Hey Sup Forums I want $800 what would be a believe able scam on go fund me?

Hey Sup Forums I want $800 what would be a believe able scam on go fund me?

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Just get a job, like me

Bump cause I wanna do the same thing

>believe able

Brother. You don't have the smarts or the communication skills to be a conman.

You're asking me to actually work for money? That's a bit much

Take out a bunch of loans and move to mexico, pay somebody to give you a new identity an move back with left over funds.

Say you want to make a youtube channel
Make a sob story about abuse as a child.
Pick a mental disorder
Make a sob story about parents mistreating you and your disorder
Say you're gay and you parents kicked you out for it.
Say your unemployed/living with a friend
Say you want to just make people and kids happy so they can experience some joy when you had none.

Just pick a few of these, ive gone with youtube channel, gay, unemployed with friend, want to make children happy and got 400 but ive never been a good actor

Kek, just noticed

I saw a "homeless" person drive out if a Wal-Mart parking lot with a Mercades. Pretend to be homeless in a populated area.

you could try working for mca, its a shitty scam job, but if your good at conning people,taking advantage of desperate people, and using social media you coul make some good money. Theres this fag called rolo adente always going on bout this shit.


How about you stop being a lazy nigger and work for it like most normal people do?

Pick pocket

Bit coin mining? But not actually bit coin,some alt coin, bit coin takes too much time unless you already have high end equipment.

Trans.... you fill in the blank

you can pretend u were invovled with the orlando shooting that should money op


claim you're getting harassed by men for supporting women



Typical Brexit supporter.

Claim to be a Nigerian prince