How would you fix it
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Take literally all of the politics out of it. The subplot with Lex and the Senator was so stupid because in the end, Lex got what he wanted without her support. If Snyder took that out of the movie it would still progress in a natural way
Also "M-martha" that can go too, and maybe take out at least twenty religious symbols
give it to disney
Doesn't need it.
You really like bland, soulless blockbusters don't you?
Can't fix what isn't broke
>Get rid of the Martha flashback after the titular fight
>Get rid of that fucking corny dream sequence with baby bruce raised by bats (it makes no metaphorical sense)
>As soon as action starts, have Supes fly Lois Lane the fuck out of there
To build on this, does anyone actually fucking believe Superman just started using guns? Even further
>a whole village is killed Africa, in further news: water is wet
how can you watch an american tv series in HQ??
>remove batman
>give all of Bats motivation to Lex
>replace ZodDoomsday with Zod Bizarro
Movie ends with superman taking bizarro to a new world for him to terraform for all his bizarro friends trapped in phantom zone.
more piss jars
>Recast Wonder Woman
>Put Martian Manhunter in there
>Get rid of Doomsday
>Put in Ares and have him work with Luthor to manufacturing WMD's with kryptonian tech
>Have Luthor talk to Darkseid at the end or have Luthor talk about running for president.
>Also "M-martha" that can go too
>not getting that superman was literally manipulating Batman knowingly
this is why i hate redditors
I would have bribed the critics
Get rid of Wonder Woman. Stop writing Supes to be some emo moping crybaby. Leave in the scene of Lex communicating with whoever he was talking to. Cast someone else for Lex, like Cranston or Spacey.
Get marvel to make it
>Not let a man who said he would have batman prison raped direct it
> profit $ $
Release the original 4 hour cut.
Get rid of fucking Doomsday. I don't read capeshit but there must be something better, right?
A more focused story that actually examines some of the ideas of a world post man of steel.
The first trailer sort of made you think that might be the way it was going but they drop it all very quickly for the standard capeshit universe building, arch villain plots and big silly monsters.
Wonderwoman could go
Doomsday could go
Lex could go.
Just a nice self contained film about two dudes punching out their differences and eventually learning that they'd be better allies than enemies.
Literally all the main complaints (martha, jar of piss, batmanslaughter, not muh supes) are all memes
Execution and editing wise its confusing and the plot threads dont all line up, just dont listen to memes
>supermans powers suddenly dont work when Convienant
Add more rain assault
>put Lex in where he belongs
Eisenberg and the editor mentioned that Lex was ruined by editing, mainly, he was introduced to the plot sooner than he was in the script, let his story flow completely naturally the way they put it in the script
>make clark kent investigate batfleck
show him actually going to gotham and investigating why he has a conflict with this harsh batman instead of just telling perry
>let superman talk a little more
He seemed mopey and a little emotionless, this is fine if you want characters to change around him as marvel does with captain america, however superman's character is still being developed, so you need to give him a little more screen time
just have her show up at the party and leave, then show her on the airport and then save batman, no point in the hackneyed JL intro on Lex's hard-drive
>Lex's hard-drive
If you are going to put it in give more than just a line for him having it("the meta-human thesis- these being represent the basis of our myths") and don't put ww looking at it before a big fight, this tonally ruins it
>Louis and the african subplot
this entire sequence was put in to show that lex knew who superman was from the start of the film, louis needed maybe two scenes with her and the general to understand what was going on.
other than that it was fine
Have Batman say something like "Tell that to Zods snapped neck."
>take out all the JL set-up and Lex
>make the film just about Batman and Superman
>give them an actual reason to fight, and have it last longer than 5 minutes
>more scenes of Superman saving people
>more scenes of Batman being Batman (warehouse)
>How would you fix it
Entire new cast
New vision about the UDCE
And using Crisis on Infinite Earth to start
Yeah, thousands of characters in one great movie
TV and Movie stars form the past and even today in a great movie
You'll need more than that to stop me, Superman!
put a Marvel logo at the beginning
besides the trolling it would've guarantee at least 70% at RT
>Remove African Bullet investigation
>Remove most of Daily Planet stuff
>Remove flash tease
>Move Lex getting access to the ship and Zod's body to after he blows up Congress
>Remove convoy attack sequence
>Remove as much of the spear retrieval dogshit as possible.
