When was the last time you saw a movie in 3D?

When was the last time you saw a movie in 3D?

It has been years for me.

Resident Evil Afterlife. It was touted as being a movie that used the same 3D technology that Avatar used and Avatar blew my mind.

Good 3D could not save the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters from being terrible.

I see everything in 3D

The Finest Hours. Not 'cause I wanted to see it in 3D, it was just the only showing. Fucking hate 3D.

In Kinovision

I have only seen Avatar and Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3D. What are the chances?

I've seen two 3-D movies. The Final Destination in 2009 and Captain E-O in 1989. I suppose I'll see my third in 2029.

top lel

Star Wars 7. I end up seeing most big movies like that in imax 3d because my friends like it.


>mfw I'm blind in one eye

>having friends

Force Awakens.

I normally don't though. Made an exception for it since it I figured it would be made decent and worth the price of admission and I'd never see it again like that.

I used to see them all the time when I had a cheapo dollar theater near me. The minorities in my area fucked that up though by dropping their kids off to dick about every day and go room to room damaging everything.

So, I see a 3D movie once a year now at best. Most of the time they're not worth it. Force Awakens had some good effects though.

>falling for the 3D meme
>paying more for a worse experience
>paying to feel sick after 30 minutes
>being part of the actual cancer ruining film

you're not missing out on anything.

i wish i was blind in one eye so i didn't have be so enormously disappointed.

>standard theaters suck shit
>want to see spectacle film in imax
>imax 3d is the only option
Fuck this gay earth

you should ask the ticket sellers for 50% off your tickets. you feel me?

does it really affect depth perception?

>tfw Deadpool was in IMAX 2D

Like a motherfucker. Driving with me is a harrowing experience. I don't even get a cool eyepatch, it's a congenital condition.

Wear an eyepatch anyway.

well nothing is really stopping you from buying an eyepatch.

you can do a PUNISHED SNAKE cosplay.

Avatar, actually. It was the only time I actually thought the 3D added to the movie, too.

Hate this shit so much. Ruined Star Wars 7 for me. imax + 3D = neck pain.

>feeling sick
>falling for the 3D meme

When 3D is done right it's pretty good and I'll pay a bit more for it when seeing a movie since I'll be damned if I buy a 3D television and wear glasses to watch it in my home.

Most of the time it's garbage to get you to pay more though and many movies fuck it up horribly.

>part of the cancer ruining film

I give actual releases at a movie theater at best 10 to 15 more years before it's gone and that's on the optimistic side. Theaters will die soon and watching what you want when you want will continue to be the trend.

I'm just enjoying the 3D trend because it's the only thing propping up theaters anymore.

>has the perfect opportunity to wear an eyepatch without being a massive faggot
>doesn't wear an eyepatch

so OP, when did you first realise you loved dick so much?

I WITNESSED Fury Road in 3D about a year ago.

Home 3D is even worse. I think it died though.

just stay away from 3D, the only reason it's still alive is because still foolishly buy it.

7 years ago

have i missed something?

hell no.

There's always been an autistic little part of me that wishes I was blind in one eye just so that I could wear an eyepatch.

Wear an eyepatch.

In the theater: Fury Road (fucking totally worth it).

On my TV, me and the kid watched TinTin this afternoon!

I love the 3D!

>3D ruined TFA
>not the fact that it was a shitty movie.

Battle For Terra

Dredd 3D I think. Don't remember hating the 3D aspect



Ive only ever had good 3D experiences at the theater, but then again Ive never paid for clearly cash grabbed 3d converted shit.

Ive seen Avatar, Life of Pi, Gravity, Prometheus and Tintin in 3D all movies I felt were excellent in 3D. Ive also watched Hugo and Mad Max at home in 3D and found them to work quite well, Hugo especially.

It was great.

>poor/no character development
>logical inconsistencies
>no originality
>can't decide on a main character
>weeny, non-threatening villains
>hamfisted nazi imagery

It's complete shit.

The Hobbit.

Fookin awful m8

Wait you don't wear an eyepatch? Literally the only good part about being blind in one eye, especially when the muscles start to relax and the pupil slowly drifts out

I hate 48 fps

I saw the new Jurassic World in 3D in Germany. It was the only option for that movie, but I fucking hate 3D so I watched it without the glasses.

It wasn't so bad but I did have a bit of a headache afterwards.