Oathbreaker is the name of Brienne's sword, and the episode will definitely feature her.

HOWEVER, I will bet that the title has another meaning as well. Now that Jon is risen, he clearly has gotten out of his vows. Although Thorne and Oli and fags are going to deny Jon his freedom, saying he broke his oath.

Now, who suddenly got a bunch of important leadership moments in the last few episodes??

Edd. I think it's clear that Jon will leave the Night's watch to take Winterfell. Edd is going to be the new Lord Commander, and his first act is going to be sentencing Thorne and his cronies, hopefully Olli as well, to death.

I'll see you SUNDAY NIGHT

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully Jon grows some balls and has Edd fetch him a block

OathKEEPER is Briennes sword.

OATHBREAKER refers to the Umbers. The Umbers were sworn bannermen for house stark, Osha, Rickon and Shaggydog were last known heading to the Umbers. Next episode an umber gives ramsey a "gift" being Rickon, therefore "breaking" there oath to the the starks.

Poor b8, I r8 2/8, pls reb8

>Oathbreaker is the name of Brienne's sword
Are you a fucking retard?

oh yeah. either way still works

Brienne's sword is Othkeeper, not breaker.
But its still a reference to it.

Yeah. I'm retarded because I accidentally slipped up on my Game of Thrones terminology. Either way this shit will happen

thats what I was trying to say

also the gift being rickon ties into the "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell"

I'd be so happy if Edd managed to live until the end of this show.

He's not a main character, but there's fuck all wrong with him and I think he deserves a role of significance.

He hasn't done anything stupid, and I sure as fuck hope D and D don't kill him off for shocks.

They can't even make Sparrow a professional jerker-offer of men in their overtly homo show, fuck them. Made him some little faggit with wildling-killed parents so his faggotry will "make sense". Fuck his shit and theirs. He has nimble crossbow hands due to his skill at handjobs. Canon.

u wot m8?

Maybe Brienne broke her oath and it's revealed she didn't kill Stannis

The sparrow is like a 70 year old man
Wtf you on about you dribbling cunt?
Busy day sniffing paint?

How in the holy fuck did Edd sneak out of the room the Jon supporters were holed up in to recruit the wildlings?

Alliser clearly had a very strong vendetta against Jon and his supporters, the least he could do is post on gaurd to watch the one door they could possibly sneak out of. especially since he knew the Jon loyal wildlings were only a few miles away.

Hack writing at its finest, prove me wrong

Episode 3
>Jon talks with Edd and Davos about what happened
>Dany is brought to the Dosh Khaleen. Jorah and Daario are captured trying to rescue her
>Jamie and Cersei talk about the Tyrells. Jaime encourages Cersei to make peace with them because Doran changed his mind. Qyburn tells Cersei that Littlefinger has been working with the Tyrells.
>Tommen meets with the High Sparrow. Mountain kills some Faith secondaries
>Sam gives Gilly some Oldtown exposition
>Jon pardons Thorne but has the rest of the mutineers killed. Ghost kills Olly. Davos tells Jon that his sister is at the gate.
>Smalljon Umber meets with Ramsey. Umbers are anti-Stark because Jon let the wildlings through. He has a boy, a woman and a wolf with him. Osha says the boy is Rickon.
>Bloodraven and Bran talk about Ned, Cat, Robb and Jon
>Bran has a vision of Tower of Joy. It's 6v3 (not 7v3). Dayne uses two swords from the start of the fight. Eventually it is Dayne vs Ned and another northerner. The other guy kills Dayne and Ned rescues his sister but she dies in childbirth. Ned promises to raise the child.


So where's Theon going? To Winterfell or to Pyke?

He left before the conspirators found them.

Edd leave rigth there after entering the body, maybe 5-10 minutes after he died. Allister and the fags split after killing Jon and regroup in the morning.


This sounds real, is it a leak?

based edd

such an underrated character

Same source as pic related

I swear i remember seeing Edd in that room with the Jon supporters and Davos hinting he should go get the wildings

i thought the same thing

Why can't you /got/ fags keep this shit in your general? You cried like babies for it back, stay there.

The reason for the Umbers defecting is fucking stupid. Jon is named Snow for a reason, so what if he let the Wildlings through? What does that have to do with House Stark? They would hand over Rickon to their enemies because some bastard at the wall made a decision they didn't like?

ask Dabid, he wrote it

>Ghost kills Olly
The absolute madmen. I don't care what else D&D do to the show, this redeems it.

My gay personal theory is we'll see TOJ, Promise Me Ned is that Lyanna made Ned promise to tell Jon about his parentage and didn't out of loyalty to Robert/keeping peace etc.

It makes sense if you read into it more faggot,
the Umbers are aware of the obvious shift in power in the north and realize that the Boltons are going to be the new power house. They were just looking for an excuse to jump ship to be on the winning side in the north, and letting the wildlings through was the perfect opportunity.

I bet your a dumb enough literalfag to think that Roberts rebellion was caused solely by Lyana getting kidnapped as well?

He promised to keep Dany safe m8

That's retarded
Fuck off dabid

Hotpie is the big twist of TOJ, he is our one and true azor ahai, all the signs are there look into it you fucking scrublord

keked and rkt
why so mad cause you cant use your own intuition to fill in the very obvious gaps the show assumes you can?

Dabid confirmed for 2smart4u

not thicc enuf

i hope not

Jon needs to have changed, and his first act needs to be killing some fags so plebs know he's a little fucked.

would've liked edd to go with Jon since the NW is fucked now anyway

that was before alliser had the meeting.