Re-edit movie to be episodic. Focus solely on Batman for the first 20-30 minutes. Up to when he heads to Lex's party. In this extended sequence, include all the dreams and MARTHA flash back. Use creative editing to establish that Batman is extremely obsessive. Tell the Knightmare in chunks throughout the sequence, make it clear that it's a recurring dream. Have MARTHA become a recurring motif. So that it's like his obsessive mantra. Make the parallel between the Zod attack and the dead parents clearer by using cross cutting. Use montage theory.
Second episode follows Lex after the party. He does all the Senator shit then, and we cut between him talking with footage from the Superman hero montage, but with ominous music.
Third episodic sequence focuses briefly on Clark as he investigates Batman, confronts Batman, talks to Martha, and decides to do the right and appear before congress. Blows up. Disappears for the rest of the movie until the Batman fight.
Use cross cutting during the fight to cut back to things that he had been up to since the splosion. At the Martha reveal make the flashback considerably longer and more meditative. Include Superman's line from the Knightmare.
Use cross cutting on the 5 different epilogue scenes.
Make the Doomsday fight during dawn for poetry, not at night when you can't see shit
Many other stuff but this is what I wanted to say now
They made it night and rainy to try and make him look more realistic and he still looked like dogshit.
Also trying to shoot an entire action sequence in the golden hour would be insane. More-or-less practically impossible.
>Also trying to shoot an entire action sequence in the golden hour would be insane.
They shot all of it in a green room, they didn't need to actually film it during dawn (even though that would be better)
So, what happened with the R rated version that would fix everything? is gonna be released in theaters some day?
> it makes no metaphorical sense
That's the only sense it made. Do you think it's actually possible to be lifted by bats like that?
edit out 100+ minutes of bullshit
add 30+ minutes wonder woman nudity
>the Dark Knight
>being lifted into the light when that exact cave is where he eventually builds the Bat Cave
>naked skeleton would improve it
The hate the movie gets is a bit absurd. Its fine for the most part
I'd have it
>lex is doing some evil plan
>batman tries to stop it
>runs into superman who is also trying to stop it
>they don't like each other
>blah blah blah
>they become friends to stop lex's master plan
who cares
basic boring flick and people will eat it up
Fire Zach
remove WW
recast everyone but batman
have an actual fucking story
Thanks Autman
Make a BATMAN standalone first then a WW standalone.
this guy gets it.
>Make the parallel between the Zod attack and the dead parents clearer by using cross cutting. Use montage theory.
wait, how?
>Use cross cutting during the fight to cut back to things that he had been up to since the splosion.
so during the fight it cuts back to Lois' balcony scene, Costner of Solitude, Lex kidnapping Lois, Lex's scene on top of the building and then with "Martha" it reveals Lex had her?
That's kinda nice but it still only establishes Clark as a terrible communicator like in the original cut (and Bruce as a paranoid idiot since there was never a real threat from Superman other than him being forced by Lex).
It's hard, the original material has some real flaws
>Use cross cutting on the 5 different epilogue scenes.
can you give an example of that?
>wait, how?
One thing I've tried was just cutting parts of the Flashback into the attack sequence. The gun with the pearls fires right before you see the building start to fall. The building falls, he runs into the dust, cut to him falling down the well, cut back to the story, saves employee, saves kid, looks up at Supe and Zod crashing his satellite, cut to Martha, cut to the first part of the Knightmare where he comes out of the tunnel and looks out at the wasteland. Title card.
I don't think you can fix a lot of the stuff. With the footage provided, I'd say no more half measures. Make Superman the elusive white whale that is only shown as being intimidating and 2001 monolothy, and Batman an obsessive to the point of delusion sociopath that has "broken bad."
>can you give an example of that?
