Supergirl BTFO

Likely to be no second season, at least on its current network

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maybe it wont be total shit by that time

So what?

>a girl superhero


I can never again look at her without picturing her riding cowgirl... I am ok with this.

She kissed and is dating a black guy on the show. Shes the ugliest thing that's ever lived and you know it!

no oh god no.........NO GOD DAMMIT OH GOD NO.......................


>How do we tell the world that Supergirl is a strong female who don't need no man?
>Through her actions?
>No no no we need her to make some sort of feminist statement..... And make her love interest a nigger
>"Supergirl's Ratings Have Finally Stopped Dropping" - CinemaBlend

Heh, Super"hurl" (by "hurl" I mean vomit, of course) might not get renewed, eh? I guess a certain something was "ratings "Kryptonite"" then, hm? Heh.

that's not even her...

>Bringing a dead thread on page 15 back to life.
Well done.

she lost over half the audience and want to move her network show to the cw. That might be greatest insult she'll ever experience. She went through the fappening to get stuck in minor leagues.


I meant to say good-cancel it
and by goddammit I mean they might move it CW which I don't want them too...
so goddammit noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>Not getting the film reference.

okay okay...

>tfw jew propaganda gets BTFO by audiences

gee I wonder why..

>Supergirl is blacked
>by some fucking bootleg Jimmy Olsen shitstain

I was never happier in pretending DC doesn't make TV series.

This shit can't be cancelled too soon.

>Cucksquad going deep in paint for fappening sugartits

>no black dude
I approve

>show is expensive
>it looks horribly cheap
I don't want this on the cw

Tyrone BTFO

jesus christ



Charmed had better special effects a decade ago.

>settle this like women

I have no idea why they did the romance plot and had that fucking sex scene but it made me mad

dropped the show and I don´t give a fuck it it ever returns

it wasn´t that good to begin with anyways

>lets shit all over the source material, add new oc donut steal characters who get most of the screentime and make sure the focus is on melodrama!

>Think the "Supergirl is awful" thing is just triggered Sup Forums memeing
>Watch this

Jesus Christ

>this show got good reviews
what the fuck

Hope they cancel it

jesus christ



>female protagonist
>female boss
>black love interest

It ticked all the boxes as far as modern reviewers are concerned

Fuck me, that was hilarious.

>The Flash is about to be knocking down chocolate ass every night soon
Literally no one cares

>Supergirl has a crush on Jimmy Olsen

Iris is a cunt, that's why nobody gives a fuck.

I dropped it a few episodes in. I didn't want her to become my waifu only to see her get blacked


I can't even begin to describe my disdain

Tumblr care. Apparently they're losing their shit because Iris is gonna go back to being white in the movie

Any scene where she isn't Supergirl is near insufferable because her looking adorable is the only draw.

What the fuck? The acting was awful in jst this 4 minute clip, I wonder how this received any good reviews.

Iris is shit though

Patty and Caitlyn were better love interests

Yeah, people have been complaining about black Iris since day 0. And now they're angling for a Jesse Quick/Niggy West relationship.

Based on the fact that the Flash is decent but his SG appearance was shit, the writing and directing are a big part of why it's so bad.

fear of feminist backlash

>do everything that ruined arrow, but in the first season

holy fuck, is there anything worse than network capeTV?

feminism + black guy romance.

This isn't Birds of Prey bad, but how can it have a bigger budget than the CW shows?

CBS has much more money than CW
I don't know on what they spend the budget, though


Sick of kike capeshit writing.

this is just youtube tier bad.....

fucking hell, this can't even compare to shit like Daredevil.


Seriously all the have to do is have Barry fuck shit up while merged with the speedforce that somehow brings Kara to the Arrowverse. And ONLY Kara. Literally everyone else from that cast can go fucking die. MAYBE martian manhunter can come to but it seriously is not necessary to have anyone but her.

holy shit

I love how they tried to do the popular train of people from Spider-Man 2 scene, but failed spectacularly.

