Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren
Darth Maul

I think Darth Maul would have the edge, and my stupid cunt gf thinks Kylo Ren would win

Who do you think would win, Sup Forums?

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from what we've seen maul

Maul probably. Seems to be a lot more battle tested and fully trained.

maul because he wasn't created by jews

I think you should dump her retarded girlfriend

Maul since he was trained by the Emperor

maul, because he doesn't have a lightsaber with training wheels

Maul, because check these dubs

Kylo. Maul is a cuck and only knows Force Push. Kylo has based Force powers to freeze people in place. And before you go >muh beaten by an untrained Rey, Maul was killed by a Padawan.

..right after killing a fucking master jedi

maul took on two jedi knights at once, kylo got best by a girl

As a duelist, Maul stomps Ren into the ground.
As a force-wielder, I'd say (from what we've seen) Kylo comes out on top.

Maul was an apprentice of sidious, so they were technically both in training in that instance, the only thing is Kenobi was filled with that latent force energy

>Maul was killed by a Padawan.

kek, Kylo Ren was defeated by A CHICK with zero fucking lightsaber training

he was injured, senpai. disney is hiding his powerlevel.

>Maul was killed by a Padawan.
True, literally right after he solo'd Qui-Gonn, a full-fledged Jedi master


Plebs say Kylo

i know his power level is high, i just want to see it. since he was injured he should have made quick work of her. he should have chopped her arm off 5-10 seconds into the duel

>ywf based rian brings back dismemberment

>Maul was killed by a Padawan
>Forgetting Maul was still alive 3 years prior to episode 4

Depends on the saber

That clearly wasn't bothering him a few seconds earlier

Kylo Ren was injured and Rey didn't kill him. Maul got sawed in half. That being said, Maul would probably win due to having the gayest lightsaber

>gf thinks

I believe I've found your problem.



Maul at this point, but in a few years and some more training kylo would rek

Kylo is anikin reborn right? so if he can control his power and stuff he would be unbeatable

maul was created for the neckbeards to make fanfictions and stuff

>disney is hiding his powerlevel
he was busy checking his power level

He had to take into consideration that he was born stronger naturally therefore had an advantage, so by scaling his power back he allowed her the same privilege as himself

The Nose Knows

TFA fags know nothing about Star Wars. Pain fuels the Dark Side and gives them strength, similar to an adrenaline rush. That's why you see him punching his side.

Maul's pretty good at killing girlfriends.

He was really force powerful too eh?

How old is maul and how long long has he trained?

I think it'll be the same as his brother:
>Trained warriors from birth
>Chosen through a gladiator type deathmatch
>Witches imbue them with some magical energy (not sure if Force or Magic), which makes them even stronger and more bloodthirsty
>Handed off to a Sith for the actual Sith training.

In the old EU he was 22 for Episode I, which would make him like, mid 30s at the point of that webm, and early 50s for rebels.

He didn't get bigguyified though, I think

Nah, only Savage had nightsister magic. Maul was just given training from birth, and handed off at a super young age.

The nightsister magic is why Savage is so much bigger and beefier than Maul, without it, he's pretty similar in build. That's also why Savage's wounds have that green mist shit.

by episode 9 kylo will be stronger

I think that just Savage Oppress (fuck that name btw) got magic'd, Maul was just naturally a perfect specimen.

By episode 9 Maul would probably be in his fuckin 80s

But he's still stronger though, because Maul is actually Snoke

Ah ok

Kylo Ren is about one billion times more interesting than Maul, but Maul would probably win in a fight. But that's not considering the progress Kylo is probably going to make.

>Maul is actually Snoke
snoke is palpies master or palpie himself

Kylo could barely stand up to a janitor and lost to a chick who till moments ago didn't know she had the force. Without a doubt maul

he needs to learn how to control his anger/hate, it gives him alot of power but no focus

Darth Maul would kick Kylo Ren's ass. First of all, he a Darth. Secondly he's trained which Kylo obviously isn't because he needs to 'complete his training'. Plus Maul has a more badass lightsaber.


gif related, actor who plays him knows his shit.

Who knows? We've never seen Kylo fight when he wasn't fucked up physically and mentally.

Kylo Ren fucking sucks at the dark side though.

He probably fights better using Jedi techniques. That's what he trained in for at least a decade with Luke until he went dark just a few years before TFA.

palpy killed his master
i like that snoke is a sith holocron

You're right, that's such good, effective swordplay

bring him back desu. maul standalone and make it ooze with sith relics and temples and make it a fear R fest

Even if Kylo is more talented in the force, Maul is an amazing swordsman.

