting if they got away from the filler).

and fuck you guy, it's not a question of hating something, it's asking what other people find interesting about it

Why did Summer change drastically from season 1 to season 2?

Closer to the truth.

I used to love this show.

Also close to the truth.

I'm not a huge fan of the humor. Watched an episode and wrote it off on trash.

Eventually watched a few more, in order, and it started to grow on me. It's still not my kind of humor. strangely it's the character development and the continuity thereof. It can get oddly emotional for something so irrelevant.

This guy is ignorant of truth, yet he is open to there being truth and is searching for it. There is hope!

Different dimension probably, they've been going through different ones throughout the series
so i wouldn't be surprised if they switched it Subtly like on the 1st episode when the neutrino bomb wasn't deactivated

That's a feature of the show that has kept me curious over these few seasons. Will they switch out characters on that specific of a level to which the audience should have payed so much attention?

No, I'm pretty sure he said "They're not wrong, it is shitty", the it referring to the show, like in the rest of that paragraph, and 'they' being the saltyhotheads on Sup Forums. After this he said "RM is a really, really, really good show". I'm not quite sure what he meant by that.

the fact that "lol xD so random" came into your tiny head, no matter how ironic, confirms your pleb status more than you could know

Even if you don't like the humor you should at least be able to appreciate how well done the sci-fi elements are. that episode with the memory invading aliens? pottery

but nope. just flies right over you "lol xD so random"

fuck you


go to ------->

>real good show for getting snug in your bed and watching before you sleep

how is it good to put you into an existential crisis right before bed each night?

you're always better off for it having eventually awoken after passing out.

This x100

i dunno i feel like im never better off or worse off just more aware of my mortality.

not a fun idea to contend with

Fair enough. Sounds like it's just something you'd rather not delve into or come to terms with just yet. No worries!

>come to terms

you think i would rather not come to terms with it? id be so happy to rid myself of this concern

It's socially and philosophically insightful. I've never seen a show so bluntly explain that "Nothing really matters, but you're here so you may as well try to enjoy life". Also, lines like (paraphrasing) "the less you try to make people like you the more they like you" that are little nuggets of truth that you could do a whole episode on, just litter the show.

By this logic the magic school bus is good

The Magic School bus WAS good. Did you not have a regular childhood?

>meme-tier jokes

the fuck does this even mean? and why is no one able to explain this but just reply "hurrdurr it's reddittier memeshit XDDDD".

Not him, but the only way to do that is to face it. All the time. Desensitize yourself to reality, and then just enjoy playing in this sandbox.

It's the most important thing a person can do regarding achieving everyone's ultimate goal of satisfaction.

Because it lacks the typical SJW treatment.

Because its hilarious.

Because its very clever.

Because the entire alternate realities setting allows for amazing plot ideas, similar to how early Futurama was.

Because some episodes are literally 10/10 tv.

I like it for those reasons too, but I happen to really enjoy the humor. Maybe its because of this phase of my life I'm going through

There's always been people who are afraid of enjoying silliness in life. Before everything was a meme, "juvenile", or "kiddie" would have been the insult.

It has good themes and the delivery of jokes and comments is amazing most of the time.

Sometimes it goes a little bit too close to having a Family Guy kind of vibe and those are definitely the worst parts - take the episode with the aliens that insert themselves into your mind: the concept was good and interesting, but after a while the fake memories begun to feel like the "remember that time I [insert random and wacky thing]" gags Family Guy does instead of actual jokes. The parents dynamic is a bit overused too by now, it's going to feel lazy if it doesn't go anywhere new in the next season.

All in all it's a good show, but the creators are gonna to have to be careful not to fall into the Seth McFarlane non-humor format - as long as they keep their creativity on the right path the show has potential to be good for a good number of seasons.

meme implies it's a schtick they constantly reuse in an attempt to be funny, sometimes literally using the ones we have on the internet.

the only "memes" i can think of is rick's burping and him saying wubalubbadubdub. the latter isn't used as much and is parodying stupid catchphrases, which isn't that different from a meme.

I dont think it is random at all, every gag in the show furthers the plot in some respect and each episode has a theme or concept that it follows to a satisfying conclusion. I love the show and find it satisfying, the dialogue has an unscripted feel to it that is initially jarring and perhaps contributes to the "lel so randumb" vibe you are getting, but otherwise I really cannot see where you are coming from unless the only epsiode you saw was the intergalactic television episodeand even that had an amazing arc.

I think when people say "meme tier" they're saying a joke or event is trying to become a meme, which could incriminate any and all silly happenings in the show.

This show would be better if it got rid the burp and fart jokes. Other than those it's pretty neat

It's weird yet at the same time depressing as fuck

It's like a cool new thing for grown men to watch cartoons. I don't get it either.

>cool new thing

are you retarded?

Just because something is drawn doesn't mean it's for children.

>seemed to be "lol xD so random"
Kill yourself

their early work before this is pure shock material.

Whatever you say



This must be one of the non-random, very intelligent gags used in the show that previous posters were talking about.


It's a show for plebs who think they're "deep" because they are atheist and think Christianity is lolsostupid.

The hivemind episode was the worst. Congratulations, you're a pleb.

The entire sequence is improvised.

It still sucks.

>but they weren't even trying!

Why do we have this thread everyday? Sup Forums doesn't like it, understood. It's got funny bits, from time to time. That's why I like it. Can't speak for anyone else.

Rick & Morty is intellectual enough to deserve to be called an anime rather than a mere cartoon.

>the dialogue has an unscripted feel to it
This. I always felt put off by every line being delivered perfectly in big budget series.
It's also the same voice actor talking to himself most of the time, so there's that.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. Reddit is two blocks down.

But, Christianity is a lolstupid concept
>God tells you to act selfless so you'll be granted a place in paradise in the afterlife
>by doing so, you are doing that in only self interest, you are not being selfless.

>the dialogue has an unscripted feel to it
Well, the intergalactic television episodes are improvvised.
It's great.


Weird, I like Rick and Morty a lot but I hate the television episodes.

They're fillers. I guess that's why.

All of western history's greatest thinkers have accepted the genuine truth of Christianity. Even the skeptical minds of Newton, Locke, and Pascal have found no want of evidence for the validity of the gospel.

All people who were born in 1600s, long before there was the knowledge we have today of space and creation.

blame ATHF for that, it was the only one that did that well and too many people started trying to copy that