So i saw all the hate for this movie, and hadn't seen it in years, so i watched it again. What the fuck is not to like? I'm being serious. Malin was a pretty shit actress but that is about it. Can anyone explain to me why Sup Forums hates this movie?
Why do you faggots hate this movie?
I don't hate it. It was about as good as a Watchmen movie could have been
I don't hate it, I am not CinemaSins. They picked on some of the dumbest shit for the movie. It's a pretty much flawless movie.
I agree, it's horribly underrated.
>there are people who seriously don't understand the relevance of the sex scenes
It's not exactly a complicated movie, but it still goes over peoples' heads
That said, it's not in my top 100 or anything. But it's definitely a decent movie.
Nobody hates it. It's just a shame that it was so close to being a fantastic adaptation and then shit itself much when it came to having a basic understanding of the comics.
I don't.
I love it.
Don't listen to the squidposters.
It's a super hero movie.
There's always one.
And he's always right.
It's a pretentious superhero movie. It looks like shit. The characters are shit. The story is shit.
>there are people who seriously don't understand the relevance of the sex scenes
So i can't tell if i'm too stupid or too smart to get this comment, because the sex scenes importance seemed pretty obvious to me. What is the relevance? If there's something big i missed i would like to know
Right so you just hate it because its a superhero movie and didnt even pay attention at all, missed the entire point. You are the kind of faggot that is ruining this board
If the importance seeming obvious is the whole sex/violence/crimefighting connection, yes, that is relevance
there are many, many people who do not pick up on it even though it's basically shoved in your face even more forcefully than blue penis
Dr meme-hattan was way to op and out of place in the movie, killed it for me. Also why would that slut bang a blue electricity monster? Fucking women
The atomic kiss is one of the most iconic kissing scenes in all cinema
It's a bad movie based on a great story, so it fools a lot of plebs into thinking it's a good movie
Excellent analysis.
so sick of this meme. Muh books, muh comic books. Look, i read LotR's books before the movies came out. The story was better then the movies carried out, of course. It is practically impossible to turn a good written story into a perfectly equal good movie story wise. But they did it with LotR, i think most would agree. The movies were good, on their own. Watchmen was good, on it's own. No one is ever going to turn your favorite meme story into a movie that matches what your imagination came up with while reading it, sorry. Stop being a fucking contrarian all the time it's pathetic
sorry meant to say, they made a good movie out of both of those, not that they were equal to the written stories
>it's an "Alan Moore gets out of his cuck shed" post
>inb4 zack didn't get it
Everyone "gets it" it's a fucking comic book
It needed a director that truly understood the story.
I hear this a lot, what is not to understand exactly? I honestly think i understand the story, what do you believe i'm missing from the movie. I have a closet full of comics but never got into this one
I would try to explain it to you, but your feeble little mind wouldn't be able to comprehend it.
ya that's what i expected. glad to know i wasn't missing anything
>inb4 that one fight scene
That seems to be the extent of every complaint
It's OK. The acting and the movie and general is pretty uneven. There are some great spots (pretty much the first half) but some of it was not translated well to film. Also, the CGI iss ass, which is inexcusable for 2009.
The sex scene with Nite Owl is so god damn overindulgent and cringey though. It was a nice moment in the comics, because he finally was able to sleep with her, but they made that scene into a shitty cosplay porno.
It's because Snyder has no concept of subtlety and has a compulsion to make every scene loud, flashy, and dumb.
I'm willing to excuse the over-the-top fight scenes, but he really dropped the ball with Veidt's first scene, which basically shouted "HE'S THE BAD GUY" without brightly flashing it on the screen. Then there's the scene that establishes Kovacs as a psychopath from day one, which diminishes the effect of his later transformation into Rorschach. And don't get me started on the drawn-out and unnecessary sex scene that grinded the pace of the movie to a halt just to see Malin Ackerman's bee stings for 5 minutes.
And that's just to name a few.
Its a great movie.
Some bits are a bit to silly and the sex scene was pointless imo
>it wasn't true to muh manchild picture books
What the movie doesn't have:
>an actual psychotic yet intelligent Rorschach
>the overblown mad scientist egoist ubermensch looking motherfucker Ozymandias
>muh squid
And a bunch of other things, such as not showing the complete paranoia of the nuclear war, which was much more relevant in the comics
>bloo bloo bloo
Another thing is that I'm not saying it was bad. It was a great movie and people who hate it purely for not being 100% loyal is dumb, it got most of themes and ideas right. The original material will always be better at showing these ideas though.
Also, people who complain about Zack Snyder's use of slo mo is dumb, the slo mo in scenes like Nite Owl's death was used to emulate comic panels, reading from one panel to the next.
In all honesty, this is one of the most true to the source movies out there.
Everything in practically a scene for scene recreation (which is why the movie is so fucking long) with the only real change being the removal of the tentacle alien sidestory that would only make sense if you included the pirate comic sidestory.
That's not what I meant at all, you fucking idiots
Fantastic film, probably the best superhero movie ever.
Which is funny considering that it's a movie about how capeshit for adults is retarded
Graphic novel is better overall, but the movie's ending makes more sense
there are some legit 10/10 moments in the film
>Dr. Manhattan's entire transformation sequence
>Hollis mason's death scene
>opening credits
I don't think any scene is bad or even just average, they are all very good, but some of the jumps from scene to scene might not work for people who are unfamiliar with the story.
It's a really good film to re-watch
The story in the movie is still good, even if bogged down
But Snyder's direction is fucking terrible and makes the movie as a whole bad
I watched it last night on FX
Where I think a lot of the dislike came from was not the neo-noir angle (which was stylistically-enthralling and not overly-saturated, which is really hard to do) was in having Dr. Manhattan being such a transient and omnipotent character that it made absolutely NO sense as to how he could be subordinated or manipulated by anyone, especially Ozymandias or Silk Spectre.
On the plus side Jackie Earle Haley's acting was outstanding and his last scene was really good
I really, really like Watchmen
Same thing in BvS opening
It's significance is now show that even God can get cucked
john still cares somewhat for humanity, specifically lorie. ozymandias used that to send him away and the tachyon fields(?) to hide his end goal from him. the movie explains how he's tricked pretty well actually.
>mfw realizing black freighter story was about ozymandias
Didn't they split up?
You can't say that sex scene was steamy as hell
>iconic kissing scenes in cinema
Are you a fucking fag? Who gives a shit it's a shitty movie with edgy lines pretending to be some deep movie meanwhile the entire audience just wanted a longer rape scene
This faggot doesn't hate it. It's one of this faggot's favorite cape movies.