Iris doesn't have typical nig features, could easily pass for a half-white (probably is one for all I know)

>yo whauddup G? Didjoo lose your voice or sumthin? Bitch ass nigga, know whamsayin? Shiieet

That superior African seed sure is potent

The pottery is real

Top lel this looks like power rangers

>strong white men save the day

I'm okay with that

>The Flash is about to be knocking down chocolate ass
You say that like it's an upgrade or a good thing. I have news for you user they are not really made of chocolate. They don't taste or smell like chocolate. Some of them do smell like Cocoa butter tho.

Not really the end of the world. It's just the end of most people caring about her has a person or character. The Supergirl in that show could get run over by a bus and die and I just wouldn't be emotionally involved or care.

>they spent most of their CGI budget on The Flash's movements
It really shows. Lmao

post her lewd neck or git out

How did she not suffocate with those big horse nostrils sucking up all the air?

Jesus Christ, this is Avengers-tier...

>this is absolutely fucking horrible
>still watch because neckfag and the main chicks is 11/10

As long as she keeps getting BLACKED and proudly represent feminism, everything will be fine.

>the main chicks is 11/10

>Not dropping her down to a 1/10 after getting blacked on the show.

i was saying her neck is but ok

why is america so racist? hellcats was cancelled for the same reason

I got news for you.

I was more rustled by super's "stronk womyn" posturing at the beginning than I was by the effects. Fucking rage inducing that libtarded hollywood thinks people actually want to see women acting like chads

Do you honestly think the avengers looks anywhere near as bad as that?


This us Sup Forums tier cinema. At least we have good taste over on redddit

oh hey i screenshotted that exact same thing. It was the only good thing to come out of that fight



nothing against black people but jesus christ that is one ugly motherfucker
Why the fuck would they hire him as a love interest for anybody?

>Supergirl costs around $3 million to make per episode


it looks so fucking bad and cheap

>Iris is a cunt

Hasn't been a cunt for a long time now

Melissa isn't exactly a catch either

That's just one unflattering picture of her.

o rly

>that same sassy black lady showed up in the finale again

use 'em if you got 'em

Really hope CBS just straight up pulls the plug, we could use Jonn though, everyone else get the fuck out.

ya rly

dat belly.

Her forehead scar triggers me tho

Women cant be heroes though

Was she on The Flash? Are they in the same universe? Someone tell me what happened, I havent watched it since season 1

Probably a crossover/crosspromotion episode I guess? I think Arrow and Flash crossed over once too, but I don't actually watch any of these shows. I just come here to read the drama.

What about Gianna Michaels for helping all those guys avoid prostate cancer?

Flash crossed into her universe/show during an experiment, they "teamup" to fight some of her villains then he goes home.

It was really pathetic.

>I think Arrow and Flash crossed over once too, but I don't actually watch any of these shows. I just come here to read the drama.

I'd be upset if I didn't do the same with GoT.

Was it comfy like the Arrow/Flash episodes tend to be or was it forced and awful? Also was the episode on Flash or Supergirl?

I dropped GoT two seasons ago. I still keep up to date with it by coming here.

>Was it comfy like the Arrow/Flash episodes tend to be or was it forced and awful?

It was a Supergirl episode which is why all the effects look shit. And I guess it was ok when he got them all ice cream at superspeed but everything else was awful, Cat making a lame joke about how they all look like the cast of a young adult drama, Jimmy gets jealous of Barry, then they both get saved by the fire department while fighting supervillains.

No joke, Barry says to the female villains "let's settle this like women!..what, there's more of you."

Their race wasn't even half as good as the Flash Smallville one, though at least less homoerotic which still had its own charm.

No homo.

Black Jimmy Olsen killed the show. Jimmy isn't supposed to be an alpha black man, he's supposed to be a white geeky kid. If they wanted a black lead they could have made it another character.