Maybe if Kylo finished his training. He is Vaderblood afterall

Based Ray Park

Maul is OUR generations Boba Fett, fuck Captain Plasma

Kylo didn't immediately kill an untrained non-Force user. Then when he only knocks Finn out, not even killing him, he gets out-Forced by a girl who has only known about lightsabers for like a day, who has never even had a master Jedi to train her to use her powers, and is practically crying in temper tantrum rage while running away from her.

Maul took on two Jedi at once. He killed a Jedi master. He got a little bit greedy and toyed with his food, that was his downfall. But, canonically, he didn't even die that day and went on to get robot legs.

If you think Kylo is anything other than an angst-filled edgelord, you're delusional.

Maul is a fully trained sith lord operator. Kylo is not and would lose to pretty much every force user from the pt.

This is intentional though as pt era was the height of force users and saber specialists. I don't even know why anyone would compare the two.

Maul would trash Kylo but considering Kylo can freeze lazers i'm guessing he'll be op as fuck in 8. The power creep is real

Maul took on a jedi knight and a jedi master. Simultaneously.

>Maul is OUR generations Boba Fett, fuck Captain Plasma

>Barely says anything
>Dies like a bitch
>Falls down a great height
>Loved by faggots
>Resurrected in fanfiction EU shit

Yup, checks out.

EU no longer exists faggot

It's a pity they didn't follow Max Landis idea for the final, it would've felt more satisfying if kylo was fucking with them / trying to kill himself and they just got lucky.

>scaling his power back
>"I was only fighting at a fraction of my full power"

When did Star Wars become an anime?

Also if that is the case why didn't he just scale his power foward when she started to kick his ass

>darth maul
>beaten by relatively untrained person in their early 20s
>kylo ren
>beaten by a relatively untrained person in their early 20s

TCW is still canon, Maul has shown up with robo-legs in post-Disney-buyout material, his survival is 100% canon.

>a relatively untrained person in their early 20s
Kenobi was about as trained as you could possibly be for someone in their early 20s, he was almost literally trained from birth, and was barely younger than Maul himself.

Hard to say after they had Kylo Ren freeze a blaster bolt in midair. Until that, force powers seemed pretty balanced after they scrapped the EU

- holds a blaster shot in midair for 5 minutes with ease.
- is able to extract information using the Force, something Vader somehow was unable to do to Leia.
- Remember all those times in the movie when Han pointed out how powerful Chewie's bowcaster is? It's because it's fucking powerful. Kylo took a hit from it and still managed to fight despite the damage. Finn's wielding of the lightsaber isn't a stretch given how he was trained from birth to be a stormtrooper, and they aren't the laughing stocks they used to be in the original trilogy. As for Rey, the force fucking awakened. She's a prodigy, much like Anakin and Luke (who also had very little training but still managed to beat Vader after a short time with Yoda and and even shorter time with Obi-Wan). If you think it unlikely that someone who can hold her own with a staff and was (as the theory stands and is probably true) a Jedi trainee who allows herself to be a conduit to the Force can't defeat someone who was shot with a bowcaster and received some damage fighting Finn? Come on.

In terms of physical fighting, we haven't seen Kylo fight at his peak in a true lightsaber battle, so Maul probably has the edge, but not in terms of overall Force power.

Probably won't happen. Rey's going to kick his ass even more in Episode VIII because muh stronk wymn

>implying she won't get rekt
>implying she isn't losing her left hand
calling it now boys

>gets grazed by a bowcaster shot on the side
>somehow loses strength and one of the reasons why he lost to Rey

>gets chopped in half and falls 200 feet
>fights sheev

>implying disney will ever tarnish their new tiara princess
>implying she won't be an even bigger mary sue in the next one

>when did sw become anime

When ep1 introduced power levels in the form of midichlorians.

If they fight, i think she'll lose in 8 but it won't be a brutal loss like losing her hand because woman but a moral loss, like someone dying. Because muh lowest point is in the 2nd movie formula.

grazed? hahaha. No.

This guy sums it up pretty well:

-I'll give you the holding the blaster shot, but obviously this trilogy has a different take on the "logical" ability of the user's Force. As you pointed out, he was able to hold the shot, but even wounded he couldn't out-Force Grab a complete amateur who had not practiced with it previously. So that's pretty sad.

-Leia likely had some Force strength in her, hence the ability to put up a fight. Kylo got nothing from Rey (if I remember right) but again, she for some reason is a Force master already. Extracting information from Poe is likely no tough feat for anyone with Force powers.

