strategic blowjobs
Strategic blowjobs
By fucking the right people
By going on whatever talk show and saying she loves anal
By appealing to the Zionists' meticulous agenda of moral degeneracy to create more easily controlled sheep that are beholden only to their baser instincts
my god, it's a wonder she doesn't have MORE roles given how many directors' cocks she can take at once.
this is the only answer. She is okay as a host but not as a legit actress.
Good looks and a a willingness to bend over.
being in a blockbuster summer movie doesn't mean shit unless you're the lead and getting paid big bucks for it. They probably hired her because she was cheap.
She sucked a lot of cock
she was on the daily show and she was absolutely terrible
she was on Chuck with only a handful of lines and it was worse than fucking cancer
I want to know exactly what do they have her doing? Is it full BDSM with hooks and chains? No plain vanilla sex could be worth that acting risk
Say whatever you will about her but she is undeniably a 10/10 and attractiveness is a woman's only value
10/10 10 years ago
now she's like a strong 6 by hollywood standards. her vagina must completely blown out by now too.
hardly if all she gets is tiny jew dick
she isn't and never was a 10/10. 8 at her prime.
Can't stun the Munn.
That's pretty good for 35 or whatever she is.
She's an open butt slut, she laughs at uncut dick and she blew Brett Ratner the fuck out.
OK in my book.
Man, this movie just keeps getting worse and worse.
And anal
She straight up panders to geek culture when there really is no such thing. The fact that she's part of the spearheading of nerdiness as a trend, especially without the years of social alienation is really annoying. All she's trying to do is get awkward kids to think she's attainable and she creates a safe image to back that up so she won't be considered an "adult" model/actress. Her lack of nude pictorials shows how she is trying to court men of all ages to pine for her.
lotta butthurt virgins in this thread
I recommend bio oil for those anal fissures
Fuck this bitch. She was the worst part of Attack of the Show. Glad they replaced her stupid ass, sad to see that she's supposed to be playing a British character. What the fuck is going on with casting directors and fucking over British actresses? Can someone explain this to me?
She was never a 10 and sure as shit isn't now.
i have to give her props, i can't imagine how many she had to go through when the director likes his boy pussy
> thinking baginas get """blown out"""
Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You must be underage, retarded, or a someone who has never watched pornography, much less read a medical book.
> pornography as your argument
>medical book
I will never forget her fappening folder.
Her fucking in a nurse costume, I need that in my life
Did you blow out your butthole from taking large shits?
> porn
> medical book
Might as well tattoo virgin on your forehead
Actress brithish fuck american director.
Sucking dick
pic unrelated?
So does Aaron pay her? Or is she just sticking with him for publicity?
That's from having kids you spastic
I want, no, need her to shit in my mouth
She's in it for the free publicity, which she gets from the sports world. He gets a cute beard and everyone is happy.
liking putting your weiner in a butt makes you easier controlled? does each thrust lower your mental resistance or something?
Average Sup Forums user
>muh Jews
Take ur meds
unless you have a dick the size of a human baby, i wouldnt worry about it
geez Olivia, 5 wieners!?
I literally do
we all do. it just depends on how premature the baby was.
Shut satan, you are a liar!
Its the weight of a newborn, but they tell me that's the lead poisoning.
Why do faggot millenials think it's cool to talk like this?