Star Wars sucks

How is Kilo Ren gonna get beaten by some foot soldier for the first order and some scavenger who has the force but has no training?

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It's a commentary on the futility of the white male's attempt to rule over women in 2016.

Damn bro...

i'm done with this world

is Madeline Stuart Iggy Azaleas real name?

Maybe it's saying if men aren't complete faggots like Kylo Ren women won't trample over them. Hidden masculine values?

not likely

Poor Travis.

Is this shit fucking real, can anyone confirm

Makes sense that faggy kid from The Road would hook up with the lowest tier female possible.

I don't understand, what's wrong with this pic?

Surely this only works if the girl is hot and the normal kid is being cucked by the retard?

She could also be black

>Robbie isnt black

I'd bet $1,000 her boyfriend is gay.


noone can escape the



Kylo Ren is just a shitty Jedi I guess?

Also, the First Order has a HUGE, highly-trained army, but they always get rekt in these movies.

I don't know what everyone is on about with these movies, they don't seem that good

He's really downs on his luck.

It's real fám


>19 posts
>no 'chromazoned again'

cmon son


Isn't it kind of, I don't know, manipulative and fucked up for a normal person to date an obviously mentally ill girl?

She's retarded not ill faggot, have some respect

Same shit, faggot. She's obviously not on the same level mentally. This shit is just weird.

Negro. Kilo ring was dying from getting shot and wasn't at ful, power. And Daisy Ripley was using the force to become a good light sabresest

so she doesn't deserve love/dick?

god, you people can be so heartless

It's not the same thing desu
Mentally ill are people who are schizophrenic, depressive, bipolar, etc.
Mentally retarded are people with low intellect.


The proof Kylo was merely toying with Finn. P.S. It's like poetry

What if your son or wife's son started dating that retard? I'd be completely understanding if he was with an ugly girl or a fat girl, whatever. Dating a retard, though? There's a a few shitty reasons a young ugly kid might want to fuck a retard but I'd consider that maybe he's with her because he thinks she'd be easy to manipulate. I'd do some serious soul searching if I realized a kid I raised thought it was fine to fuck retards.

>can't even potato tard girl


Is that what's going on?

I think it would be more cruel to have a tard child and then having to pair them up with another tard so they can mate.

I hate women so fucking much.

She clearly has had Jedi training before, though.
Remember the flash backs?
Were you even paying attention?

They aren't fucking

This guy knows what's up

Truly space kino

Daisy Ridley needed to show her cock

>tfw even tards find someone to love but you can't

No bother there. Male tards are sterile. Female tards can breed though

So the article says that the other guy is also a retard, just not downs. Probably extreme autism or some sort of cephaly.

i date stupid as fuck girls all the time.

Shallow Hal wants a gal

>she posted a photo on Instagram of her in a loving embrace with Robbie, who also has special needs.

Relax guys, he's retarded too.

Why she look like Iggy Azalea?

Why don't you post this in the cancerous generals?
Yeah this thread sucks, but your shitposting could have a purpose in the GoT thread.

LMAO Travis looks better than Robbie!

fuck off black boi

same guy?

Kylo is going to have his own growth arc. In the next movie, he will finish his training, making him crazy powerful. All hope will look to be lost for the good guys.

Then the third movie will be everyone working to stop him.

Blacks know better than to fuck mongoloids.

>mfw when some autistic guy on Sup Forums finds all the pottery throughout the new trilogy
>mfw Sup Forums does a one eighty on the movie and everyone shits on the prequels again

Blacks would be extinct if that were true.

the prequels will have more pottery though

It's illegal to fuck someone who is considered a vulnerable adult in the US, unless you share a similar malady and have the consent of the person's ward. It's effectively a form of statutory rape

What up with woman always wanting to date above themselves.
Even RETARDED Potato woman ?
Top Fucking kek

No they are not automatically sterile.
>low intellect.

Why don't mixed kids inherit genes from their white side?

That bitch on the left has her mother's face and you think asian manlets get as tall as the guy on the right?

They do, look how pale she is compared to her father.

To be fair Kylo was injured by chewys bolt blast so he wasn't nearly 100 percent. Shit maybe barely fifty.

lmao @ her life in 6 months when he finds an actually cute girl and stops doing the "be nice to a retard" thing and dumps her like a sack of bricks.

Watch that pathetic swine come crawling back to travis then.

>asian mum on the step

kek, that's pretty cut

>how do you want your grandchildren to look?

>implying he's not tainted now

If you knew a hot girl was gulping down retard semen for 6 months, would you want to date her after?

and yet a 15 year old can't consent even with parental consent.

if she is 'dating' retards I would guess town bicycle is her normal disposition.

>daddy caught yellow fever in vietnam and brings the cure with him
>mommy is trailer trash so she dates a negro
>negro dad's funny gaze

this picutre is pure gold

Fuck I didn't notice him at all. Kek

>6 movies about Anakin's life
>he dies, fulfills his prophecy
>it doesn't even matter and episode 7 starts where 4 did

This upset me the most.

>Momy is trail trash so she dates a negro
>Calling a Master Sergeant a Negro
Kill yourself you stormweenie faggot, fucker has done more in his life than you ever will.

We call than an RDJ

WHAT THE FUCK. I dunno whether to laugh or cry. Lost a mouthful of food in the process.

they look like fucking eggs

This thread is shit.


That's pretty based.


you really expect me to read-
>scroll down
-oh this faggot again


>Sup Forums - Television & Film

this board goes from 2/10 in the day to 0/10 at night

The fuck does TIFU mean? today I fucked up?