This obvious cringeworthy Asian pandering

>this obvious cringeworthy Asian pandering

Has Nathan finally jumped the shark and sold out like the hack fraud he is?

He's making a sick reference to a Trump tweet. I'm sure he'll get tons of upvotes for it.

Needs more gay porn.


I'd never oust my political views if I was famous.
Quick way to piss off half your fanbase.

How much are they paying you to shill ?


Jesus Christ. This is like that Abuela shit Hillary did a while back.

The "I love Hispanics" part was a cringe admittedly.

But I suppose you need to suck their dick nowadays for votes


Pho is awesome, put some lime wedges in that shit and holy fuck is it delicious. But that shit is straight up Vietnamese, that's like eating a taco and saying "I love North America". Fucking retard.

>I love Hispanics!

welp, looks like I'm a cruzmissle now.

>using Twitter

fucking kill yourself


He's b8ing so that the media will give him a free stage to talk about issues he cares about. He wrote about it in his book and did it a million times before this.

>we want the vegan audience

Where does it end with this guy?

why didnt he just say mexicans? not all hispanics even eat tacos. and mexicans dont eat ground beef.

why are politicians so fucking inept.

yeah that girl really isn't very attractive

weak jaw, dull face, if it weren't for the angle, her tits, all that makeup/hair preparation, and filter, she'd be like a 5 or 6

>I've never read Art of the Deal

Is he an alien?

>reading a trump book

>It's a Sup Forums users are so new they don't even remember based Nathan from just a few months ago episode

>tfw Donald was trolling really hard while Nathan tried to troll Donald and failed

you mad he didn't post it on snapchat, faggot?

>Mexican food

>not reading a best seller

Blue-pilled as fuck

Cruz is out m8

Most retards think all Hispanics are beaners. I know a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes who has a Hispanic sounding last name because of his Spaniard grandfather and the typical reply he gets is "DUDE R U MEXICAN111!!!"

>Not reading often where you can easily get through his 400 page book in a few hours or less

That's the point you 'ron.

>watching a Jon Lovitz cartoon

haha nathan is so cool

I actually just cooked my own pho today

it's pretty good

you got multiple levels of fucking stupid here

taco bowls are american, inspired by mexican dishes

mexicans are hispanic

remember when hillary said she carries around hot sauce in her bag to pander to black people on radio

Nice, rate my breakfast

>I love Hispanics
>I have beatiful Jewish grandchildren
What did he mean by this?

>tfw American politics is going to be who can suck the most brown people dick from here on out

>But for those hoping to experience Mr. Trump’s taco magic, they may actually have to head to his Trump Café — not the Trump Tower Grill, as he claims — and as some eagle-eyed reporters have already pointed out.

>The Tower Grill does not, in fact, offer taco bowls, but the Trump Café has them on Thursday’s Cinco de Mayo menu as a “Taco fiesta!”

does that mean nathan really hates asians?

Oh yes the "I was only pretending to be a retard!" strategy, ripped straight out of memechan.

That's a tweet I'd expect to see from a snarky leftist blogger.

Although I'm sure that's who runs her account I suppose

Who doesn't?

>All Hispanics are illegals

What a racist bitch

Hilary is the racist one for thinking all hispanics are mexican.

Does this bitch know what a spaniard is?

Nathan hates Armenians for keeping him in business on Comedy Central.

youre leaning back and your legs still dont bend in a standard tub. what are you like 5'6"?

this image screams numale

This is getting too cringy

why do people have such an issue with differentiating between illegal mexican immigrants and hispanics?

I'm hispanic and think mexico is shit, don't even speak spanish

There are plenty of hispanics that support trump, especially in texas, a border state with a soon to be hispanic majority

There's not a single difference between the two you cuck.

5'11" , maybe I have a big tub you fucking bitch

It obviously worked/is working.

What people fail to understand is that there is a substantial amount of people, in the US, who care about issues other than race/gender relations.



Apparently not.

2/10. Needs more baked beans and black pudding.

Spaniards aren't hispanic retard. A better example would be philipinos or people from certain regions in Morocco.

t. Spaniard

>he thinks I'm self conscious about being 5'11"

>full on damage control

>he had to tell me that he's not self conscious about being 5'11

Well for one it definitely seems like it's working its magic on you.

this is true

i think latino is more appropriate for the spanish

but hispanic includes specific areas, spain not being one of them

the spanish will even get offended if you call them hispanic

Shit tier troll

tubs are 60" long. it's a building code standard.

you arent 5'11 my man.

Caught me, I'm fucking lying. I'm a liar.

I've supported Trump on the issues of immigration, globalization, and campaign finance since the beginning.

>that episode where he tries to spread holocaust awareness by selling jackets
wtf? I hate nathan now.
why does Sup Forums even like him?

>le post-modern-ironic-meta proletariat understand when they're being played by post-modern-ironic-meta politicians so theirs a backlash when obvious pandering occurs in post-modern-ironic-meta manner meme

Hispanic is in direct relation to Spain. Any colony of Spain is Hispanic. The fact that SPANIARDS are "offended" by hiSPANIC is hilarious.

Yes, she meant Latino, but it's still fucking retarded anyway.

Mexicans are Latino and Hispanic.
Brazilians are Latino, but not Hispanic.

It's fucking dumb.

Well sorry, I just know my mom has spain heritage so my fucking birth certificate says Race: White, Ethnicity: Hispanic/other, so I get very insecure about that

Can American politics stoop ANY lower?


Or, you know, useless illegal immigrants. But nobody cares what they think because they can't vote.

What a fucking moron, thought Trump had more of an understanding than politicians who do these terrible PR moves.

i forgive you

He definitely knows what he's doing.

that's Juan dumb tweet

I've supported him from the start on the issues of penis size and losers.

I think you're underestimating how dumb Americans are

>Not reading the #1 best selling, best rated business book in America and worldwide

This too. He's hilarious and he's turning the American political system into a big meme.


i kno rite? so epic xd

>Liberals are losing their minds over Trump's tweet
>All he said was that he loves Hispanics

Liberalism is a mental disorder



>implying it wasn't already a giant meme
>implying it wasn't fucking everyone in the ass under the guise of civility
>implying it wasn't controlled

At least Trump made it a funny meme.


and you're one retard who thinks there are no blue eyed blonde mexicans.
you're no different.

>using a blanket term for a group you've called rapists and drug dealers
>not even bothering to go out to a shitty breakfast taco stand for real Mexican food

There's a whole lot to be offended here.

I doubt he earned that golf trophy tbqh


I know right. Now let's talk about his beautiful Jewish grand kids.


t. professional victim

>a group you've called rapists and drugs dealers

His tweet said nothing about illegal immigrants.

When you own the course you can win whatever tournament you want

It's because the photo and the motivations behind it are transparent as fuck.

he said a lot of illegal immigrants are rapists and drug dealers, not all hispanics. which is absolutely true. most rape is done by hispanics. more than whites and blacks combined.

puerto ricans and mexicans are both hispanic.

are you offended by him or your people?

Hey, Sup Forums. Reading comprehension treating you badly today?

>waaaah leave trump alone!

Look at his face. You just know he's trolling.

>I love Hispanics
Liberals go full REEEEEE

I'd laugh at the whole thing but this is our fucking political system and they dictate things

It's because it's hilarious. It's him eating a taco bowl, saying the best mexican food is from his tower and then he randomly says he loves Hispanics at the end. It's the most Donald trump shit he's done in a while that is actually just really odd in a funny way.

Remove taco