Films that made you unexpectedly feel bad

Well, I have to say Adventureland.

Pretty much a hard hitting film for me as opposed to a comedy

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Felt bad because you'll never get that hour and 47 minutes back?

good one!

Why do the jews keep putting kstew and Eisengoldburgenstein together?

>ywn be 18 again working at that shitty summer job

I'm 23. These past 5 years have gone by pretty fucking quick.

time has actually sped up the government is not letting people knwo in case of fear

I fucking knew it!
Today I made some vegemiate and toast
But it was cold by the second bite
And also my hot coffee started to go lukewarm and taste like weetbix really fast!
That's it civil war!
As i don't have any major government offices near me I'm off to blow up the local state owned rubbish dump in protest.
If I die in the blast it's because the timer went too fast

Maybe Eisenberg likes working with her. Maybe he is one of us.

Stew and eisenberg will be together again in Woody Allens new movie

He seems to be a stabilising force for her mental drama

we know

thats what 3 times now? why cant that filthy jew keep his hands off her

I fell asleep in the theater when I saw adventure land.
Awful awful movie

This famalama

my name is sam, anyone know how to watch american tv series online in high quality?

Don't worry OP. Anyone who understands this film, understands how you feel.

This movie is patrician-tier for any freshman college-fag. If you're fresh out of high school... This movie is your life.

>inb4 cuck

>my name is sam

John Candy used to be a good family friend of ours.

I love the film, but shit makes me sad when I think that he's gone.

She looks like a meth user in that picture lol


>dude on the right


No she doesn't you just see baggy eyes and pale skin retard

Your tastes are cancerous. You should go.

>mysterious skin
watched it when i was around 13, thought it was gonna be about aliens

Any movie that plays the Replacements and Husker Du and almost shows Kristen Stewart naked is a classic in my book

Honestly did enjoy it though. I like those slice of life movies sometimes that kind of just drift along. It's a nice change of pace from a joke or explosion every 30 seconds