how pathetic is RLM getting, that patreon well must be drying up
>lets just reupload older shit
how pathetic is RLM getting, that patreon well must be drying up
>lets just reupload older shit
>reddit leddit memedia
All the flavors and you chose to be salty.
because their older shit gets taken down and people want to rewatch it including ep 3 review
I never watched that cringeworthy "review" show at all
I had a dream last night that Jessi came back. Good dream.
their shit is still up
its not like they deleted the original 15 minute segment uploads of those plinket vids
they're still up too
they did this shit back a week before star wars 6 trailer hype was going on
now its happening again cause the bluray is about to come out and their review, its pathetic
Holy fuck you're autistic.
It wqs taken down reuploaded
They just combined it into one video. Which is much better than the multiples, which I believe was a limitation they were under from the old service and aren't restricted by anymore.
You people find stupid shit to bitch about.
why are people on Sup Forums so triggered by RLM?
The Episode 3 review got blocked so they reuploaded a version removing the bits that got flagged. Why are you being so fucking retarded about it?
Just looking for stupid ass reasons to get mad. Dumbass little hater bitch.
>model airplanes
Was she topless? Did she have hairy pits?
>their shit is still up
No, which is why you can't link to it.
>this kills the OP
What got removed?
Hello, saganfan1983!
>no new videos from the coca cola fish
>Juicy Shaq meat
>i positively loved force awakens it was so progressive
t. mike the kike
>its pathetic
>Capitalizing on elaborate shitpost videos
>Still making mailbox money on shit you produced over 6 years ago
>Making a living doing movie shit with your likeminded autistic friends
More like living the goddamn dream.
How pathetic do you have to be to use YouTube """""celebrities""""" as surrogate friends? Let alone give them money for making movie review videos on YT.
Just as bad and cringe worthy of a fan base as Doug's
Well, if you watch their videos, why doesn't it make sense to pay for the entertainment?
Games, movies, YouTube videos, it all takes time and effort to be made and you enjoy them you should be willing to pay, no?
>bloody Magic Johnson meat
They already make money on ad revenue.
You're not the customer, you're the product m8.
You're paying for the same sub-par quality videos because they pocket most of it.
some sony music bullshit
jay brought it up in a pre-rec stream cause people kept asking
You're gonna want to cook that well done.
>mom can I have an advance on my allowance, my friend Mike needs it to make a movie review video on YouTube despite already having the equipment and making partner money from YT
I'm sure you'd be their best buddy IRL lmao
did he died?
It hasn't been palatable for a while but I don't think they give a fuck. They're happy getting old and pointless wherever the fuck they live. I mean normal human logic would suggest they say to each other:
>Hey we have a wildly successful internet commentary show on the internets, perhaps we should move somewhere other that fucking Wisconsin or wherever those fucking retards are. But no, they like it there because they know exactly where the beer store is.
I've lived in NY, Florida, Maryland, San Diego, Chicago, and fucking Baltimore before I was 25, these hacks can't go 4 blocks without getting uncomfortable.
Plebs are triggered by patricians.
>I've lived in several places, therefore everyone should want to live in several places.
>Liked Jurassic World, TFA, and every Marvel movie
RLM are the plebs.
space cop 2 when?
Better than living in the fucking middle of no where "Basically Canada" US.
It was taken down for copyright, they had to reupload it you hack
>yet you're still subscribed and watch his videos religiously
>watch videos religiously that have no rewatchability (minus the plinketts)