Currently rewatching Mad Men and my god does this "woman" look like a man or what?

Currently rewatching Mad Men and my god does this "woman" look like a man or what?

Or maybe it is man whom looks like her.

More than a man than you.

That's a bad picture, I actually thought she was the best looking woman outside of Hendricks and the kids teacher

Nice trap.


No, extremely straight. Creampie fetish, love the thought of busting deep in pussy

you sure sound smart

Trying too hard user

>That's a bad picture
She looks like that in almost every shot, I think it has to do with the on set lighting or make-up because she looks alright in real life.

Joy was the best mad men girl t.b.h.

I think I've got you beat, if anyone here has watched Deutschland 83 they you will recognize this "actress". I legit thought the character was supposed to be a man in drag for a few episodes.


she looks almost like Jane Kaczmarek

thats actually bill hader

she just looks german is all. german women sometimes tend to look like men if you ask me

>not thinking rachel is hot

You people have an 11-year-old's taste in women.

Don't think she was hot, but she was sexy as fuck. Like grown ass woman sexy. She was the best woman for Don.

>Dipping your wick in a jew

Not even once

>ywn read faulkner with her after giving her a good faulking


says it right there

that is because you're not posting her from her best show.