Dear Americans

If you ever got a son, would you get it circumcised? Why?

No, it's a practice here that needs to die.

You are a good man.

Ever heard of phimosis? Why does everybody overlook this. Its not just a religious practice.

"You can get ingrown fingernails too, but we don't cut off babies' fingertips to prevent it. There are more civilized ways of dealing with phimosis.

only because women seem to prefer the way circumcised dicks

Sure there's medical reasons for it, but Americans just do it for the fuck of it, never for any good reason.

highly unlikely, but really I care about what the trend is for his generation so women his age don't think his dick is weird

even if it were still common at that time, I probably wouldn't because WTF America

phimosis can easily be fixed overtime with stretching, there's no coming back from being cut

Until theyre husbands get erectile dysfunction at 40 because they're dicks are desensitzed to shit

You do have to cut the fingernails though
Sounds fucked up
I dont know. I guess if its to tight and you're a growing child it might hinder growth? Eitherway in most cases they dont cut all of the foreskin.

It doesn't hinder growth that's retarded. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution put it there for a reason

No, he can decide what he wants when he's old enough. It's a bullshit decision to make for someone else.

yes, because its healthier

yes, to make sure he doesn't become a cuck

>unnecessary penis mutilation
>invented by jews

No. No need an don't want them mutilated. They could easily shower and clean themselves. Also I can't be guilted for it


Yes :)

Yes it's been around since the time of Abraham

Depends on the case. Was impossible for me. I got cut at age 8.

Like wisdom teeth?

Not that I'll ever have a kid but if I did the barbarism would end with me.

No, it's a dying practice that serves no purpose anymore since showers exist now

I would have to learn alot more about circumcision. right now I have a rudimentary idea (jew stole my penis har har) but I don't know why it was done to me or what it's usually done

Anomaly which only exists because some ancestors lived when they probably shouldn't've.

The foreskin exists for a reason y'know, I think I'd rather lose a finger than give it up

fuck no

Because I was circumcised. I'm tugging when I can to try and get something back. It's an atrocity.

Women are fucking stupid cunts here anyway.
>Marrying an American woman
Please, do you expect me to stick my dick in a needle stack looking for a strand of hay? I mean, sometimes it happens but still.

why not? I don't remember it being done to me and I'm fine with it

A simple ointment got rid of my phimosis as a kid. No rabbi sucked the blood off the tip of my mutilated penis.