>Jon pardons Thorne

>Ramsay killed his mother in law, a Frey
>A Frey who married Roose Bolton, the Warden of the North, to wed their houses together so that the Late Lord Frey can spread his influence/get northern wenches
>Walder Frey was shown in the trailers toasting what looked to be a lot of Lannister soldiers
>Roose warned Ramsay about the dangers of facing a fully armed and provisioned Lannister army
Could Walder Frey be the wildcard this season? I kind of missed his dickery (no pun intended) these last few seasons, and it would give the audience a chance to froth over the prospect of another event as dramatic as the Red Wedding.

dabid stop

>Walder takes Manderly's story and makes ramsays 20 good men into pies

I'm curious as to what went through your mind to think that Brienne would name her sword Oathbreaker?

Oh you're in high school
That's fantastic

This season will end with Bran Stark bringing Lyanna stark to the future

at least I am smart enough to connect the dots to the true intentions of the Umbers defecting to the Boltons, instead of crying about bad writing like an autist.
If you cant even catch that I can't imagine how much of the series has already gone over your head


First of all, the name of Brienne's sword is oathkeeper.
Also, Thorne and Olly can't do shit cause they're locked up in sells.
But yeah Oathbreaker must have a deeper meaning.

It's about Ned breaking his oath to Lyanna and not protecting Dany

I lol'd hard thanks user

>brown hair
fucking showfags

But Cersei has golden hair in the books. She's only blonde in the show

>golden hair isn't blonde hair
U fokn wat m8?

it's light but it's not blonde

.... and


Fuck I miss first season.

>dat file name

Oathkeeper is Brienne's sword. However, the episode is called OathBREAKER because it will be revealed that Brienne broke her oath to kill Stannis, and he is still alive

fat walda and roose jr. send their regards

...and who are you....

>Ned rescues his sister but she dies in childbirth. Ned promises to raise the child

Is this in the book? Is Jon actually a Targaryen?

shes hot as fukkk much more than when she was thin

yall betas are fucking crazy

Do you think Robert Baratheon in his prime could have had a good shot at beating Gregor Clegane in a fight?


No. Robert wasn't a particularly skilled fighter, he was just tall and strong in a way that was far above average, and trained.

Clegane is basically Robert at his peak times 3. Bobby B would be fighting a superior version of himself, and would lose.

Shut the fuck up son, you know it.

she high test now damn

Brienne broke her oath by letting stannis live

Ahh yes goof thinking. I also think it may refer to a situation where jon no longer is tied solely to the nights watch

>it's an "Olly gets mutiliated episode"

D&D forgot how many children Cersei had, its not like they would remember that one.

Pyke to do stupid Ironborn shit

No because now fucking Ramsay is in charge, if Roose was still boss I could see it making sense because at least people respected him in a fashion, even if they didn't like him

Its going to be Lyanna

>It's a be a guard and watch your lord get murdered while you stand by and do nothing episode.

>implying the Umbers won't play double agent and rek Ramsay's shit

Trust me I'm GRRM

>It's a Ramsay Bolton's Power Hour episode

Gregor sucks just as bad at fighting, he's just a massive cunt who can throw a claymore around with one hand. Would be a mostly even fight considering Robert killed Rhaegar and Gregor could only have a tie with Oberyn

I've seen this before with Edd becoming the 1000th Lord Commander, but here's a more plausible reason.

Sansa will arrive at Castle Black and reuinite with Jon. This is where Jon tell's Sansa about the White Walker threat and how the Night's Watch will only end up making the army of the dead grow. So Jon will tell Sansa as the rightful Lord of Winterfell to disband the Watch and release everyone of their vows.

The reason I say this is because I think Jaime will be released of his Kingsguard vows from Cersei/Tommen. We've seen him in Lannister armor leading an army, so clearly he's ejected from the Kingsguard so that he's allowed to be away from the King.

Now with the Night's Watch disbanded, they will choose to follow Jon in the war against the Boltons. Edd will stay at the Night's Watch to watch over when the army of the dead arrive at the Wall, where he will send a raven to Winterfell and notify Sansa Stark to call the banners and march against the army of the dead.

But.. But.. Rickon is in Skagos... Davos is going to get him to the Manderlys so that the Manderlys will support King Stannis

>Ghost kills Olly.
>Ghost kills Olly.
>Ghost kills Olly..

>a tie
He lost to Oberyn. Only won because Oberyn was a hothead who decided to give a speech in the middle of a duel.

He was wearing Lannister armour after he stabbed Ned in the show, it means nothing
I only meant they both died

Oberyn lost, your excuses dont change that.


>Tyrells and Lannister siege the sept
>Mace Tyrell is the oaf
>the sparrows break his shit


You're off the table ash well


>Lannisters and Tyrells share bread for 50 minutes.

It's not Oafbreaker people it's LOAFbreaker. This is clearly a Danny episode.

All hail the queen of burgers.

this meme is bad
I disaprpove this meme

>The reason I say this is because I think Jaime will be released of his Kingsguard vows from Cersei/Tommen. We've seen him in Lannister armor leading an army, so clearly he's ejected from the Kingsguard so that he's allowed to be away from the King.
You're full of shit

yeah she will overeat and the last 5 mins will be sunset finding her shitting

Am I the only one hoping for rickon to still be with the skagosi and that the gift for ramsay is either theon, sansa, stannis or mance. I'll hold on to that until next weeks episode.

Tell me about Dayne, why does he wield two swords? A lot of loyalty for a kingsguard.

She should change in her title the breaker of chains to chairs.

Perhaps he's wondering why someone would call him the sword of the morning when he has 2 swords?


Can anyone confirm if they are still going to go ahead with prequels to this? It be awesome if they create spinoffs and movies, I love got. Back in the day I heard they were thinking about doing robs rebellion.