Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Miho claimed




Should I?


mine now



I'm bored and Kyouko isn't responding.

Oh well.

That thumbnail had suggested something else in my mind.


Tatsuta claim

I can't stop playing Witcher 3, send help

Claiming Seaport Hime.


Best type moon claimed.

I guess I'll stick around for a thread

Akiko claimed

>trips guy
Really fucking cose this time
Don't stop believing trips guy

I'm happy you like it
Making the gradients was especially tricky

The Space Wizard! Celestial Aegis and Protector of the SkyScape, behold his astrological glory as he aligns the planets and the stars to grant himself superhuman streght and intelligence along with sparkly celestial powers! With this shield of astrological power, the forces of the cosmos protects him.

QOTT: Who is Atago?

Someone woke up and had the intent of creating this. Wew.

Topkek, well you honed up to it. That's the luckiest run in history, hands down.

Kek, it's like a free sample.

Maybe I will~

Ah, not too sure about DLC. Don't think my friend ever bought it.


>4 off
Close but not today Trips Guy. What's good in the musical world?

You're fucked no matter what.

>Best idol claimed

mandatory cc claim

whats happening rn?


Oh hey there.



No longer concerns thread

My sister


Hello, how's the saturday going?


Atago was a Japanese light cruiser built in 1927 and sunk by the USS Darter in 1944

Cant do anything because its too hot and i cant sleep because there its thundering.
Things and stuff


The only free sample. I have to earn it

Go on right ahead


I try

>hamakaze and maki get

You're right, fuck it.
I'll do it later.


Hey Yuuko

what kind of stuff
>dont care about the things

What're you listening to /waifu/?


Are you feeling okay, lovely?


Just normal I guess, went out drinking and just came back. Night's not exactly young so looking forward to tomorrow.

How about you?

Have you tried ear plugs? They help in such situations.

Rerolling for Hamakaze
Rolling for dank mugi memes

Just normal slow night of watching youtube and playing video games.

That why your mic aint plugged in?


Yea, I know I post that mostly when I'm feeling down but I don't have any reason to feel that way anymore. Wriggle was pretty cool.


If it can happen once
It can happen again

>off by 1
You also have my sympathies

I'm doing pretty grand this evening cheers for asking. Still a bit disappointed in today's rugby games though, feel sorry for our teams (who are the boys in green).

At least I have my cookies for comfort.
How're yourselves doing?


But not close enough sadly

wew to you too

Thank ye for the support
Also lovin' the dubs

>also 4 off

Nothing too exciting to be honest in the music world for now.Still hooked on a few of The Neighbourhood tunes, but will probably start exploring some more of a particular artist I love.

How's yourself and your own music world doing this eve?

Thanks lad



>Neutral Minami
Are you new here or are you Karen in disguise? Either way Minami is top tier

>rolling for dank Mugi memes
y tho

I believe in you Tripsguy
You can do it

Just making sure everything is fine.

I'm glad you liked it.


What kind of vidya are you playing?

Tenryuu claimed

But wait, it doesn't end there

>try to conquer another system
>nearty no defense
>attack the planet, sucessfully conquer it
>suddenly the enemy rushes in with every unit he has, including his Titan
>have to retreat
>back to my system, replenish my units
>he attacks me
>i focus everything i have on the enemy Titan
>i destroy it, a shit ton of his autistic carriers, and maybe 1-2 capital ships
>i lost a shit-ton of units
>still a win for me
>he runs away into his system after i killed his Titan

I think it works

What do you mean? Thanks yeah. Minami is pretty great.
I'm new I guess. I posted here a few times before.


Mix of War thunder and KanColle.

claim Crossbreed Priscilla

Actually i have no idea.
I just got back here myself.
Yes, but i cant sleep with them in.
Doesnt feel right.
No, i just keep hitting my headphones.
''enjoying'' the nice summer weather were i cant do shit.


got my wefoo right here

That track is suffocating me, best way I could put it.
Good claim. How are you Priscilla?


And you will! Kek, I don't remember the challenges though.

This better be worth it.

Eh it was a long time ago too.

And you fail.

Good idea. Let RNGesus think things over.


Wow, kek how ironic.

As long as you're still enjoying them all is well. I'd be interested into hearing who those artist are.

I've been well, had to do some work around the house so now I'm just taking it it easy. Yourself?

As for the music world I was showed this gem by a resident here.



how's ur day been?



>these filenames

My sister bitching at me

Tenryuu a constant beast at everything confirmed.
Fucking nice lmao.
That game sounds pretty fun. Can you buy it online?

I was in a bit of a bad mood, but you and and a few other people cheered me up, as always. What flavor cookies?

>Karen is the only one who can use filenames like that
yeah ok look here fag

I've been playing a lot of Nuclear Throne recently and a bit of the old TF2.

I tried OW, didn't appeal to me that much.

You sound like a light sleeper, maybe try taking some pills?


What's going on?

SoSE: Rebellion is on sale on Steam now. Only 10€, and it's worth the money.

Are you sure?


I played it a lot and already sunk in a lot of hours, but haven't really played it in a couple of weeks.

Pretty sure


But sometimes you're just not really at your best game

I'm waiting~

And I'll try again

Maki get

Doesn't sound good :/

>not suggesting large amount of pills and alcohol

I'm back

>miho is naturally lewd


i see you have a thing for spiders


literally off yourself

I don't know

Good to know

They have other good songs too.


Its bearable

>Takao and Shiro get


Yeah dude I got no idea all these faggots amirite

not those kinds of spiders


y tho



It just seems like it's pandering with all the characters.Trying to get a different group of losers to try out the game.

Now that would just be mean and uncalled for.

Stop talking to me
