What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>not being part of the unbanable phone posting masterrace
>trying this hard to keep this meme alive
go home, Reddit
Fuck off reddit
Dumping my baneposting folder
Enough with this fucking garbage you autistic piece of shit. I'm so sick of seeing this stupid secret agent faggot posted all the god damn time. I can't see how this could be funny for you, it's pathetic. It is the biggest shitposting I've seen since the early era of this board.
I honestly can't understand what goes through your mind when you post this. I hope whoever is in charge of this website throws you the fuck out. I don't know what takes so long to delete these thread, it can't be happening like this. I call in all these reports and yet nothing happens. You're crashing the quality of this board and you can't even fucking see it. Anyone who enjoys this garbage is a sad, pathetic fuck.
>You're a big guy
>He isn't even that big
What did he mean by this?
>He isn't even that big
For you.
Don't even crash my plane or my son's ever again