
good, NEXT!


I wonder if this qualities as shitspam because fuck we're tired of seeing it.

( me )
done, now time will tell.

Who's keemstar?

Keemstar is the worst asshole on YT.

pretty sure onision beat him to it

*One of the worst.

The moment Sup Forums celebrated somebody getting taken down because of how much of an immoral cunt they are... and nobody saw the irony.

good thing we're focusing on the one guy that ran a show that people watched meanwhile there's worse youtubers out there doing much worse things.

this is kony 2012 all over again

Lol, so you're telling me it's wrong to celebrate him losing?

losing what? up to recently Leafy and gradeaundera were his devoted followers and they only turned once they heard keem had been talking shit about them, it's all a shitfest where everyone is trying to hide that they're fucking hypocrites- keem has been under a magnifying glass ever since he started talking back to people given enough time and people shit is going to surface and everyone is picking up a pitchfork because others are making them move, it's pure shit user and you should be able to figure it out too.

I'm so fucking sick of all these commentator channels and their 14 year old fanbase.

Fuck off.

You really think so? You really think GradeAUnderA, LeafyIsHere, and the others are like that? I don't. And you know why? Cause they've got some good points, and they admit their mistakes too. they're honest - not liars nor hypocrites.

are you talking about LeafyIsHere ?

He said 14, not 8

If all these Youtube drama channels developed stage 4 cancer, I would feel sorry for the cancer.

lost what? i hope you don't think i'm gonna watch that op.

they were devoted to him, keem even stood up and defended Leafy who then followed him around like a puppy, keem helped them getting exposure by getting them on the show to talk about shit that effected them / they had a problem with, they knew what was going on and had no problems being part of it, EVERYONE knew who keem was and accepted it, only outsiders who keep spamming this shit didnt and rather join some banwagon because they're to braindead to think on their own.

Then he backstabbed them by "exposing" them like a 12 year old girl. Your argument is null

you got it wrong, he didnt expose anyone, they backstabbed and exposed him, theres even an episode with him turning his side to show that he's got a knife in his back with a letter signed Leafy.. dude what are you even on

"keem helped them getting exposure by getting them on the show". Are you being serious? All Keem fucking wants is money and fame. That's it. He even said so himself. And as the smart guy above me said, Keem "backstabbed" them. Keemstar is an asshole who only wants money and fame. He gives 0 fucks about anything else, and the saddest part about it is, he's got fans like you supporting him.

fucking leafyishere 12 year olds there's an age limit on this site you know

Oh ya because doxxing someone isn't backstabbing at all. You must have missed when keem had to go out of his way to find old photos of gradeA and I hate everything.

And all this sounds like a shitty scripted soap opera designed to drive 12 to 15 year olds to their channels and scoop up ad revenue. Unfortunately it seems to work.

no sadest part is you who didnt know that dramaalert was the hottest thing until this shit with goldandglory happened, everyone was talking about keem/dramaalert for better and worse, pewds, philly d, shit he even made the news, then with time and him attacking enough youtubers people were out for revenge, so the sad true part is you fuckers that hop on that shit not thinking a second on your own, just wainting to be moved in a direction like a plebiant mob.

im not saying keem isnt shit or cancer, im saying this hate-wave is a pile of shit and anyone with common sense should take two steps back and see the whole picture before trying to burry 1 guy when so many others stood behind him without issues prior to it, so maybe, just fucking maybe its not all that fucking bad, i mean like i said, onision is a god damned menace but even that fucker has a place on youtube.

I think keemstars funny, I'm sick of all the Leafy dickriders tbh

what, you know keem covered that story right? saying that someone found an old phto of gradea but that gradea beat the guy to it by making a video about it and a face reveal or some shit.

i swear to god youre on fucking meth