Basically every Christopher Nolan movie. The epilogue feels like they had a Nolan montage epilogue, took it apart, and then laid the pieces out awkwardly, back-to-back. You want the epilogue to build the entire time as one big swelling crescendo, not Batman visits Lex then Batman talks to WW at one funeral then batman is at the other funeral, etc. You need things to overlap, turn a lot of the dialogue into VO so we can see AND hear different things as it all builds to the stupid fucking levitating dirt. They were clearly *trying* to do the TDK/Inception/TDKR ending where everyone says some profound shit and we end on a powerful image that is supposed to be a summation of the movie, but it's just poorly paced and sloppy. In TDKR end, Robin finds cave, cut to Alfred doing something, cut to other people doing something, cut back to Robin going deeper in the cave, cut back to the orphanage opening or whatever, cut back to Alfred in paris, we cut back to Robin turning on his torch, we cut back to Alred, he looks up, we cut back to Robin as the music swells and the bats start swarming, we cut back to Alfred and he's looking at Bruce. Or however
>so during the fight it cuts back to Lois' balcony scene, Costner of Solitude, Lex kidnapping Lois, Lex's scene on top of the building and then with "Martha" it reveals Lex had her?
Oh and I would move Pa Kent dream to first act. Maybe first time we see Superman even. It's explicitly addressing Clark's guilt over the events of the previous movie. Put that shit at the beginning of his story, and it motivates and informs his entire arc. Put that shit in the third act, right before the unrelated climax, and it doesn't do shit other that bring the entire movie to a screeching halt while Pa Kent talks about goddamn wailin' horses. Or just fucking delete it outright.
Also think, if anything, the Lois balcony scene should just be something cut into a Supe montage or something. Really don't care much for that scene. But I am going to fuck around with the idea of cutting away from the action after the MARTHA reveal for like 15 minutes. It may trick the audience into thinking the 180 character pivot is earned if there's more time between when you see it first happen and when they're suddenly bffs.
>cut to the first part of the Knightmare where he comes out of the tunnel and looks out at the wasteland. Title card.
this one is really good. But there could be a problem when later on you establish it's a dream - or how to cut into and away from the scene with the proper tone that it isn't real but real enough to show the real possibility. Tricky
Strip it down, condense it, worry not about setting up future movies.
I want to have the Knightmare be a recurring motif throughout the entire first act. Dole that out in small chunks while he's investigating the White Portuguese and everything. Tie it all up in a pretty bow by having the "she was all I had and you took her away from me" happen right before Alfred's monologue about rage and turning cruel or whatever. Just a 30 minute almost-stream of conscious sequence where we follow Batman as he's essentially gone clinically insane over this recurring dream and obsession with stopping Superman. It all builds to him finding out about Lex and the lines about how he doesn't need to be Batman, he can be Bruce Wayne, and he looks at the batsuit and shit before getting out his convertible and driving to the party. No distractions, lay everything out on the table for each character for the first hour of the movie.
I've considered then going back and following Clark as he leads up to the party, but it doesn't really lead to the party for him. There's not really any reason he's there. I kind of like the idea of basically cutting out all of the clark reaction shots as he watches Bruce sneak around, really cutting out everything before the party and having him just be this dude that Bruce talks to for a minute. Most of his Daily Planet shit can go. They repeat the same "I wanna write about Batman" "no you write about sports" fucking scene like 4 times. You really only need to start explaining what Clark is up to when it comes to him stopping Batman on the convoy assault. Could even try cross-cutting the Clark investigates and argues about the Gotham Bat shit with the actual convoy attack, leading up to him appearing.
Honestly the movie could have been 90 minutes.
>Oh and I would move Pa Kent dream to first act. Maybe first time we see Superman even. It's explicitly addressing Clark's guilt over the events of the previous movie. Put that shit at the beginning of his story, and it motivates and informs his entire arc
I also presumed to just cut it, but this is also good too. Although humanizing Superman too much at first takes away the emotional draw to Batman's POV of fearing this monolith-esque alien object of terror
> the Lois balcony scene should just be something cut into a Supe montage or something. Really don't care much for that scene
this one is a doozy because it really says fuck all about the story or characters.
I don't know how you'd fill 15 minutes between "save martha" and the turn to "now they're friends" (or even how to cut it with Bruce having flashbacks and Lois arriving and Batman steeping away from Clark etc)
Remove WW
Remove Justice League shit
Remove Doomsday
Focus more on batman
Remove superman
Return the rights to Marvel.
