Twin Peaks

My girlfriend and I started watching this series on Netflix about a few weeks ago. We loved Season 1, and now we're two episodes into Season 2.

What the fuck is going on?? Why is Season 2 so bizarre? We both agree that all the characters and the tone feels off from Season 1 and we really don't like it. Do we keep going?

>My girlfriend
stopped reading there

Keep watching you fucking bitch

I actually am watching it now as well just finished S2E8. You guys have to be memeing when you say the second season sucks because I am loving this shit.

Someone made this. Maybe it's right, maybe it's bullshit. But it might help.

>Just finished S2E8

It's downhill from here my friend

you have to get over the hump of the first few episodes of season 2. the whole diane super strength stuff was just idiotic. i believe the quality pics up as the season continues.

i'm actually rewatching it right now. the pilot sure seems dated these days. particularly the subpar acting. i guess that's part of the Twin Peaks charm.

You don't have to be autistic to enjoy Twin Peaks and the works of David Lynch. But it sure helps

I couldn't get past the first ten or fifteen minutes.
And I never ever do this.
It was the same feeling I had when watching Tree of Life.
A gut wretching feeling foi cing me to stop watching the shit.

Really? This was top tier TV, is it a slight decrease in quality or a pretty drastic one? Obviously the main mystery (Laura's murder) is over at this point.

ah, yes, the whole "everything i don't like is shit" meme strikes again.

Just get ready to suffer through some of the worst story lines and characters ever put to television, it picks up a bit near the end and the finale is fantastic but it never hits the heights of season 1 or early season 2

Stop after the killer is revealed and just watch Mulholland Dr or something.

This is all you need to know. And yes, the info on it is pretty much accurate.

I didn't mind the middle stretch of episodes, the bringing and end of the season are great.

James is the worst damn character in the show, that is all.


#1 girl

i think david lynch wasn't involved at all with season 2

somehow Donna managed to be worse for me

There is a noticable drop. I wont say much more, but the finale is god tier in greatness. Keep watching

Donna and James are just as bad as each other.

Keep watching.

It's good up until they solve the murder case, then it drags.

It doesn't get that good again until the last 2 episodes of the season.

Man, I can't wait to see how the new season turns out.

Do you think getting a Netflix subscription will get me a prime amazon girlfriend that you've been blessed with, OP?

The episode directly after the murder is solved is good, but prepare for the longest, most awful, most shitty television you will ever watch in your life.

OP, I watched through Twin Peaks with my girlfriend too, but we were high as fuck most of the time and it was excellent.

I swear I only kept watching after the first few episodes for her, and I'm glad I did because the show got pretty good.

Wait is that Leland raping Laura and another girl?

I was planning on watching Fire Walk With Me with my sister but I might not if there's a ton of stuff like that.

>this actually happened
If you want to start a Twin Peaks thread just start a Twin Peaks thread. There are only like six of seven episodes that go completely off the rails. There are more good season 2 episodes than season 1 episodes. Stick with it and even watch the shitty ones so you can watch Fire Walk With Me

Got damn, the middle of s2 isn't THAT bad. I mean, it's not good, but it at least somewhat balances out with the arrival of based Denise.

I started watching a few months ago. Tore through the first season and everything up until they reveal Laura Palmer's killer in a few days. I'm still on like episode 12, the decline in quality is ridiculous.

Donna and Josie Packard are both worse.

>mfw neither is coming back for the reboot

Wish I had a gf to watch Twin Peaks with desu family


good times breh

Is that david duchovney in drag?

Everything in Season 2 is good except for anything involving James.

Prove me wrong.

Juuuuuuuuuuust youuuuuuu

aaaaaand aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayeeee

>tfw I love that scene

I feel totally alone

Dude, you have no idea how much late season Twin Peaks and early X-files overlap.

>Indian sheriff
>Dana's dad Air Force guy
>Fucking Duchovney FBI

If the show hinted at and skirted around the underlying ugliness of Twin Peaks, the movie dives in headfirst. It's way different in tone from the show (and it's fucking terrifying at times).

no he's running with them i think.
still though, there is nudity and some sexual-like content in FWWM. it's about how laura died. it's not upbeat.

it's a good scene it just hits too close to home for some people, cos we were all goofy ass teenagers at one point

I would say that the first 10 episodes of season 2 are worth watching. That's when the Laura Palmer theme completely wraps up. That's also 2 more episodes than season 1 had to begin with. Don't let the James "singing" part bug you too much. Nothing that comes after is quite as bad as that.