-Stormtroopers likely receive no lightsaber training as they're super, super unlikely to ever see one except in the hands of a Sith lord or Jedi, so Finn's wielding of the lightsaber, and not dying immediately, is a stretch. Rey may be a prodigy, and she *may* have received training, but it's training she doesn't even remember and obviously as a child likely wasn't too full throttle. Luke didn't beat Vader "after a short time", he got his hand cut off trying.

-"Holding your own with a staff" against sand people =/= being able to fight (even a wounded) Sith trainee. They're totally incomparable.

While it's true we haven't seen Kylo "at his peak", they're being pretty inconsistent with his strength I'd say. And right now, he seems like a terrible fighter.

>Luke (who also had very little training but still managed to beat Vader after a short time with Yoda and and even shorter time with Obi-Wan
Luke had been training for fucking years, specifically to beat Vader, before he could beat Vader.

Luke was fucking useless as anything other than a pilot until Return of the Jedi.

blow it faggot, it counts.

You're forgetting that Kylo literally hasn't been trained himself. He only knows a few parlor tricks and relies almost exclusively on intmidation. It's arguable that Finn has considerably more combat training than Kylo. Basic training in the use of melee weapons will naturally give you some capability with a lightsaber. Kylo was swinging his around like a weeb with a katana. He doesn't actually know how to use it beyond being able to predict his opponent's movements to a degree.

>You're forgetting that Kylo literally hasn't been trained himself.
>Trained under Luke for years
>Trained under Snoke for ~6 years

Come on, user. That's completely wrong.


The OT was pretty anime, too. Luke had a training arc and everything.

does she think kylo would win in a "lol i don't really care about star wars but i like him more so i guess i'd say kylo" kind of way or in a "i've really thought about this and considering the abilities we've seen from both of those characters i think kylo has the edge over maul" kind of way? because if it's the former your girlfriend isn't really into it and isn't interested in debating who would win in a fight between 2 fictional people.



Kylo lacks tactical thinking.

I love Ray Park.

lucas was a weeb we all know this.

however, shit like
>main character is a girl with amnesia
>learns techniques in mere moments with zero explanation or understanding
>overpowers main antagonist on first try effortlessly
there's probably more examples but star wars has been turned into shit tier shonen

even his badass moves can't make that gay light saber look good

definitely maul. kylo ren's lightsaber skills alone are inferior to maul's. maul fought a jedi master and his above average apprentice by himself for what must have been more than a half hour, killed the master, AND managed to win his final duel with an angry obi-wan who was on his fucking game. kylo got shot in the gut and that was enough to weaken him to the point where a non jedi could get a hit on him and a girl with newly discovered force powers could beat him.

I just hope that there's an EXPLANATION as to why she was able to do that shit.

And maybe in the next episode, she gets challenged, as well as having her arse handed to her.

It just doesn't look good getting twirled around like that. It looks like it should be used for heavy swings like Kylo does.

don't forget the pottery of star wars. in the second episode of the trilogy, the main protagonist has to bite off more than they can chew in a fight and get their ass kicked, likely losing a limb as well. this movie has to end on a darker note as well.


Does anyone think Kylo is going to be strong as fuck in the next SW?

We only really saw him fight after he was blasted in the side of the gut with a laser blast from Chewbacca. Then, only after he was emotionally spent spent from killing his father and hit in the shoulder by a sabre strike from Fin, he had fight Rey.

I estimate he was only about 50% in that sabre duel with Rey.

I bet he wrecks shit in the next film after more training with Snoke.

it doesn't even matter if there's an explanation, it's lazy story telling, something that wasn't a part of star wars
>the movie was originally supposed to start off with luke's hand and saber floating in space and landing on jakku by chance
proof that they were not able to pick up where ep6 left off. literally fanfiction at this point, being made up as they go

he was already strong as fuck. we never saw anyone use the force the way he did: freezing blaster shots, freezing people in their steps and motions entirely, instant mind reading
and then all of a sudden he's no match for non force users

>he was already strong as fuck
Get shot in the stomach with a lazer and then hit in the shoulder with a light saber and we will see how strong you are. He was severely physically injured. No way he was more than 50% in that duel.

Maul is a level 30 sith monk, who was trained from birth.

Of course he'd win.

>Finn, a fucking janitor having more training than Kylo, who trained under Luke and Snoke

How was he able to detect and block the blaster bolt from Poe, literally freezing it in mid air, but not the bowcaster bolt, which arguably travels slower?

Yet another plothole from Jew Jew Hackbrams

because in one case he was in the middle of a battle scenario ready 4 that shit, and in the other he just killed his father and was having a mental breakdown

A buddy of mine said that he saw Kylo Ren take his shirt off in the shower and he said that Kylo Ren had an 8 pack, that Kylo Ren was shredded.