>Eisenberg and the editor mentioned that Lex was ruined by editing,
Eisenberg hasn't watched the movie. How the hell would he know?
change nothing, it's not a bad movie just because journalists without integrity gave it bad reviews or because plebs disliked it for its lack of reddit quips
Adapt World's Finest three-parter from STAS
All you really need is 30-40 minutes more of character/world building and if you have to include Wonder Woman, it writes itself.
Seriously, this story is by far the best written "first meeting" of Batman & Superman.
Also, obviously, firing Snyder.
>show him actually going to gotham and investigating why he has a conflict with this harsh batman instead of just telling perry
This is actually in the Director's Cut
Also the Lois and African subplot is expanded on, it was gutted in the theatrical cut
>this one is a doozy because it really says fuck all about the story or characters.
Yeah all it says is "Superman is fucking jaded" but there's never a fucking scene where anyone tells him to get over himself. His mom gives him shitty "do what you want honey" advice. His force ghost dad talks about eating fucking hero cake while horses drown. And Lois is just "aww don't be like that" when he says he's a sham on the balcony. Like there's a line between establishing that your character is conflicted and removing literally any motivation by just having them be a depressed fuck over and over.
>I don't know how you'd fill 15 minutes between "save martha" and the turn to "now they're friends" (or even how to cut it with Bruce having flashbacks and Lois arriving and Batman steeping away from Clark etc)
Yeah I don't really know either. Maybe, having only shown teases of the dead parents flashback, actually kind of do the entire sequence. Throw some dead dad shit from MoS in there or something. Drawin' parallels montage.
remove Snyder
Remove religious symbolism.
Tweak the martha scene, sups says he must save his mother, bats does not believe, bats about to inflict more damage clarks says i thought you were a hero. It gets them to talk.
Also a major plot point should be why is lex finding and branding metahumans (talking to alfred) & it leads to people only come together during a event, he must be up to something big. Enter mother box data cube with lex gaining knowledge.
Remove the spear goes into water part.
Move up Flash film and have the Flash do speed force bullshit to soft reboot the whole DCU.
Maybe just do flashpoint I guess.
>Just a 30 minute almost-stream of conscious sequence where we follow Batman as he's essentially gone clinically insane over this recurring dream and obsession with stopping Superman.
This risks taking away the stakes big time tho. No one to root for during the fight or either lament that they're fighting. Superman should be potentially dangerous. Guy's mom dies and he could simply lose his concern for humans and be more ruthless pragmatic.
>There's not really any reason he's there.
Well Perry is established to be a godawful editor. I don't know why but I presumed it's essentially Perry trying to punish Clark and discipline to show who's boss.
I would cut the goddawful polaroids "justice?" scene in the daily planet - it really makes Clark look like a retard, "who's sending me these, someone is trying to make me angry and go after the batman, i should do that"
>Could even try cross-cutting the Clark investigates and argues about the Gotham Bat shit with the actual convoy attack, leading up to him appearing.
a lot better
>Honestly the movie could have been 90 minutes.
yes and it would probably have a far more precise and stronger emotional punch without shit being so busy and messy. Honestly it's worth waiting for the R rated version as well
remove everything but batman
make a noir film where he does detective work and no evil end of the world villains
Split it up into two movies, since it was basically 2 movies crammed together and haphazardly stitched up
Fuck yeah Martian
Oh yeah and I'm going to call my re-edit
I'm seriously so enthused about re-editing this movie. No movie has affected me like this. You can learn so much more about filmmaking from disasters than successes.
why was it called Batman vs Superman
and not Superman vs Batman
it's "Batman V Superman"
as in "Batman 5: Superman"
>Movie ends with superman taking bizarro to a new world for him to terraform for all his bizarro friends trapped in phantom zone.
That's pretty good
so the fifth Batman movie where they just happened to dump Superman in?
Remove any notion of a fucking shared universe that kills any creativity. Start from scratch and actually adapt the fucking comic book. Recast Batman as Liam Neeson.
That's it. That's your first movie. Now adapt every successful or creative comic from DC. No "cinematic universe" bullshit. Recast as needed for every movie.
This. Plebs don't understand. Even Cavills face changed. Some grade A shit right there
i was joking m8, but it kinda is his movie about dealing with a potential alien God-Stalin
but maybe it is, since Snyder makes it a point to phrase it "Vee" instead of versus.
