ITT: Movies that turn into the very thing that they're trying to parody
ITT: Movies that turn into the very thing that they're trying to parody
>kick ass
Orgasmo and Galaxy Quest.
Remove Cage and this movie would be awful
This scene was fucking kino
not a movie but the first season of Glee is a parody if the kind of show it became.
>Movies that turn into the very thing that they're trying to parody
So Matthew Vaughn General?
naw man, that was like the best scene with cage.
He was literally the only good thing about the movie. The lack of Cage was a large part of the reason the sequel was so shit. Jim Carrey was not a suitable replacement.
The first 2/3rds of Kick-Ass is genuinely great. Cage was perfect.
still, not meaning what you think it means. To parody you already have to become that thing.
You cannot parody country music by doing dubstep electro.
>Shaun of the Dead
>Hot Fuzz
>The World's End.
With great results, mind you!
There's a reason why this movie goes downhill after his character's death. Literally the moment he dies it all turns to shit.
It takes a master stroke to do these well. It's no coincidence that most of these mentions are all very well written.
birdman comes to mind
what if it's dubstep electro about muddin in your truck with an electric banjo twanging?
Alien Resurrection
Piranha 3D
biggest offender right here
> liking this shitty movie
Roger Ebert said everything it needs to be said about this
>giving it shit ratings because a girl gets punched by a grown man
The film got mostly positive reviews for a reason.
Kick-Ass is a perfect film. Fuck off.
The idiots here would call that a parody.
This song become the thing it was parodying.
That's how you do a parody?
This is just the example of the Scary Movie people that don't understand you can be the thing you're parodying. You don't have to be a campy c-movie to parody horror.
If you watched Space Balls it was still a good sci-fi movie.
Kick Ass was never a Parody, neither was Kingsmen or Watchmen. They were just a different direction of something.... they were never trying to be a different genre like Scary Movie.
Scarey movie is the worse thing to happen to the art of Parody. Unless you're weird all doing a Polka cover of a song, he still does the genre he's parodying.
That's what parody is.
nice picture there
Not with that ending it ain't.
> 13 year old stabbing a bunch of people in bloody shitty scenes and being 'heroic'
truly kino...
shooting the main guy out the window with a rocket launcher....
yeah..... why couldn't they just realize each other moms had the same name.
I did like that bit, but the jetpack was so dumb, as well as Chloe somehow beating a dozen guys with guns in head-on. Using stealth, deception, or fighting unarmed thugs is fine, but not men ready to shoot to kill.
They even built up to that with the guy wanting to use the rocket launcher before then and shit.
Maybe clumsy dialogue but that was sort of what they were going for.
Would you say its become a parody of the image board?
The film is a fairy tale. No a realistic le grimdark story about superheroes.
big daddy & hit-girl origins prequel starring nicholas cage and some 10 y.o. qt when?
chloe could have a cameo as a street hooker or something.
Yeah... that's the dumbest thing I've heard. Shit wasn't real because the hero didn't get shot like a bitch.
this literally applies to every action movie ever made. Maybe stick with documentaries. Action genre is a bit too advanced with you.
Have you seen When the Lion Roars? Patrick Stewart.
Chloe gained the spirit of Big Daddy and her power level shot up to 50 men tier
I'd say Kick-Ass borders on this, but it still retains a level of ridiculousness that doesn't take itself seriously.
Kick-Ass 2 on the other hand is literally what it's parodying, without question.
Or she was training since birth to do that, and kids have a quick reflex brain then adults, actually making them pretty fucking terrifying.
only say this because high actions/second gamers have a peak at age 14.
>we want the Sup Forums audience
Fucking terrible, even for capeshit.
>a scene with the most overused music of all time
that music sounds so much like the intro music from 28 weeks later
That's because it's the exact same song written by John Murphy
>makes fun of capeshit
>turns into capeshit for most of the film
It could have been so good but they played it safe
>The lack of pre-teen Chloe was a large part of the reason the sequel was so shit
Not loving this Kino
Roger Ebert was an overrated hack that originally gave Terminator Salvation a rave review, until his fans tore him a new asshole ... then he changed his review.
parody died 20 years ago, this is post-modern/irony
God Bless America
Self aware =/= parodying.
The helicopter crash in salvation is so goat tho
>self aware
How come they weren't self aware enough to not make it into shit then?
>Sup Forums detected
you're the reason action movies are shit today
Yeah...Cages stuntman sure was badass
>The World's End
hahahahhahahaha oh my god what shit taste
>I hate successful movies, am I part of the gang, guys????
I like Bobcat Goldthwait but this was shit
it's also literally James Gunn's Super
minus the suits
And minus being funny. And minus good acting. And minus being good. Super is a hilarious black comedy, God Bless America is insufferable edgy hogwash.
>Super is a hilarious black comedy
No it isn't. It's an okay, nicely edgy film. Gunn made a better work with GOTG.
inb4 sitewars fags
That's cold nigga. But also funny as fuck.
Nigger we're beyond that. We're in the Meta post-post ironic period now.
Thats the thing. I thought it was a fun movie with a fantastic soundtrack, but the entire time I was watching I couldn't tell if it was being hypocritical on purpose.
Frank's whole point is that people have become dicks, uncaring of those around them, and yet he does the same exact thing. They complain about the edgy, and yet thats what this entire movie is.
Not only that, but the girl in the movie is exactly what the Frank hates, someone who goes around and hurts people because of their beliefs. She is, at her base, the mean that Frank is fighting. The only difference is that she wants to be niche. In all reality the only reason the two get along is because they are alone.
I'd love to give the writers credit and say this was all on purpose, and if it was it would be a great movie, but I don't know if thats really what was going on here.
Either way I enjoyed it for what it was.
Fucking Springbreakers
Did Snyder base his batman on Big Daddy? the best fight was also the one in the warehouse, not that much different from the one in kick-ass
kek you really believe this was intended as a parody? Have you even watched the movie?