Don't worry senpai, I'm just saving capekino.
Don't worry senpai, I'm just saving capekino
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Punisher was the true savior of Season 2, thank you Netflix for ordering a Punisher spinoff, I need this in my life.
Elektra can suck a fuck.
Does Marvel not care that they made Daredevil look like he has down syndrome?
How could they okay this costume?
My only problem is that the horns are too close together, making the front seem small compared to his head
Hewwo Nobew
pretty shallow too
True, not enough jolly rancher rape, ham fisted portrayals of old legends, and mom conversations for me. Not kino
The writing and acting is always just kinda B tier
Learn English
plenty of filler instead
Is he a v-vampire?
>tfw we'll never see Blade and Morbius
Not with those season finales you're not.
Frank's storyline in the last two episodes was worse than all the dumb ninja shit combined.
If anything is holding this show back its Foggy's actor and the season finales. It's still a good show but it could be way better.
Best Marvel Universe content so far. That's not saying much.
which punisher film should I watch?
Daredevil gets the shit kicked out of him every episode, gets gutted or stabbed completely through his body, but still keeps to his no kill policy (except for zombie Nobu). He's perfectly justified using lethal force for defense against guys trying to kill him with guns, swords, and chains.
Its not like he's Batman killing smugglers to steal from them.
I still think Ray Stevenson is the best Punisher, but War Zone suffered from bad guys that were too cartoony. I don't buy Jane as much, but there's no denying he's been in the best Punisher movies.
fisk/castle/wesley best
everyone else worst
The punisher **and brief Fisk scenes** were the saviour of season 2
All the stupid Ninja shit was garbage
Don't forget Kingping will mess up with him in the next season.
Which episodes is Punisher in?
Do I have watch the previous non-Punisher episodes to follow them?
I agree and I can't believe it. How much of a fuckup do you have to be to make ninja the least interesting part of your show? I mean jesus christ.
Elektra literally ruined the season. shit actress, shit storyline, cringe writing..just all around terrible.
Link to punisher episodes plz.
This costume looks sick as fuck and everyone who disagrees can bend me over and stick it in gently