>This is actually in the Director's Cut
>Also the Lois and African subplot is expanded on, it was gutted in the theatrical cut
good, I liked the film, but I really want to see the dc now
how was he manipulating him? He was literally dying. He could have said before the fight "Luthor wants me to kill you or he'll kill my mother Martha"
Hey you're right. You should definitely direct movies. You really know how to capture the essence of drama.
it was as dramatic as arrowman and widowslut throwing quips at each other
>le mad DCuck
at least some marvel movies have heart and are not endlessly boring disasters like man of steel and batman vs superman...can't wait for the whole DCEU to fail so hard DCucks won't be able to recover from it never in their lifetime
I'm happy with it as-is. I'll be even happier if the director's cut fixes the editing problems.
>marvel movies
> heart
>literally all marvel movies are cynical cash grabs
>man of steel literally the most emotional and full of heart cape movie
>call it heartless
Wew lad.
that's how it should've been, goddammit snyder you fucking hack
every time batman does something he says "batman"
make Lex Luthor less Joker, and more Lex Luthor
not make it
or not name it batman v superman
no david s goyer
zack snyder in any other role except writer/director
re do the 'cameos' or remove them entirely
re do the way they are found as well
superman be superman, perfect oppurtunity to make him not kill people because killing Zod was enough
no doomsday
literally anyone else playing lex luthor
if you want to do batman vs superman you need a better reason than a simple misunderstanding and a better resolution than muh moms name is martha, muh moms name is also martha
What is with these superhero movies having their conflicts start out because of african shitholes?
Even Civil War's plot started because Scarlet Witch blew up some african hospital or something.
>hollywood pushes the idea that blacks are suffering and black lives should matter more
>too in your face, everyone dislikes it/ ignores it
>goddamn racists, we must push the idea that blacks are suffering and black lives should matter more
Have a solo Batman film where he returns to a crime ridden Gotham after his 5+ year absence
Superman doesn't approve of his methods and chases after him in the BvS film
>M-martha" that can go too
Pour yourself a tall glass of drano and pound it bitch nigga
>A reading from the Acts of Man of Steel
>Scene 2:13: Selected passages
>3 And I heard a loud voice from the cinema saying, "Look! Snyder's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and Snyder himself will be with them and be their saviour.
>4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more repetitive or safe or cheap comedy or quips, for the old order of Marvel movies has passed away."
>13 And so they hated him, and persecuted him. The critics crucified him and threw rotten tomatoes at him.
>14 But he persevered and gained strength from the audience, and so we will persevere.
>15 And he stands by the right side of the spirit of Kino, and draws inspiration from it, and so will his followers.
>22 During the filming of the port battle at Batman v Superman, Snyder was found wandering along the port.
>23 In one of such instances he walked on water while carrying an IMAX camera on one hand, which greatly terrified his cast and crew at that time.
>24 Affleck, out of fear, shouted "Snyder, if it is you, tell me to come to the water!"
>25 "Come". Snyder said.
>26 Affleck stepped on the water and walked for a few feet but then sank. He cried out "Snyder, hast thou forsaken me? Save me, oh dear brother!"
>27 Immediately Snyder reached out his hand and caught him.
>28 Snyder exclaimed, "Bin Muhammad Afflecki, why did you doubt?"
>29 And so the heretic one vowed to spread the word.
Make Wonder Woman's suit more visibly red and blue. That's it really. Not much else to complain about.
Marvel Studios
And be brave enough to show her twirling at some point, even if it's not to change costumes.
man of steel solo film, then a batman solo film with wonder woman, dawn of justice (different plot, supes and batsy already know each other, doomsday can stay), then a justice league film.
release 2 by year, with different production teams and a head of quality (NOT SNYDER, use the nolan connection, he is good at cutting and keeping things short just give him more WB movies if he keeps the DCEU in check)
In 2 years they could have released the entire build up for the universe, gaining momentum + hype.
slow down after the 1st JL movie, doing stuff like suicide squad, swamp thing, etc.
The piss jar was the best bit in this movie. Not saying there needs to be more piss, just that type of humor.
>inb4 quips
But I wasn't laughing with the movie, user. I was laughing at it.
>>inb4 quips
BvS was full of quips, they just all sucked.
>BvS was full of quips
Okay, user. Provide evidence then. Name every single quip in the movie.