Marvelcucks on suicide watch!

Marvelcucks on suicide watch!

How old are you ?

How old was Jesus when he was killed by the Jews?

>4th all-time

For a DC cuck life is suffering.

I was going to see this movie but I had Ant Man turning giant spoiled for me from fucking toy ads.

>looking at toy shit

your fault

>behind t4

Guys, don't engage in company wars

i wouldn't see it anymore desu that was the only saving grace this boring piece of shit had.


>Civil War has had universal critical acclaim
>Somehow not raking in the cash

Thank you based Hack Snyder, BvS not only killed the DCEU, but all capeshit.

tfw it was his plan all along

>Deadpool will be the best capeshit of 2016

It has made 200 million in opening weekend when it was still not released in USA.

Wait, how does that even make sense? He's got the same mass regardless of his size...

comic science nigga, he just gotta toss some jibba jabba atcha

>taking sides on any capeshit brand in a desperate attempt for excitement in your meaningless lives
Holy fuck is there anyone on here who actually pays their own bills and isn't a child?

>why don't chinese people love captain america?

are you really confused about this?

Where is Star Wars on that list?

>Ant Man turning giant

How the FUCK is this a spoiler? It's one of his powers.

yeah chineses prefers anime, so?

i don't understand fanboy culture at all
why can't you watch whatever you want without identifying with a certain corporation?

Did BvS completely fuck up the hype for Civil War? Leading up to BvS there was tons of hype for the movie then after it came out you heard fucking nothing about civil war

I mean the only commercial I saw for it was that weird pizza hut commercial

>Trying to appeal to China niggers with a movie called "Captain America"

oh I get it Financial Crisis it's like Final Crisis

still doesn't really explain why Bruce would go all the way over thereā€¦ so what if his building fell why not just get your Bat toys and go there in the first place

DC fans are rewriting the movie and still are failing at it