>hey Amber wanna cuddle
Hey Amber wanna cuddle
Other urls found in this thread:
>come to bed
>of course
Good thing she's a lesbian.
If I were as pretty as she is, I'd probably be attracted to myself.
The smell would be much worse than how he looks, the man doesn't wash and is apparently quite rank
why is depp such a douche
wasnt he cool in the 90s?
now he says one word a second like he thinks everything out of his mouth is interesting and prophetic. pretentious cunt.
Not to mention he puts on that fake fucking accent.
Is this like a remastered Nosferatu?
Werner Herzog's remake. It's fantastic. Klaus Kinski gives possibly the best performance of any actor ever in it.
This is really hot, but there's something very awkward about it.
>but there's something very awkward about it
Because It's not for you
some girl actually sent me a few videos like that even though we had already broken up like 5 months earlier
Hitler is such a bitch to nosferatu
just shane my teeth up
what are you waiting for mate? upload them
This happened years ago. MSN era and all (although she sent them with a shitty mobile phone). I don't have the videos anymore.
>hey ambwer we hab the same handwiting
>ambwer why awe you wawking away
This meme has gone too far.
Just kidding. It hasn't gone far enough.
>landing strip
dick status: MUH
>why does Australia RUIN everything?