Mfw there's gonna be 24 "Legacy" bullshit instead of another season with Jack

>mfw there's gonna be 24 "Legacy" bullshit instead of another season with Jack

What kinda tv show you want pham?

My therapist said she saw Kiefer Sutherland waiting in line for The Little Mermaid on Broadway.

>tfw the Russians are fucking Jack's shit up as we speak

>implying it won't bomb
>implying chief Keef isn't using this as leverage to finally make that 24 hollywood movie

have a little faith in Jack

>You probably don't think I could force this towel down your throat, but trust me I can. All the way. Except that I'd hold onto this little bit at the end. When your stomach starts to digest the towel, I pull it out. Taking your stomach lining with it. Most people probably take about a week to die. It's very painful.

What did he mean by this?

A 24 movie wouldn't work at all, guaranteed flop.

Fun fact, the original movie idea for 24 was to have Jack Bauer team up with John McClane from Die Hard. How cool would that have been?

the only reason is because keifer wants to do a 24 movie and not another series

Sounds like a fanfic 2bh, it would end up cringeworthy. 24 has always taken itself seriously while John McClane is a total wiseass.


>"It's very painful."

For whom?

This is exactly what I have been thinking ever since I saw that finale.

>tfw Jack is being drowned with ice water right now

Just end it. ;_;

Lumberjack was his best aesthetic.

Which season do you think was the weakest?

6, but still very enjoyable

He's totally gonna be in it as a twist and it will be amazing

he'll be in it as a off-screen mention with pictures of him shown on CTU monitors

I don't think so.
To me it was 2, but again, enjoyable.
That's the magic of 24

Will you guys watch the new show? I'll wait for the reviews, if it's good I'll watch it in disbelief, if it's shit I'll watch it for the keks, if it's mediocre I think I'll leave it alone.

When is it coming out?

this is the main actor


Glad we can finally get some diversity in Hollywood.